
edit20 - Crop Prontuary
- 201 - Group crops
- 202 - Topics, Units and Valuations
- 21 - Crop Prontuary - Data
- 22 - Crop Prontuary - Valuation
40 - Pathogens
- 41 - Pathogens scientific name
- 42 - Pathogens - Taxonomy
- 43 - Taxonomy - Pathogens
- 43 - Pathogens synonymous scientific name
54 - Agricultural Pharmacology
- 541 - Active substances - Properties
- 542 - Properties - Active substances
- 544 - Crops - Pathogens
- 545 - Crops - Pathogens - Active substances
55 - Fertilizers
71 - Tropical Pasture Prontuary
91 - Pan-European Agricultural Products Dictionary
- 911 - Classification of agricultural products by groups
- 912 - Spanish - European language
- 913 - European language - Spanish
92 - Web agrochemical companies
93 - AgroWipedia