Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Recreation/Triathlon - Advanced

Triathlon - Advanced
General Conference
Skill Level 2
Year of Introduction: 1956

1. Have the Triathlon Honor.

Instructions and tips for earning the Triathlon honor can be found in the Recreation chapter.

2. Developing a training schedule for yourself.

(If you already train regularly, all the notes here are moot, otherwise, here are some thoughts).
It is often said: If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.
  • You should take the time to sit down and create a training schedule. Since you are attempting this Advanced honor, you should already have some knowledge about what training you need.
  • Sit down with a calendar and determine on which days of the week you can put time aside for your training.
  • Decide what type of exercise you need to work on. For example, do you need to improve something specific in swimming, or, do you need to keep current with swimming? Do you need to improve your transition time? Do you need some road time on the bike? Do you need to run? Cross-training?
  • Commit yourself to this schedule, and follow it.
  • And do not forget to: Enjoy!

3. Keep a training log for two months.

  • After developing a training schedule from above, this requirement should be easy.
  • A log is a diary. You track your daily activities, how you are feeling, how the training went, and like a diary, you go back and review what you have done and how you can improve for the future.

4. Participate in an Advanced Triathlon as a solo participant, where the triathlon is similar to

as a solo participant - this means that there is no relay teammates. You have to do all of the three sports yourself.

a. Swim—1.5km

  • Swimming is usually in meters, so, 1500-meters (1640.42 yards, or 0.93206 miles for the non-metric folks)

b. Cycle—40km

  • That's 24.8548 miles (for the non-metric folks).

c. Run—10km

  • That's 6.21371 miles (for the non-metric folks).

d. within 4.5 hours.

  • YOU can do it!

