Adventist Adventurer Awards and Answers/Environmentalist

Helping Hand

Recite Genesis 1:26. Explain our role in protecting wildlife.

Genesis 1:26 (NIV)
Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground."

Discover your responsibility to helpcare for God’s world.

List three animals that are endangered and explain why.


List three birds that are endangered and explain how you can help protect birds.


Study endangered trees in your area. Plant or adopt a tree.


In your area

a. What causes pollution, and list ways you can prevent pollution.
b. Investigate how and why the pollution happened.
c. Explain how you can keep from polluting water.
d. What dangers threaten the quality of air.

Participate in one of the following community activities to help clean the environment

a. Take part in Earth Day events
b. With your group help clear the trash from a roadside or stream
c. Help collect paper, cans or other materials for recycling.

Earth Day Creation Lapbook Lapbook Cover

Creation worksheet

He got the whole world

He made me

All about me

Creation memory match 1

Creation memory match 2

External Resources


Adventurer Manual -

Bible NIV -

Endangered and Threatened Species of Texas -

Texas Endangered Species Activity Book-