Adventist Adventurer Awards and Answers/Delightful Sabbath

Delightful Sabbath

Read Exodus 20:8-11, Isaiah 58:13-14, and Isaiah 66:22-23 and answer the following:


What day of the week is Sabbath?


Saturday, the seventh-day Sabbath.

What is the first word of the 4th Commandment?



Whom does the 4th Commandment say created everything?


The Lord Your God.

Will the Sabbath ever cease to exist? Explain.


No. It is a sign of God's blessing covenant forever.

Based on what you read, why should we look forward to the Sabbath?


Discussion based answer, several great answers will be supplied by the children!

Decorate a Sabbath box and place items inside that will help make your Sabbaths more enjoyable. Some examples are:


Sabbath boxes are those places where children store special games and activities that can only be used/played with on Sabbath. It may be a rubbermaid/clear storage box or basket. The goal is to create something that they look forward to opening on Friday evening.

Bible stories books


List of Sabbath activities


Clay or play dough to illustrate Bible stories


Christian activity books


Your ideas


Complete two or more of the following projects that can be added to your Sabbath box:


These activities should be family-based activities with a simple report to the person “checking off” the requirement.

Start a mini scrapbook or photo album to save special Sabbath pictures and memories in.


Decorate a small votive candle holder with beads, gems, or other embellishments to be used on Friday night to welcome in the Sabbath.


Make a Sabbath banner.


Start a Sabbath sermon sketchbook to record notes and small drawings for at least 2 sermons that you attend.


Make a Sabbath door hanger to use as a reminder of Sabbath.


Make a Sabbath/Creation-themed mobile with colorful beads and nature items


Tell a friend some of your favorite things about Sabbath and show your Sabbath box to them.


This may be a simple “pair-share” activity. Pair-shares have the two partners face each other (sitting preferred, criss cross applesauce!). The leader asks the question, then each person has about 30 seconds to answer the question. RAPID paced questions are essential to the fun!

Have a “Welcome Sabbath” get together on Friday night with some friends, Adventurer families, or your own family at home.


Have a vespers at the church where all the kids bring their Sabbath Boxes and demonstrate/share something their family is using out of the box to make Sabbath special. Other ideas include: having a Friday evening “traditions of our Friday night” meal together. Each family brings an item that is/will be a family Friday night meal tradition. Celebrate the intentionality that families are doing to help make Sabbath special for their children.