Keyboard Shortcuts in Director

Toggling Windows These commands open and close specific windows in the Director 8 interface.

The Mac version is first, followed by the Windows equivalent.

Open/close Stage: Command-1 Control-1

Open/close Control Panel: Command-2 Control-2

Open/close Cast: Command-3 Control-3

Open/close Score: Command-4 Control-4

Open/close Paint window: Command-5 Control-5

Open/close Text window: Command-6 Control-6

Open/close tool palette: Command-7 Control-7

Open/close color palette: Command-Option-7 Control-Alt-7

Open/close Field window: Command-8 Control-8

Open/close Digital Video window: Command-9 Control-9

Open/close Script window: Command-0 (zero) Control-0 (zero)

Open/close Message window: Command-M Control-M

Open/close Markers window: Command-Shift-M Control-Shift-M

Open/close Tweak window: Command-Shift-K Control-Shift-K

Open/close Align window: Command-K Control-K

Open/close toolbar: Command-Shift-Option-B Control-Shift-Alt-B

Open/close Debugger window: Command-' (single quotation mark) Control-' (single quotation mark)

Open/close Watcher window: Shift-Command-' (single quotation mark) Shift-Control-' (single quotation mark)

Open Font window while Text open: Command-Shift-T Control-Shift-T

Open/close Behavior Inspector: Command-Option-; Control-Alt-;

Open/close Text Inspector: Command-T Control-T

Open/close Property Inspector: Command-Option-S Control-Alt-S

Open/close Vector Shape window: Command-Shift-V Control-Shift-V