Ada Programming/Environment

Several options exist for providing an environment for the development of Ada-language programs. Some useful environments are listed below.

Ada. Time-tested, safe and secure.
Ada. Time-tested, safe and secure.

Emacs Ada-Mode


Emacs is an easily-customized highly-extensible text-editor. Emacs includes a module for Ada-language support as part of the Emacs standard distribution, called 'Ada-mode'. Emacs is available for many Linux distributions as a binary or source package. Emacs is available as a binary installer for Windows, and is also available as an OS-agnostic source code package. The Ada-mode website includes a description of 'Ada-mode' as well as installation and configuration instructions for different operating systems, including a guide to customizing Ada-mode to personal taste.[1] A mailing list is available at the Ada-mode website for answering questions related to Ada development in Emacs.

GNAT Studio


GNAT Studio (formerly GPS, an acronym for the GNAT Programming Studio) is a fully-featured integrated development environment. It includes support for multiple platforms and languages, and modern programming tools including a language sensitive editor, graphical debugger, automatic code fixing, and support for version control systems. GPS is supported by AdaCore, and comes with a large amount of online documentation, including an online user guide and tutorial. AdaCore also maintains a port of the GUI toolkit GTK called GtkAda, which provides for the development of rich, GUI-based applications with Ada.

PTC's editions of ObjectAda include compilers and tools for various targets, a programmable debugger, a language sensitive editing environment, and also an Eclipse plugin. ApexAda continues the full lifecycle environment offered with this former Rational/IBM Ada.

Ada support in mainstream Integrated Development Environments


There are extensions for mainstream Integrated Development Environments supporting Ada with the GNAT compiler: GNATbench for Eclipse, Ada for VS Code, IntelliJ IDEA, and Ada for Netbeans.

APSE (historical)


APSE is short for Ada Programming Support Environment.[2] APSE was a U.S. Military specification for developing a programming environment that would support the Ada programming language and Ada-related programming tools.


  1. FSF download (download)
  2. APSE (article on wikipedia).

See also


