Ada Programming/Attributes/'Adjacent
editS'Adjacent(X, T) is an Ada attribute where X is any floating point type.
'Adjacent returns the adjacent floating point number to X in the direction of T.
editwith Ada.Text_IO; procedure Adjacent is package T_IO renames Ada.Text_IO; package F_IO is new Ada.Text_IO.Float_IO (Float); X : Float := 1.0; begin T_IO.Put (" X = "); F_IO.Put(Item => X, Aft => 10, Exp => 0); T_IO.New_Line; T_IO.Put ("Float'Adjacent(X, Float'First) = "); F_IO.Put(Item => Float'Adjacent(X, Float'First), Aft => 10, Exp => 0); T_IO.New_Line; T_IO.Put ("Float'Adjacent(X, Float'Last) = "); F_IO.Put(Item => Float'Adjacent(X, Float'Last), Aft => 10, Exp => 0); T_IO.New_Line; end Adjacent;
The output with GNAT 4.6 on the x86-64 architecture is:
X = 1.0000000000 Float'Adjacent(X, Float'First) = 0.9999999404 Float'Adjacent(X, Float'Last) = 1.0000001192