Abstract Algebra/Group Theory/Group/Definition of a Group/Definition of Identity

Let G be a group with binary operation

1. Group G has an identity eG.
2. eG*c = c*eG = c if c is in Group G


  1. The identity of G, eG, is in group G.
  2. Group G has an identity eG
  3. If g is in G, eG   g = g   eG = g
  4. e is the identity of group G if
    e is in group G, and
    e   g = g   e = g for every element g in G.


  1. eG always mean identity of group G throughout this section.
  2. G has to be a group
  3. If a is not in group G, a   eG may not equal to a
  4. If   is not the binary operation of G, a   eG may not equal to a