A-level Applied Science/Physics of Performance Effects/Light
You need to know about:
• how light travels.
• the intensity and amplitude of light.
• the relationship between distance from a light source and intensity
• the relationship between the frequency, wavelength and colour
• the three primary colours of light, complementary colours and how they combine
• the production of a spectrum from white light
• lighting effects (silhouettes, shadows, lightning flashes, optical illusions, etc.)
• lighting aids (footlights, floodlights, stroboscopes, dimmer boards, dimmer racks, slide projectors, data projectors, colour wheels, mirror balls, lasers, etc.)
You need to measure:
• the reflection of light by plane and curved surfaces.
• the refraction of light by prisms and lenses.
• the use of colour filters
• reflection and absorption of light to colour objects