.NET Development Foundation/Other system classes

System types and collections: Other system classes

Using specialized collections


Exam objective: Manage data in a .NET Framework application by using specialized collections.

(Refer System.Collections.Specialized namespace)

Specialized String classes

StringCollection class - MSDN
StringDictionary class - MSDN
StringEnumerator class - MSDN
Specialized Dictionary classes
HybridDictionary class - MSDN
IOrderedDictionary interface and OrderedDictionary class
IOrderedDictionary Interface - MSDN
OrderedDictionary class - MSDN
ListDictionary class - MSDN

Named collections

NameObjectCollectionBase class - MSDN
NameObjectCollectionBase.KeysCollection class - MSDN
NameValueCollection class - MSDN

CollectionsUtil class


CollectionsUtil class - MSDN

BitVector32 structure and BitVector32.Section structure

BitVector32 structure - MSDN
BitVector32.Section structure - MSDN

Standard interfaces


Exam objective: Implement .NET Framework interfaces to cause components to comply with standard contracts.

(Refer System namespace)

IComparable interface - MSDN

The IComparable interface defines a comparison method that a value type or class implements to create a type-specific comparison method

IDisposable interface - MSDN

The IDispose interface can be used to explicitly release unmanaged resources in custom classes. The consumer of an object can call this method when the object is no longer needed.
The .Net garbage collector releases memory allocated to managed objects when they are no longer used, however, it is not possible to predict when garbage collection will occur and it has no knowledge of unmanaged resources such as window handles, or open files and streams.

IConvertible interface - MSDN

ICloneable interface - MSDN

INullableValue interface - MSDN

IEquatable interface - MSDN

IFormattable interface - MSDN