Computer Ethics: An Overview

To explain computer ethics, we must first explain ethics themselves. Ethics is the set of beliefs about what is right and what is wrong that are shared amongst people that live together in a society. Another way to describe ethics are the social norms of a society. Ethics are not to be confused with morals. Morals are a person's personal view on what is right and what is wrong. Someone may not completely agree with what society finds to be the proper or improper way to carry yourself. Laws are not necessarily linked to morals or ethics, because what people may see as wrong may be made legal by a law and vice versa.

So when it comes to computer ethics, we are talking about the correct and incorrect ways to handle your actions while using a computer. This is especially referred to in the world of business. Computer ethics has become one of the most important aspects of the business world. Companies do not want their employees to behave poorly on the computer on company time. This includes surfing the web, checking private email accounts, video chatting, etc. Since the increase of technology in the past couple years, improper use of the computer has become more prominent at the office.

There are five good reasons that companies and organizations have for promoting good ethics in their work environment:

  1. Gaining the good will of the community
  2. Creating an organization that operates consistently
  3. Fostering good business practices
  4. Protecting the organization and its employees from legal action
  5. Avoiding unfavorable publicity

There has also been five defined characteristics of a successful ethics program:

  1. Employees are willing to seek advice about ethics issues.
  2. Employees feel prepared to handle situations that could lead to misconduct.
  3. Employees are rewarded for ethical behavior.
  4. The organization does not reward success obtained through questionable means.
  5. Employees feel positively about their company.


  1. Ethics in Information Technology George W. Reynolds