Information on Black Holes

   People have been trying to fully grasp the concept of black holes for years.  Lately scientist have been able to find more information regarding black holes giving them the knowledge to help the public understand more too. But because the people are getting more informed on black holes they are also starting to have other questions that scientist are trying to answer. Some of the most popular questions asked are how do scientist find black holes, types of black holes, and what black holes are made out of. 

Scientist can’t directly tell where black holes are located. They have to infer where they are by detecting their effect on other matter such as anything else that is floating in space nearby. NASA Science Astrophysics says, “Most black holes form from the remnants of a large star that died in a supernova explosion.” Scientists estimate that there are as many as ten million to a billion such black holes in the Milky Way alone. Almost all of the black holes can’t even be detected by scientist, that is why we can not know for sure how many there really are.

There are two types of black holes; babies and giants. Baby black holes are estimated to be 10 to 24 times as massive as the sun while giant black holes are estimated to be millions or billions times as massive as the sun says NASA Science.

Most giant black holes exist in the center of galaxies including the Milky Way Black Holes . “Black holes are some of the strangest and most fascinating objects found in outer space. They are objects of extreme density, with such strong gravitational attraction that even light cannot escape from their grasp if it comes near enough.” says Black Holes: Facts, Theory & Definition.

There are three layers to a black hole the outer and inner event horizontal and the singularity. The event horizontal of a black hole is the boundary around it. Once light passes this it loses its ability to escape. Once any particle crosses over it can’t leave cause the gravity is all around it and keeping it there.” The singularity is the inner region of a black hole, its the single point in space time where the mass of the black hole is concentrated.” says Black Holes: Facts, Theory & Definition.

Scientist are all working very hard to figure out more and more about our solar system, and all of the others that are in the universe so they can answer the hundreds of questions that the world has about black holes.