United States Postage Meter Stamp Catalog/GROUP SPE – Specimens
GROUP SPE: Specimens
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- Most, but not all, Specimen meter stamps are faithful to the issued stamp design except for an alteration showing that it is not valid postage. The alteration can be the addition of a word or phrase. "SPECIMEN", "SAMPLE" and "VOID" are seen frequently but "DEMO" and "DO NOT MAIL" are also found. Specimens frequently have a blank or all zeros meter number. They may have the generic "CITY / STATE" in the town mark. They originate primarily at trade shows and similar venues where meter companies promote their products but also are generated in some non-promotional situations.
- In previous editions of this catalog Test stamps were included as a sub-class of Specimens, but they are distinct enough to deserve their own group, Group TST in this edition.
- Note that many more Specimen meter stamp types probably exist than are documented here. New types will be added as they are reported.
Illustration above right: Proofs are occasionally found applied to cards and envelopes with "SAMPLE", "VOID", OR "SPECIMEN" pre-printed or applied by hand stamp. These function as true Specimen stamps but for the purposes of this catalog are not listed. Only Specimens with these markings engraved into the stamp die are listed here.
Illustration at left: Meter company promotional material occasionally contains images of Specimen stamps. Such images are illustrations and not actual meter-printed Specimens. When cut out of the page they can easily be misidentified as actual Specimens.
Sub-group SPE-B – Specimens of Group B stamp types
Type SPE-A(BA1) in 2001 edition
SPE-B1. Pitney Bowes, 1921. [RRR]
- Type B1 with SAMPLE in outline block letters diagonal across the frank from lower left to upper right.
- Permit / Meter numbers: P.0000 / M.0000
- Town mark: normal town and state
- V/F: 1¢ (green), 2¢ (red)
Sub-group SPE-C – Specimens of Group C stamp types
Type SPE-A(CA1)1 in 2001 edition
SPE-CA1.1(1). Pitney Bowes.
- Type CA1.1 with SAMPLE in outline letters diagonal across the frank from lower left to upper right.
- Permit / Meter numbers: 0000 / 0000
- Town mark: normal town and state
- V/F: 1¢ (green), 2¢ (red)
Type SPE-A(CA1)2 in 2001 edition
SPE-CA1.1(2). Pitney Bowes,. [S]
- Type CA1.1 with normal frank but CITY / STATE in the town mark, ornaments at the sides.
- Permit / Meter numbers: 443 / 6632
- V/F: 2¢
Type SPE-A(CA2)1 in 2001 edition
SPE-CA1.2. Pitney Bowes,. [RRR]
- Type CA1.2-3 with normal frank but with SPECIMEN at top of town mark with an arc at bottom.
- Meter number: 7320
- V/F: 2¢ + 1¢
Type SPE-A(CA3) in 2001 edition
SPE-CA2.1. Pitney Bowes,. [R]
- Type CA2.1 with SAMPLE in outline letters diagonal across the frank.
- Permit / Meter numbers: 0000 / 0000
- Town mark: STAMFORD / CONN.
- V/F: 1¢, 1½¢, 3¢
Type SPE-A(CK1) in 2001 edition
SPE-CA4. Pitney Bowes, 1944. [RRR]
- Type CA4 with normal frank but with CITY / STATE in the town mark, ornaments at the sides.
- Meter number: 9654
- V/F: 2¢
Type SPE-A(CB1)1 in 2001 edition
SPE-CB1(1). Mail-O-Meter, 1923. [RRRR]
- Type CB1 with solid rectangle below "PERMIT".
- Meter number: 1038
- Town mark: CHICAGO / ILL.
- V/F: 12¢
Type SPE-A(CB1)2 in 2001 edition
SPE-CB1(2). Mail-O-Meter, 1923. [RRRR]
- Type CB1 with SA, MP and LE stepping across the frank from lower left to upper right.
- Permit and Meter numbers: blank / 0000
- Town mark: NEW YORK / N.Y.
- V/F: 2¢
Type SPE-A(CC) in 2001 edition
SPE-CC1. Mack Postograph, 1923. [RRRR]
- Type CC1 with meter number zero.
- Permit / Meter numbers: 6 / 0
- Town mark: LOS ANGELES / CALIF.
- Two examples known, a cover with two impressions and a top strip with "SAMPLE" hand stamp.
- V/F: 2¢
Type SPE-A(CD1) in 2001 edition
SPE-CD1.1(1). International Postal Supply. [RRR]
- Type CD1.1, SAMPLE in outline letters diagonal across the frank.
- Permit / Meter numbers: 0000 / 0000
- A. Town mark: BROOKLYN / N.Y. (October 24, 1925)
- B. Town mark: NEW YORK / N.Y. (January 1, 1933)
- V/F: 2¢
Type SPE-A(CD2) in 2001 edition
SPE-CD1.1(2). International Postal Supply, 1931. [RR]
- Type CD1.1, VOID in a diagonal panel at the center of the frank.
- Meter number: 000
- Town mark: NEW YORK / N.Y.
- V/F: 2¢
Type SPE-A(CD3) in 2001 edition
SPE-CD2.1. International Postal Supply. [RR]
- Type CD2.1, SAMPLE in outline letters diagonal across the frank.
- Permit / Meter numbers: 0000 / 0000
- Town mark: NEW YORK / N.Y. (large letters)
- V/F: 1½¢
Type SPE-A(CE) in 2001 edition
SPE-CE. Whitlock, 1924 [RRRR]
- Similar to stamps in Sub-group CE this oval stamp has R.G.WHITLOCK at top and SAMPLE INDICIA at bottom. In the center, PRESS / No.19 / PATND. / 8/26/17.
- This specimen has the appearance of being made by a rubber hand stamp.
- Town mark: LOS ANGELES / CALIF.
- V/F: 2¢
Type ESY-B(CH1) in 2001 edition
SPE-CF1. Continental, 1928, or U.S. Postal Meter, 1931. [RRRR]
- Type CF1 series stamp with the center of the frank completely empty.
- The stamp is without date and so cannot be positively identified as a Continental stamp or a U.S. Postal Meter (Sub-group CH) stamp since the frank frames are identical. Continental became U.S. Postal Meter in 1931.
- Town mark: CHICAGO / ILL.
- V/F: 2¢
Type SPE-A(CH1) in 2001 edition
SPE-CF2.1. Continental, 1935. [RRRR]
- Type CF2.1, VOID in diagonal panel across the center of the frank.
- Meter number: 00
- Town marks seen: NEW YORK / N. Y. and ARDMORE / PA.
- V/F: 2¢
Type SPE-A(CG1) in 2001 edition
SPE-CG1. Whitlock, 1930. [RRRR]
- Type CG1, SAMPLE in simple line letters diagonal across the frank.
- Meter number blank.
- Town mark: LOS ANGELES / CALIF.
- V/F: 2¢
NOTE: The promotional cover shown at left is franked by a Whitlock Specimen stamp. The sans-postage frank possibly was struck by a modified postage meter but it has the appearance of a cancellation or a non-metered franking machine stamp.
Sub-group SPE-D – Specimens of Group D stamp types
Type SPE-A(CG1) in 2001 edition
SPE-DB1. Pitney Bowes, 1931.
- Type DB1, VOID in diagonal panel across the frank.
- Meter number: ME[TER] NO. 0000
- B. Town mark: normal town / state
- C. Town mark: normal town and state at top, two ornaments at bottom
- D. Town mark: NEW YORK, N.Y. at top, P.1 at bottom [RRRR]
- V/F: 1¢, 2¢, 5¢, 10¢, 20¢
- a. On tape
Unlisted in 2001 edition
SPE-DB2. Pitney Bowes, 1936. [RRRR, one cover and one cut-out reported]
- Type DB2, SPECIMEN in diagonal panel across the frank.
- Meter number: ME[TER] 0 0 0 0
- A. Town mark: SPECIMEN at top, three ornaments at bottom
- B. Town mark: DALLAS / TEXAS
- V/F: 2¢, 10¢
Type SPE-A(DC) in 2001 edition
SPE-DC(1). National Postal Meter, EKU: NOV 11 1935.
- DC types with SPECIMEN in bottom panel.
- Without meter number
- A. Town mark: normal town / state
- B. Frank only without town mark
- V/F: 1¢, 2¢, 3¢, 6¢, 15¢
Type SPE-A(DC4) in 2001 edition
SPE-DC(2). National Postal Meter, 1934.
- DC types with SPECIMEN diagonal across frank and with NPMco.NO.0000 in bottom panel.
- Town mark: normal town / state
- V/F: 2¢, 3¢
Type SPE-A(DC1)1 in 2001 edition
SPE-DC1.1. National Postal Meter, 1933
- Type DC1, SPECIMEN diagonal across frank.
- A. Meter number: METER NO. 0000
- B. Meter number: METER NO. with solid block
- Town mark: normal town / state
- V/F: 2¢, 3¢
Type SPE-A(DD1) in 2001 edition
SPE-DD1. International Postal Supply.
- Type DD1, VOID in panel with rounded ends diagonal across frank.
- Meter number: NO.0000
- Town mark: normal town / state
- V/F: 1¢, 2¢, 5¢, 10¢, 12¢
Type SPE-A(DD2) in 2001 edition
SPE-DD2. International Postal Supply.
- Type DD2 with zero (0) cents postage value.
- Town mark: SPECIMEN at top, blank at bottom
- A. Town mark: SPECIMEN at top, blank at bottom
- B. Town mark: SPECIMEN at top, VOID at bottom
- Meter number: METER NO. 5510
- V/F: 0¢
Type SPE-A(DE1)1 in 2001 edition
SPE-DE1(1). Pitney Bowes.
- Type DE1 with SPECIMEN at top of frank and no oval around the value figures.
- Meter number: METER NO 00000
- A. Town mark: SPECIMEN at top, arc at bottom
- B. Town mark: SPECIMEN at top, three ornaments at bottom
- C. Town mark: normal town / state
- V/F: .01, .02, .03, .05, .06, .8, .09, .10, .20, .50, 1.00
- a. Impression on tape
Type SPE-A(DE1)2 in 2001 edition
SPE-DE1(2). Pitney Bowes.
- Type DE1 with meter number all zeros (METER NO 00000).
- Town mark: normal town / state.
- V/F: .03
Type SPE-A(DE2)1 in 2001 edition
SPE-DE2(1). Pitney Bowes.
- Type DE2 with SPECIMEN at top of frank and no oval around the value figures.
- Meter number: METER 00000
- A. Town mark: SPECIMEN at top, three ornaments at bottom
- B. Town mark: normal town / state
- V/F: .01, .02, .03, .04, .06, .07, .08, .09, .10
- a. Impression on tape
Type SPE-A(DE2)2 in 2001 edition
SPE-DE2(2). Pitney Bowes.
- Type DE2 with SPECIMEN and three ornaments in the town mark.
- Meter number: METER 85325
- V/F: .01, .01½, .02, .03, .08
Type SPE-A(DE3)1 in 2001 edition
SPE-DE3(1). Pitney Bowes.
- Type DE3 with SPECIMEN at top of frank and no oval around the value figures.
- Meter number: P.B.METER 00000
- A1. Town mark: CITY at top, STATE at bottom, ornaments at the sides
- A2. Town mark: CITY at top, STATE at bottom, without ornaments
- B. Town mark: SPECIMEN at top, three ornaments at bottom
- C. Town mark: normal town / state
- D. Without town mark
- V/F: .01, .01½, 1½, .02, .03, .04, .05, .06, .07, .08, .09, .10, .20
- -1. With AD'L ½¢ PD. reading up between town mark and frank
Type SPE-A(DE3)2 in 2001 edition
SPE-DE3(2). Pitney Bowes.
- Type DE3 with CITY / STATE and three ornaments in the town mark.
- Meter number: P.B.METER 76823
- V/F: .03
Type SPE-A(DF1) in 2001 edition
SPE-DF1. Pitney Bowes.
- Type DF1 with SPECIMEN at top of town mark and arc at bottom.
- Meter numbers: METER NO. 01002 and 01003
- V/F: .02, .03
Type SPE-A(DF2)1 in 2001 edition
SPE-DF2.1(1). Pitney Bowes.
- Type DF2.1 with SPECIMEN at top of frank and no oval around the value figures.
- Meter number: METER 00000
- A. Town mark: SPECIMEN at top, three ornaments at bottom
- B. Town mark: normal town / state
- V/F: .03
Type SPE-A(DF2)2 in 2001 edition
SPE-DF2.1(2). Pitney Bowes.
- Type DF2.1 with SPECIMEN at top of town mark and three ornaments at bottom.
- A. Town mark: CITY at top, STATE at bottom, two ornaments at the sides (01448)
- B. Town mark: SPECIMEN at top, three ornaments at bottom (01189, 01232, 01267, 01298)
- C. Town mark: SPECIMEN at top, arc at bottom (01134)
- Meter numbers with METER prefix
- V/F: .02, .03
- -1. "AD'L ½¢ PD." below frank. (01030)
Typew SPE0A(DF5) in 2001 edition
SPE-DF2.2. Pitney Bowes.
- Type DF2.2 with SPECIMEN at top of frank and no oval around the value figures.
- A. Town mark: SPECIMEN at top, three ornaments at bottom
- B. Town mark: normal town / state
- Meter number: METER 00000
- V/F: .03
Unlisted in 2001 edition
SPE-DF3.1(1). Pitney Bowes.
- Type DF3.1 SPECIMEN at top of frank and no oval around the value figures.
- A. Town mark: SPECIMEN at top, three ornaments at bottom
- B. Town mark: normal town / state
- Meter number: P.B.METER 00000
- V/F: .06
Type SPE-A(DF3) in 2001 edition
SPE-DF3.1(2). Pitney Bowes.
- Type DF3.1 SPECIMEN at top of town mark and three ornaments at bottom.
- Meter number: P.B.METER 01592
- V/F: .03
Type SPE-A(DF6)1 in 2001 edition
SPE-DF3.3(1). Pitney Bowes.
- Type DF3.3 with SPECIMEN at top of frank and no oval around the value figures.
- A. Town mark: SPECIMEN at top, three ornaments at bottom
- B. Town mark: normal town / state
- Meter number: P.B.METER 00000
- V/F: 1½, .02
Type SPE-A(DF6)2 in 2001 edition
SPE-DF3.3(2). Pitney Bowes.
- Type DF3.3 with SPECIMEN at top of town mark and three ornaments at bottom.
- A. Town mark: SPECIMEN at top, three ornaments at bottom
- B. Town mark: CITY at top, STATE at bottom, ornaments at the sides
- Meter number: P.B.METER 55788, 56016, 56176 and 57455
- V/F: 1½, .02, .03
Type SPE-A(DF7)1 in 2001 edition
SPE-DF3.4(1). Pitney Bowes.
- Type DF3.4 with SPECIMEN at top of frank and no oval around the value figures.
- A. Town mark: SPECIMEN at top, three ornaments at bottom
- B1. Town mark: CITY at top, STATE at bottom, ornaments at the sides
- B2. Town mark: CITY at top, STATE at bottom, without ornaments
- B3. Town mark: CITY at top, STATE at bottom, small stars at the sides
- C. Town mark: normal town / state
- Meter number: P.B.METER 00000
- V/F: .01, .02, .03, .04, .05, .06
- -1. AD'L ¼¢ PD. in center of town mark
- -2. AD'L ½¢ PD. in center of town mark
- a. With slogan NO POSTAGE STAMP NECESSARY / POSTAGE HAS BEEN PREPAID BY with arrow pointing down
- b. With directional slug in the bottom of the town mark: 39 CFR 34.65(e)
Type SPE-A(DF7)2 in 2001 edition
SPE-DF3.4(2). Pitney Bowes.
- Type DF3.4 with SPECIMEN at top of town mark and three ornaments at bottom.
- Meter number: P.B.METER 57096
- V/F: .02, .03
Type SPE-A(DF8) in 2001 edition
SPE-DF3.5. Pitney Bowes.
- Type DF3.5 with SPECIMEN at top of frank and no oval around the value figures.
- Meter number: P.B.METER 00000
- A. Town mark: SPECIMEN at top, three ornaments at bottom
- B. Town mark: normal town / state
- V/F: .01, .02, .03, .04, .06, .10
Type SPE-A(DG2) in 2001 edition
SPE-DG2. U.S. Postal Meter.
- Type DG2 with SPECIMEN at top of town mark and three ornaments at bottom.
- Meter number: U.S.METER 1092
- V/F: .02
Type SPE-A(DH1) in 2001 edition
SPE-DH1. International Postal Supply.
- Type DH1 with zero (0) cents postage value.
- Town mark: SPECIMEN at top, blank at bottom
- Meter number: METER NO. 6087
- V/F: 0
Sub-group SPE-E – Specimens of Group E stamp types
Type SPE-A(EA1) in 2001 edition
SPE-EA1.1. National Cash Register, October 1930.
- Type EA1.1 with blank meter number.
- Town mark: DAYTON, OHIO
- Meter number: NCR Meter (blank)
- V/F: — .00
Type SPE-A(EB1)1 in 2001 edition
SPE-EB1.1(1). National Cash Register.
- Type EB1.1 with SPECIMEN horizontal across the center of the stamp.
- A. Town mark: NEW YORK, N/ Y.
- B. Town mark: PHILADELPHIA, PA.
- Meter number: NCR Meter 0000
- V/F: .00
Type SPE-A(EB1)1 in 2001 edition
SPE-EB1.1(2). National Cash Register.
- AS TYPE SPE(EB1.1)1 but "SPECIMEN" is near the bottom and angled up from left to right.
- Town mark: NEW YORK,N.Y.
- Meter number: NCR Meter 0000
- V/F: .00
Type SPE-A(EC1) in 2001 edition
SPE-EC1.1. National Cash Register
- Type EC1.1 with SPECIMEN horizontal across the center of the stamp.
- A. "U.S. POSTAGE" and town line in a font with serifs
- B. "U.S. POSTAGE" and town line in sanserif font
- Meter number: NCR Meter 0000
- V/F: .00
Unlisted in 2001 edition
SPE-EF1.2C. National Cash Register, August 1969.
- Type EF1.2C with meter number all zeros.
- Town mark: DAYTON, OHIO
- Company name: N.C.R. COMPANY
- Meter number: NCR Meter 0000
- V/F: — .00
NOTE: This stamp was affixed to a bulletin distributed by NCR in August 1969 titled "EMIT | Effective Materials Information Transfer" which discusses luminescent inks. The stamp, of course, is printed in luminescent ink.
Sub-group SPE-F – Specimens of Group F stamp types
Unlisted in 2001 edition
SPE-FA1. Pitney Bowes, 1933.
- Type FA1 with meter number all zeros.
- Town mark: WASHINGTON, D.C.
- Meter number: P.B. METER / No.000000
- V/F: 0 00 :
Type SPE-A(FB6)1 in 2001 edition
SPE-FB2.2(1). Pitney Bowes.
- Type FB2.2 with SPECIMEN at top center.
- B. Town mark: Normal town / state
- Meter number: P.B. METER No.00000
- V/F: . 00 :
- a. With hour slug in vertical lines at left.
- b. With Registered mail slogan (three versions exist designated A, B, and B-1 by Pitney Bowes)
- c. With Special Delivery slogan
Type SPE-A(FB6)2 in 2001 edition
SPE-FB2.2(2). Pitney Bowes.
- Type FB2.2 with meter number all zeros.
- Town mark: Normal town / state
- Meter number: P.B. METER No.000000 (six zeros instead of five)
- V/F: . 00 :
Type SPE-A(FB8) in 2001 edition
SPE-FB2.4. Pitney Bowes.
- Type FB2.4 with SPECIMEN at top center.
- Meter number: P.B. METER No.00000
- V/F: . 00 :
- a. With CONTENTS MERCHANDISE slogan, used as an insert in promotional mailings sent to various businesses in 1935.
Sub-group SPE-G – Specimens of Group G stamp types
Type SPE-A(GA1) in 2001 edition
SPE-GA1. Pitney Bowes.
- Type GA1 with SPECIMEN at top of value tablet.
- A. Town mark: SPECIMEN at top, two ornaments and star at bottom
- B. Town mark: normal town / state
- Meter number: P.B. METER 00000
- V/F: 0 00 :
Type SPE-A(GA2)1 in 2001 edition
SPE-GA2(1). Pitney Bowes.
- Type GA2 with SPECIMEN at top of value tablet.
- A. Town mark: SPECIMEN at top, two ornaments and star at bottom
- B. Town mark: CITY at top, STATE at bottom, two ornaments at the sides
- C. Town mark: normal town / state
- D. Blank town mark (not shown)
- Meter number: P.B. METER 00000
- V/F: . 00 :
- a. With postal directional slug at left
Type SPE-A(GA2)1 in 2001 edition
SPE-GA2(2). Pitney Bowes.
- Type GA2 with specimen status showing inside the town mark.
- A. Town mark: SPECIMEN at top, two ornaments and star at bottom
- B. Town mark: CITY at top, STATE at bottom (not shown)
- Meter numbers: P.B. METER 95791 for A, unidentified for B
- V/F: . 00 :
Sub-group SPE-H – Specimens of Group H stamp types
Type SPE-A(HA1)1 in 2001 edition
SPE-HA1. National Postal Meter.
- Sub-group HA frank with SPECIMEN at bottom instead of a meter number.
- Town mark: DC with normal town / state
- Without meter number.
- V/F: ♦
♦ This stamp is known only with value figures: 99 .99 ½
Type SPE-A(HA1)2 in 2001 edition
SPE-HA1.1. National Postal Meter.
Type SPE-A(HA4) in 2001 edition
SPE-HA2.1. National Postal Meter.
- Type HA2.1 with SPECIMEN curved at top of frank.
- A. Town mark: DC with normal town / state
- B. Without town mark
- Meter number: N.P.M.——No 00000
- V/F:
- a. With directional slug
Unlisted in 2001 edition
SPE-HA2.2. National Postal Meter.
- Type HA2.2 with SPECIMEN curved at top of frank.
- Meter number: N.P.M.——No 00000
- TM: BIC with normal town / state
- V/F:
- a. With directional slug reading up at right
Type SPE-A(HB1)1 in 2001 edition
SPE-HB1.1. National Postal Meter.
Type SPE-A(HB1)2 in 2001 edition
SPE-HB1.2. National Postal Meter.
Type SPE-A(HB1)3 in 2001 edition
SPE-HB1.3. National Postal Meter.
Type SPE-A(HB2) in 2001 edition
SPE-HB2. National Postal Meter.
Type SPE-A(HC1) in 2001 edition
SPE-HC1. Commercial Controls.
Sub-group SPE-I – Specimens of Group I stamp types
Type SPE-A(IA1) in 2001 edition
SPE-IA1. Pitney Bowes.
- Type IA1 with SPECIMEN at top of value box.
- A. Town mark: CITY at top, STATE at bottom, ornaments at the sides
- B. Town mark: normal town / state
- Meter number: PB METER 000000
- V/F: . 00 :
NOTE: Only one example of SPE-IA1A is known to exist, and NO examples of sub-type B are currently known. Possibly whatever example(s) were once known to collectors have been lost.
Type SPE-A(IA2)1 in 2001 edition
SPE-IA2(1). Pitney Bowes.
- Type IA2 with SPECIMEN at top of value box.
- A. Town mark: CITY at top, STATE at bottom, ornaments at the sides
- B. Town mark: normal town / state
- C. Town mark blank
- Meter number: PB METER 000000
- V/F: . 00 :
Unlisted in 2001 edition
SPE-IA2(2). Pitney Bowes.
- As Type SPE-IA2.1 but the meter number contains only five digits. This stamp comes from a Model RS machine on display at the 1940 Worlds Fair in New York.
- Town mark: WORLD'S FAIR / NEW YORK
- Meter number: PB METER 00000
- V/F: . 00 :
Type SPE-A(IA2)2 in 2001 edition
SPE-IA2(3). Pitney Bowes.
- Type IA2 with town mark containing CITY at top, STATE at bottom, and ornaments at the sides.
- Meter number: PB METER 100078
- V/F: . 00 :
Type SPE-A(IA3)1 in 2001 edition
SPE-IA3(1). Pitney Bowes.
- Type IA3 with SPECIMEN at top of value box.
- Meter number: PB METER 000000
- A1. Town mark: CITY at top, STATE at bottom, ornaments at the sides
- A2. Town mark: CITY at top, STATE at bottom, stars at the sides
- B. Town mark: normal town / state
- C. Town mark blank
- V/F: . 00 :
- a. With slug at far left reading down: P.B. TESTED -16. This stamp was considered a Test stamp (Group TST) but the document that it was found on shows that it was used as a Specimen rather than for internal testing.
Type SPE-A(IA3)2 in 2001 edition
SPE-IA3(2). Pitney Bowes.
- Type IA3 with town mark containing CITY at top, STATE at bottom, and ornaments at the sides.
- Meter number: PB METER 100719
- V/F: . 00 :
Type SPE-A(IA4) in 2001 edition
SPE-IA4.1. Pitney Bowes.
- Type IA4.1 with SPECIMEN at top of value box.
- Meter number: PB METER 000000
- A1. Town mark: CITY at top, STATE at bottom, ornaments at the sides
- A2. Town mark: CITY at top, STATE at bottom, stars at the sides
- A3. Town mark: CITY at top, STATE at bottom, blank at the sides (not shown)
- B. Town mark: normal town / state (not shown)
- C. Town mark blank
- V/F: ≋ 00 :
- -1a. BLK. / RT. / AD'L. / ⅛¢ / PD. (horizontal)
- -1b. BLK. RT. / ⅛¢ / AD'L. PD. (reading up except for horizontal value)
- -1c. BLK. RT. / AD'L. ⅛¢ PD. (reading up)
- -2. As -1c but ¼ value: BLK. RT. / AD'L. ¼¢ PD. (reading up)
- -3. As -1c but ¾ value: BLK. RT. / AD'L. ¾¢ PD. (reading up) (not shown)
- -4. No value specified: BLK. RT. / AD'L. POSTAGE PD. (reading up)
- a. A2 used incorrectly on actual mail
Type SPE-A(IB1) in 2001 edition
SPE-IB1. Pitney Bowes.
- Type IB1 with town mark containing SPECIMEN at top and stars and ornaments at the sides and bottom.
- Meter number: P.B.METER 000000
- V/F: ≋00≋
Type SPE-A(IB3)1 in 2001 edition
SPE-IB3(1). Pitney Bowes.
- Type IB3 with VOID at top of value box and town mark containing CITY at top, STATE at bottom, and stars at the sides.
- Meter number: P.B.METER 000000
- V/F: 00
Type SPE-A(IB3)2 in 2001 edition
SPE-IB3(2). Pitney Bowes.
- Type IB3 with blank meter number, nothing below P.B.METER.
- V/F: 00
Type SPE-A(IB4)1 in 2001 edition
SPE-IB4(1). Pitney Bowes.
- Type IB4 with SPECIMEN at top.
- Meter number: P.B.METER 000000
- A1. Town mark: CITY at top, STATE at bottom, stars at the sides
- A2. Town mark: CITY at top, STATE at bottom, blank at the sides
- B: Town mark: normal town / state
- C: Town mark: blank
- V/F: =00
- -1. AD'L. ¼¢ PD. (reading up at left)
- -2. AD'L. ½¢ PD.
- a. SEC. 34.66 P.L.&R. below town mark
Type SPE-A(IB4)2 in 2001 edition
SPE-IB4(2). Pitney Bowes.
- Type IB4 with town mark containing CITY at top, STATE at bottom, and ornaments at the sides.
- Meter number: P.B.METER 216816
- V/F: . 00 :
Type SPE-A(IC1) in 2001 edition
SPE-IC1. Pitney Bowes.
- Type IC1 with SPECIMEN at top of value box.
- Meter number: P.B. METER 000000
- A. Town mark: CITY at top, STATE at bottom, blank at the sides
- B: Town mark: normal town / state
- V/F: ≋.00 :
- -1. AD'L. ¼¢ PD.
- -2. AD'L. ¾¢ PD.
Type SPE-A(IC2) in 2001 edition
SPE-IC2. Pitney Bowes.
- Type IC2 with SPECIMEN at top of value box and town mark containing CITY at top and STATE at bottom.
- Meter number: P.B.METER 000000
- V/F: ≋ .00 :
Type SPE-A(IC3) in 2001 edition
SPE-IC3. Pitney Bowes.
- Type IC3B with SPECIMEN at top of value box.
- Meter number: P.B. METER 000000
- A1. Town mark: CITY at top, STATE at bottom, blank at the sides
- A2. Town mark: CITY at top, STATE at bottom, stars at the sides
- V/F: ≋0 .00
- a. With "Parcelmatic" lines at left and slogan at far left "THIS TAPE WAS PRODUCED ON THE PITNEY BOWES PARCELMATIC SYSTEM"
- b. With "Parcelmatic" lines at left and slogan at far left "THIS TAPE DISPENSED ON OUR NEW PARCELMATIC SYSTEM"
Type SPE-A(IC4)1 in 2001 edition
SPE-IC4.1(1). Pitney Bowes.
- Type IC4.1 with SPECIMEN at top of value box.
- A1. Town mark: CITY at top, STATE at bottom, blank at the sides
- A2. Town mark: CITY at top, STATE at bottom, stars at the sides
- Meter number: P.B. METER 000000
- V/F: ≋. 00
- a. With "Parcelmatic" lines at left
Type SPE-A(IC4)2 in 2001 edition
Type SPE-A(IC4)3 in 2001 edition
SPE-IC4.2. Pitney Bowes.
- Type IC4.2 blank at top of value box and with SPECIMEN as the meter number.
- A1. Town mark: CITY at top, STATE at bottom, blank at the sides
- A2. Town mark: CITY at top, STATE at bottom, stars at the sides
- B. Town mark: Date present but without town mark
- Meter number: P.B.METER SPECIMEN
- V/F: ≋. 00
Unlisted in 2001 edition
SPE-ID1. Pitney Bowes.
- Type ID1 with SPECIMEN at top of value box and town mark containing CITY at top and STATE at bottom.
- Meter number: P.B.METER 0000000
- V/F: ≋.00 =
Type SPE-A(ID2) in 2001 edition
SPE-ID2. Pitney Bowes.
- Type ID2 with SPECIMEN at top of value box and town mark containing CITY at top and STATE at bottom.
- Meter number: P.B.METER 0000000
- V/F: ≋ 0.00
Type SPE-A(ID3) in 2001 edition
SPE-ID3. Pitney Bowes.
- Type ID3 with SPECIMEN at top of value box and no town mark circle.
- Meter number: P.B.METER 0000000
- V/F: ≋ .00 ≋
Type SPE-A(IE1)1 in 2001 edition
SPE-IE1(1). Pitney Bowes.
- Type IE1 blank at top of value box and SPECIMEN as the meter number.
- A1. Town mark: CITY at top, STATE at bottom, blank at the sides (value figures with tall triad at left)
- A2. Town mark: CITY at top, STATE at bottom, stars at the sides (value figures with short triad at left)
- Meter number: P.B. METER SPECIMEN
- V/F: ≋0 .00 ≋
- a. With "Parcelmatic" lines at left
Type SPE-A(IE1)2 in 2001 edition
SPE-IE1(2). Pitney Bowes.
- As previous but with SPEC. instead of "SPECIMEN" as the meter number.
- A1. Town mark: CITY at top, STATE at bottom, blank at the sides
- A2. Town mark: CITY at top, STATE at bottom, stars at the sides
- B. Town mark: Normal town and state
- C. Town mark: Date present but without town mark
- Meter number: P.B. METER SPEC.
- V/F: ≋0 .00 ≋
Unlisted in 2001 edition
SPE-IE1(3). Pitney Bowes.
- Type IE1 with CITY at top and STATE at bottom of town mark.
- Meter number: P.B.METER 6876259
- V/F: ≋0 .00 ≋
Unlisted in 2001 edition
SPE-IE1(4). Pitney Bowes. [RR-RRRR]
- Type IE1 with meter number 0000026. All issued meters that produced the IE1 stamp were numbered in the 6000000 series.
- Town mark: Date present but without town mark
- V/F: ≋0 .00 ≋
Type SPE-A(IF1) in 2001 edition
SPE-IF1. Pitney Bowes.
- Type IF1 with SPECIMEN at bottom of value box.
- A. Town mark: CITY at top and STATE at bottom
- B. Town mark: normal town and state
- Meter number: P.B.METER 0000000
- V/F: ≋.00 ≋
Type SPE-A(IG1) in 2001 edition
SPE-IG1. Pitney Bowes.
- Type IG1 with SPECIMEN at bottom of value box.
- A. Town mark: PITNEY BOWES at top and SPECIMEN at bottom
- B. Town mark: CITY at top and STATE at bottom
- C. Town mark: normal town and state
- D. Town mark: CITY STATE at top and CS at bottom
- E. Town mark: Date present but without town mark
- Meter number: P.B.METER 0000000
- V/F: ≋ 0 .00 ≋
Type SPE-A(IG2) in 2001 edition
SPE-IG2. Pitney Bowes.
- Type IG2 blank at bottom of value box.
- A. Town mark: CITY at top and STATE at bottom
- B. Town mark: blank
- Meter number: PB METER SPEC and number. Seen:
- - SPEC1148
- - SPEC1220
- - SPEC1509
- - SPEC1930
- V/F: ≋ 0 .00 ≋
Type SPE-A(IH1)1 in 2001 edition
SPE-IH1(1). Pitney Bowes.
- Type IH1 with SPECIMEN at bottom of value box.
- A. Town mark: PITNEY BOWES at top, SPECIMEN at bottom
- B. Town mark: normal town and state
- C. Town mark: nil
- Meter number: PB METER 0000000
- V/F: ≋ 0 .00 ≋
Type SPE-A(IH1)2 in 2001 edition
SPE-IH1(2). Pitney Bowes.
- Type IH1 with SPECIMEN as the meter number and with town mark containing PITNEY BOWES at top and SPECIMEN at bottom.
- Meter number: PB METER SPECIMEN
- V/F: ≋ 0 .00 ≋
Sub-group SPE-J – Specimens of Group J stamp types
Type SPE-A(J)1 in 2001 edition
SPE-JA(1). Postalia.
- Stamp similar to Group JA but without eagle and inner panel at bottom.
- SPECIMEN at top of value box, POSTALIA 0000 at bottom.
- With three stacked horizontal dashes outside of frank at right.
- Stacks of five wavy lines appear at both sides of the value figures.
- Double circle town mark with CITY at top and STATE at bottom
- V/F: ≋00
- a. With slug SEC. 34.66 - P.L.&R. reading up between town mark and frank.
Type SPE-A(J)2 in 2001 edition
SPE-JA(2). Postalia.
- Very similar to Type SPE-JA(1) but with P. 00000 at bottom of frank.
- V/F: ≋.00
Type SPE-A(J)3 in 2001 edition
SPE-JA(3). Postalia.
- As Type SPE-JA(2) but without the three dashes at far right.
- V/F: ≋.00
Type SPE-A(J)4 in 2001 edition
SPE-JA(4). Postalia.
- As Type SPE-JA(3) but with POSTALIA 0000 at bottom of frank.
- V/F: ≋.00
Type SPE-A(J)5 in 2001 edition
SPE-JA(5). Postalia.
- As Type SPE-JA(4) but with two horizontal bars extending between the top and bottom of the town mark and frank.
- V/F: ≋.00
Type SPE-A(J)6 in 2001 edition
SPE-JA(6). Postalia.
- As Type SPE-JA(5) but the value figures are different, and the stack of five wavy lines at left of the value figures is much narrower.
- V/F: . 00 0
Type SPE-A(JA10) in 2001 edition
SPE-JA1.7. Postalia.
- Type JA1.7 with SPECIMEN at top and small stacked S/A/M/P/L/E at right of frank, and with two wavy horizontal bars extending between the top and bottom of the town mark and frank.
- Meter number: POSTALIA 000000
- Double circle town mark with CITY at top and STATE at bottom
- V/F: 00.00
Type SPE-A(JA12) in 2001 edition
SPE-JA3.1. Postalia.
- Type JA3.1 with meter number POSTALIA 000000.
- Double circle town mark with normal town name and state abbreviation.
- V/F: 0000
Type SPE-A(JA14) in 2001 edition
SPE-JA3.2. Postalia.
- Type JA3.2 with meter number POSTALIA 000000.
- Double circle town mark with SPECIMEN at top and METER at bottom
- V/F: 00.00
Unlisted in 2001 edition
SPE-JA3.3. Postalia.
- Type JA3.1 with CITY at top and STATE at bottom of town mark.
- Meter number 782199.
- V/F: 00.00
Type SPE-A(JA13) in 2001 edition
SPE-JA4. Postalia.
- Type JA4 with solid block replacing meter number.
- Single circle town mark with CITY at top and STATE at bottom
- V/F: 0.oo
Type SPE-A(JB1) in 2001 edition
SPE-JB1.1. Postalia.
- Type JB1.1 with SPECIMEN at top and and small stacked S/A/M/P/L/E at left of frank.
- Meter number: POSTALIAOOOOOO
- Single circle town mark with CITY at top and STATE at bottom
- V/F: ≋0.00
Sub-group SPE-K – Specimens of Group K stamp types
Type SPE-A(KA1) in 2001 edition
SPE-KA1.1. Friden.
- Type KA1.1 with SPECIMEN at top of value box.
- Meter number: F METER 000000
- Double circle town mark with CITY at top and STATE at bottom.
- V/F: ≋.00≋
Type SPE-A(KA2) in 2001 edition
SPE-KA1.2. Friden.
- Type KA1.2 with SPECIMEN at top of value box.
- Meter number: F METER 000000
- A. Town mark: normal town and state
- B. Town mark: CITY at top and STATE at bottom
- V/F: ≋.00≋
Type SPE-A(KA3) in 2001 edition
SPE-KA1.3. Friden.
- Type KA1.3 with SPECIMEN at top of value box.
- Meter number: F METER 000000
- Single circle town mark with CITY at top and STATE at bottom.
- V/F: ≋.00≋
Type SPE-A(KB1) in 2001 edition
SPE-KB1.1. Friden.
- Type KB1.1 with SPECIMEN above value figures.
- Meter number: F 000000 METER
- Single circle town mark with CITY at top and STATE at bottom.
- V/F: ≋.00≋
- SURCHARGES (reading up at far left):
- -1. AD'L ¼¢ PD.
- -2. AD'L ⅞¢ PD.
- -3. AD'L 8/10¢ PD.
Type SPE-A(KB3) in 2001 edition
SPE-KB2.3. Friden.
- Type KB2.3 with CITY at top and STATE at bottom of town mark.
- Meter number: F 041293 METER
- V/F: ≋0.00
Type SPE-A(KC2) in 2001 edition
SPE-KC1.2. Friden.
- Type KC1.2 with CITY at top and STATE at bottom of town mark.
- Meter number: F METER 013925
- V/F: ≋.00≋
Type SPE-A(KD1)1 in 2001 edition
SPE-KD1(1). Friden.
- Type KD1 with SPECIMEN at top of frank.
- Meter number: F METER 000000
- Town mark: CITY at top and STATE at bottom
- V/F: 00 1oo
Type SPE-A(KD1)2 in 2001 edition
SPE-KD1(2). Friden.
- Type KD1 with SPECIMEN at top of frank and with empty town mark and without value figures.
- Seen only with horizontal surcharge at far left: AD'L 8/10¢ PD.
- Meter number: F METER 000000
Type SPE-A(KE1) in 2001 edition
SPE-KE1.1. Friden.
- Type KE1.1 with SPECIMEN at top of value box.
- Meter number: F METER 0000000
- Town mark: CITY at top and STATE at bottom
- V/F: ≋.00≋
Type SPE-A(KE3) in 2001 edition
SPE-KE1.3. Friden.
- Type KE1.3 with SPECIMEN at top of value box.
- Meter number: F METER 0000000
- A. Town mark: CITY at top and STATE at bottom
- B1. Town mark: CITY at top and PROVINCE at bottom, American format date (JUN 10 '81)
- B2. Town mark: CITY at top and PROVINCE at bottom, Canadian format date (10 VI '81)
- V/F: ≋.00≋
Type SPE-A(KF1) in 2001 edition
SPE-KF1.1. Friden-Alcatel.
- Type KF1.1 with SPECIMEN at top of value box.
- Town mark: CITY at top and STATE at bottom
- Meter number: F METER 0000000
- V/F: ≋0.00
Type SPE-A(KG2) in 2001 edition
SPE-KG(1). Friden-Alcatel.
- This is a Type KG1.2 stamp with frank replaced by a design with DO NOT MAIL across the top and wavy line fields at the sides (wider at left) flanking a value box. Below the value box is a meter number.
- A. Meter number wide space between it and the "F" prefix:
- - 8079
- - 8091
- B. Meter number without space between it and the "F" prefix: 6192
- A. Meter number wide space between it and the "F" prefix:
- Town mark: FRIDEN at top and ALCATEL at bottom
- V/F: ≋0.00
Type SPE-A(PA) in 2001 edition
SPE-KH1. Friden Neopost.
- This is a Type KH1 stamp with frank similar to SPE-KG(1) except the wavy line field at right is very narrow and there are no inner frame lines around the value box.
- Meter number: N METER 32015
- Town mark: CITY at top and STATE at bottom
- V/F: ≋0.000
Sub-group SPE-L – Specimens of Group L stamp types
Type SPE-A(LA1) in 2001 edition
SPE-LA1.1. Hasler.
- Type LA1.1 with SPECIMEN at top of frank.
- Meter number: H METER 0000000
- V/F: 00.00
- A. Town mark: SPECIMEN at top and SPECIMEN at bottom
- B. Town mark: solid ring
- C. Town mark: normal town name and state abbreviation
- Type LA1.1 with US POSTAGE at top of frank.
- D.Town mark: SPECIMEN at top and SPECIMEN at bottom
- Meter number: H METER 2212371
- V/F: 00.00
Type SPE-A(LA2) in 2001 edition
SPE-LA1.2. Hasler.
- Type LA1.2 with SPECIMEN at top of frank.
- Town mark: SPECIMEN at top and SPECIMEN at bottom
- Meter number: H METER 0000000
- V/F: 0.00 :
Type SPE-A(LA3) in 2001 edition
SPE-LA1.3. Hasler.
- Type LA1.3 with SPECIMEN at top of frank.
- A. Town mark: SPECIMEN at top and SPECIMEN at bottom
- B. Town mark: solid ring
- Meter number: H METER 0000000
- V/F: 0.00
Type SPE-A(LB1) in 2001 edition
SPE-LB1.1. Hasler.
- Type LB1.1 with solid bar in place of meter number.
- Town mark: DEMO at top and DEMO at bottom
- Meter number: H METER with solid bar
- V/F: 00.00
Sub-group SPE-N – Specimens of Group N stamp types
Unlisted in 2001 edition
SPE-NA1. Pitney Bowes, 2002.
- Forerunner of NA types with SPECIMEN / SPECIMEN across the top.
- Meter number: 00PB000000
- Instead of a town line the bottom line contains POSTPERFECT B711 000000.
- V/F: $00.00o
Unlisted in 2001 edition
SPE-NA2.1(1). Pitney Bowes.
- This stamp design is the result of a B700 model postage meter being reprogrammed at Pitney Bowes to create an impression for use as part of a letterhead from the National Meter Protection Operation (NPMO). Printed in black directly on NPMO stationery.
- Design similar to Type NA2.1 but N.M.P.O. in place of the date below the meter number.
- Meter number: PB9999999. (The issued meters were numbered in the PB65, PB66 and PB85 number series.)
- Town line: ****SPECIMEN**** 99999
- V/F: $00.00o
Type SPE-A(MA2)1 in 2001 edition
SPE-NA2.1(2). Pitney Bowes.
- Type NA2.1 with meter number: PB1234567. (The issued meters were numbered in the PB65, PB66 and PB85 number series.)
- A. Town line: SPECIMEN SPECIMEN 06926
- B. Town line: MAILED FROM ZIP CODE 06926
- V/F: $00.00o
Unlisted in 2001 edition
SPE-NA3.1(1). Pitney Bowes.
- Type NA3.1 with SPECIMEN below wing.
- Town line: MAILED FROM ZIP CODE (blank)
- Meter number: PB0000000
- V/F: $00.00o
Type SPE-A(MB1) in 2001 edition
SPE-NA3.1(2). Pitney Bowes.
- Type NA3.1 with eagle replaced by PITNEY BOWES / DEMO METER with wavy stripes at left and stars above.
- Meter number: PB0000000
- V/F: $00.00o
- a. Without fluorescent dots at right
SPE-NA3.1(3). Pitney Bowes.
- As Types SPE-NA3.1(1) and (20 but with top half of text missing leaving only the fluorescent dots.
- Meter number: PB0000000
- V/F: $00.00o
Type SPE-A(MC1) in 2001 edition
SPE-NA4(1). Pitney Bowes.
- As Types NA4.1, NA4.2, and NA4.3 but with SPECIMEN and outline wing tips replacing the eagle at top.
- Town line: NOT VALID FOR POSTAGE 00000
- Meter numbers reported: PB0001537, PB0001639, PB0010884, PB5508646
- V/F: $00.00o
Type SPE-A(ME1) in 2001 edition
SPE-NA4(2). Pitney Bowes.
- AS Type SPE-NA4(1) but with LOW VALUE above the value figures.
- Town line: NOT VALID FOR POSTAGE 00000
- Meter numbers reported: PB0001657, PB5508646
- V/F: $00.00o
Type SPE-A(LC1) in 2001 edition
SPE-NB1. Hasler.
- Type NB1 with SPECIMEN replacing U.S. POSTAGE at right.
- HASLER in solid letters rather than negative in solid bar at left.
- —DO NOT MAIL— in line below value figures.
- Town line: Mailed From 00000
- Meter number: N011H16100001
- V/F: $00.00o
Type SPE-A(NA1) in 2001 edition
SPE-NC1. Neopost.
- Type NC1 with VOID replacing U.S. POSTAGE at right.
- DO NOT MAIL replacing town line at top.
- Meter number: 24059
- V/F: $0.00o
Type SPE-A(NB1) in 2001 edition
SPE-NC2. Pitney Bowes.
- Type NC2 with SPECIMEN instead of U.S. POSTAGE at right.
- N neopost solid rather than in negative letters in solid bar at left.
- Town line: Mailed From 00000
- Meter number: N046J0006012
- V/F: $00.00o
Type SPE-A(QA1) in 2001 edition
SPE-ND1. Pitney Bowes.
- Type ND1 with SPECIMEN METER replacing the town line in center.
- Meter number: FP0594516
- V/F: $00.00
Sub-group SPE-Q – Specimens of Group Q stamp types
Type SPE-A(SB2) in 2001 edition
SPE-QA1.1(1). Neopost.
- Type QA1.1 with large VOID centered in the "Datamatrix" barcode field.
- This Specimen stamp could be generated by anyone using the "IJ-25" meter model.
- V/F: $0.00
Type SPE-A(SB2) in 2001 edition
SPE-QA1.1(2). Neopost.
- Type QA1.1 with SPECIMEN diagonal inside the "Datamatrix" barcode field and vertical at far right.
- Town line: DO NOT MAIL
- This Specimen is found in Sample "Pinwheel" sheets of four.
- V/F: $0.00
Unlisted in 2001 edition
SPE-QA1.2. Neopost.
- Similar to QA1 Types but the frank is much wider and has five-digit value figures denominated in Euros rather than dollars. Below the value figures is "CeBit 2001". This stamp was generated by Neopost for demonstration purposes at the Office Automation Expo "CeBIT" held in Hannover, Germany in 2001.
- SPECIMEN reads up at far left.
- Meter number is thirteen characters with "N6NE" prefix.
- The date has dashes instead of slashes separating the elements.
- At the bottom of the frank is an 8-digit number (00000368 in this case) which may be an impression counter.
- Town line: Mailed from 30521
- V/F: € 0000 o
Type SPE-A(SB1) in 2001 edition
SPE-QA2.1. Neopost.
- Type QA2.1A with VOID centered in the "Datamatrix" barcode field.
- This Specimen stamp could be generated by anyone using the "PostLink" meter model.
- V/F: $0.00
Type SPE-A(SB3A) in 2001 edition
SPE-QA3.1(1). Neopost.
- Type QA3.1A with SPECIMEN centered in the "Datamatrix" barcode field.
- A. SPECIMEN wider than the barcode field
- B. SPECIMEN fitting fully within the barcode field
- This Specimen stamp could be generated by anyone using the "PowerPost" meter model.
- V/F: $0.00
Type SPE-A(SB3B) in 2001 edition
SPE-QA3.2. Neopost.
- Type QA3.2 with SPECIMEN centered in the "Datamatrix" barcode field.
- This Specimen stamp could be generated by anyone using the "PowerPost" meter model.
- V/F: $0.00
NOTE: The image shown is a double impression.
SPE-QA3.4. Neopost.
- Type QA3.4 with SPECIMEN centered in the "Datamatrix" barcode field.
- V/F: $0.00
Type SPE-A(SD) in 2001 edition
SPE-QB1. Pitney Bowes.
- As QB1 types but with stars and wavy stripes replacing the eagle and "U.S. POSTAGE".
- A. Town line: SPECIMEN SPECIMEN 06484
- V/F: $ 00.00o
Type SPE-A(SD1) in 2001 edition
SPE-QB1.4. Pitney Bowes.
- Type QB1.4 with SPECIMEN SPECIMEN replacing "U.S.POSTAGE" in the arc above the eagle head.
- NOT VALID POSTAGE added above the wing.
- Above the meter number is 02 1P and small 6 digit number starting with 000.
- A. Normal meter number (This Specimen stamp could be generated by any user of the "MailStation 2" meter model.)
- B. Meter number 1111111111
- V/F: $ 00.00o
- a. Printed in blue
Unlisted in 2001 edition
SPE-QB3.1. Pitney Bowes.
- Type QB3.1C with large VOID centered in the "Datamatrix" barcode field.
- SPECIMEN replaces "U.S.POSTAGE".
- This Specimen stamp could be generated by anyone using the "DM Infinity" meter model.
- V/F: $00.00o
Unlisted in 2001 edition
SPE-QB5(1). Pitney Bowes.
- Type QB5 SPECIMEN replacing "U.S.POSTAGE" and with 4-digit number added below the eagle wing at right.
- A. 02 1W over 10-digit number
- B. 02 4W over 10-digit number
- V/F: $ 00.00o
- a. Printed in blue
Unlisted in 2001 edition
SPE-QB5(2). Pitney Bowes.
- Type QB5 with meter number: PB1234567. (The issued meters were numbered in the PB65, PB66 and PB85 number series.)
- A. Small 1st trench centered below wing
- B. Small 2nd trench centered below wing
- Below the eagle's head are ZIP 00000 / PB 00 / 0000000000
- The stamps are dated JAN 00 0000
- V/F: $ 00.00o
Type SPE-A(SF1) in 2001 edition
SPE-QC1.1. Francotyp-Postalia.
- Type QC1.1 with large VOID centered in the "Datamatrix" barcode field.
- This Specimen stamp could be generated by anyone using this Francotyp-Postalia meter model.
- V/F: $00.00o
Unlisted in 2001 edition
SPE-QC1.2. Francotyp-Postalia.
- Type QC1.2 with large VOID centered in the "Datamatrix" barcode field.
- V/F: $00.00
Sub-group SPE-PC – Specimens of Group PC stamp types
Type SPE-A(RA)1 in 2001 edition
- Type PC-A1.1 altered to show the stamps are not valid postage.
- A. VOID appears at bottom left of "PDF-417" barcode field
- B. VOID replaces "US Postage" at top center
- C. SAMPLE imbedded inside "Datamatric" barcode field
- Meter number with 051E prefix.
- V/F: $0.00 o
Type SPE-A(RA1)2 in 2001 edition
- Type PC-A1.2 with NOT VALID FOR / POSTAGE / VOID between lines in place of the "e" logo at top right.
- A. The stamp is otherwise normal with no alterations to "US Postage" or the barcode field
- B. VOID replaces "US Postage" beneath the mail class at top center and a large VOID in clear panel appears in the "PDF-417" barcode field.
- Meter number with 053E prefix.
- V/F: $ 0.00
- Type PC-A1.2 with normal e logo and with VOID replacing "US Postage" beneath the mail class at top center, and a large VOID in clear panel appears in the "PDF-417" barcode field.
- A. Town line normal town, state and zip code, ID number with 053E prefix.
- B. Town line City, State 00000, ID number all zeros.
- V/F: $ 0.00
NOTE: The redate stamp for this specimen also exists. It has VOID below "Redate".
Not listed in 2001 edition
- Type PC-A1.3 with VOID inside the "PDF-417" barcode field.
- A. Very large negative VOID filling the barcode field
- B. Smaller VOID in clear panel centered in the barcode field
- Meter number with 051E or 052E prefix.
- V/F: $ 0.00 o
Type SPE-A(RC1) in 2001 edition
- Type PC-B2 with very large negative VOID filling the "PDF-417" barcode field.
- Meter number with DEVICE N041N prefix.
- V/F: $ 0.00
Type SPE-A(RC2) in 2001 edition
- Type PC-B3.2 with address line MAILED FROM 00000 and a date showing the day and year but not the month, "15, 1998".
- Meter number with N0004 prefix.
- V/F: $ 0.00
Type SPE-A(SA1) in 2001 edition
- Type PC-B4.1 with SPECIMEN replacing "U.S. POSTAGE" above the date.
- Printed on label with fluorescent strips at both sides.
- Meter number with 045N prefix.
- V/F: $0.00o
Type SPE-A(RB1)1 in 2001 edition
- Type PC-C1 with VOID centered in the "PDF-417" barcode field.
- A. very large negative VOID fills the barcode field
- B. smaller negative VOID in centered solid panel
- Meter number with 061S prefix.
- V/F: $0.00 o
Type SPE-A(RB1)2 in 2001 edition
- This is a normal Type PC-C1 stamp but with **VOID** / Not Valid for Postage slogan at left.
Type SPE-A(RB2) in 2001 edition
- Type PC-C2.1 with VOID replacing "US POSTAGE" below the date at upper right.
- Negative VOID / DO NOT MAIL in solid panel fills the center of the "PDF-417" barcode field.
- This stamp could be generated by any user of the Stamps.com online postage system.
- V/F: $0.00 o
Type SPE-A(RB3) in 2001 edition
- Type PC-C2.1 with VOID above four stacked SAMPLEs at upper right.
- SAMPLE at both upper left and lower right of the "PDF-417" barcode field.
- Negative VOID / DO NOT MAIL in solid panel fills the center of the "PDF-417" barcode field.
- Without meter number and value figures.
Type SPE-A(SE1) in 2001 edition
- Type PC-C4.2 with VOID / DO NOT MAIL inside the "DataMatrix" barcode at right.
- A. With value figures: $0.00
- B. No value figures, inscribed US POSTAGE & FEES PAID
- Type PC-D0 with small, 1 ¼ mm tall Not Valid for Mailing imbedded in the "DataMatrix" barcode.
- Identification number 022P0002300256, ZIP code 06484
- V/F: $ ~0.00o
NOTE. Types SPE-PC-D0.1-SPE-PC-D0.4 were originally cataloged as essays (ESY-DB4.5/.6/.7/.8). They were recataloged as Specimens because the basic stamp, Type PC-D0, previously considered an essay, was verified as used in a public trial.
- Type PC-D0 with VOID imbedded in the "DataMatrix" barcode.
- Identification number 022P0002306059, ZIP code 20260
- V/F: $ ~0.00o
- Type PC-D0 with solid blocks in the value figures and "Not Valid for Mailing" inside the 2D barcode.
- Identification number with 022P000230 prefix
- A. The type font is relatively light. The "P" in the ID number has serif at bottom. ID number 022P0002300174, ZIP code 06484 (9 March 1999)
- B. The type font is relatively heavy. The "P" in the ID number has no serif. ID number 022P0002306014, ZIP code 20024 (21 September 1999)
- V/F: $ ■.■
- As SPE-PC-D0.3 but the solid blocks in the value figures are wider than tall. "Sample" is superimposed over the value figures.
- Identification number 022P0002300291, ZIP code 06926
- V/F: $ ■.■
Type SPE-A(RD2) in 2001 edition
- Type PC-D1 with SAMPLE in clear panel centered in the "PDF-417" barcode field.
- Meter number with 024P prefix.
- V/F: $00.00o
Unlisted in 2001 edition
SPE-PC-D1.2. Pitney Bowes , 1999. [RRRR]
- At right, stacked, "US POSTAGE", date, value, "MAILED FROM ZIP CODE", zip code, ID number
- FIM barcode centered at top
- Eagle at left of stripes of flag blowing in wind
- 2-D barcode at bottom, marked "VOID"
Type SPE-A(RD3) in 2001 edition
- Type PC-D2.1 with VOID in clear panel centered in the "PDF-417" barcode field.
- A. "U.S. POSTAGE" with serifed letters. "MAILED FROM ZIP CODE" in one line. Meter number large.
- B. "U.S. POSTAGE" with sanserif letters. "Mailed from / ZIP Code" in two lines. Meter number small.
- Meter number with 024P prefix.
- These stamps could be generated by subscribers to the Stamps.com online postage system.
- V/F: $00.00o
Unlisted in 2001 edition
- Type PC-D2.1 with large diagonal “SAMPLE” above the eagle.
- The barcode field is intact.
- Meter number with 024P prefix.
- V/F: $00.00o
Type SPE-A(RE1)A in 2001 edition
- Type PC-E1.1 with **VOID - DO NOT MAIL** in clear panel centered in the "PDF-417" barcode field.
- *SAMPLE* replaces the date at top center.
- TEST SAMPLE appears at bottom left of barcode field.
- Meter number with 071V prefix.
- V/F: $0.00
Mentioned in NOTE to Type SPE-A(RE1) in 2001 edition
- Type PC-E1.1 with VOID - DO NOT MAIL in clear panel centered in the "PDF-417" barcode field.
- Without US POSTAGE, value figures, and meter number.
- TEST SAMPLE and *SAMPLE* appear at bottom of barcode field.
Type SPE-A(RE1)B in 2001 edition
- Type PC-E1.1 with large VOID - DO NOT MAIL in clear panel centered in the "PDF-417" barcode field.
- Meter number with 071V prefix.
- V/F: $0.00
SPE-PC-E1.2. Envelope Manager Software (Endicia Inc.) “DAZzle 2000” , 2002.
- As Type PC-E1.2 but with **VOID - DO NOT MAIL ** in clear panel inside the "PDF417" barcode field.
- At top left below the value figures is * SAMPLE *, and at bottom left of the barcode is TEST SAMPLE.
- Identification number with 071M prefix.
- V/F: $0.00
Sub-group SPE-PO – Specimens of Group PO stamp types
Type SPE-A(PO-IA4A) in 2001 edition
SPE-PO-A6.2. Pitney Bowes.
- Type PO-A6.2B with SPECIMEN replacing "U.S. POSTAGE" at the top of the value box.
- Meter number all zeros.
- V/F: ≋ 00 :
Type SPE-A(PO-IG1) in 2001 edition
SPE-PO-A9.1. Pitney Bowes.
- Type PO-A9.1 with SPECIMEN replacing "U.S. POSTAGE" at the bottom of the value box.
- Meter number all zeros.
- V/F: ≋ 0 .00 ≋
Type SPE-A(POX-C1) in 2001 edition
- Type PO-B3.1 with town line ANYWHERE USA / NY 113.
- Meter number 123456
- V/F: - .00
Type SPE-A(POX-E1)2 in 2001 edition
- PO-B5 types without meter number and value figures and with large SPECIMEN superimposed across the lower half of the frank.
- The red fluorescent band at right is farther to the right than on the issued stamp and abuts the edge of the label.
Type SPE-A(POX-E1)1 in 2001 edition
- Type PO-B5.1 with town line LYNNWOOD WASHINGTON, headquarters for Intermec.
- V/F: øøø øø
Type SPE-A(POX-E2) in 2001 edition
[File: USA meter stamp SPE-PO-B5.3.jpeg|right|315px]]
- Type PO-B5.3 with large SPECIMEN superimposed across the middle of the frank.
- Meter number with U.S.P.S. I8600 prefix.
- V/F: ø øø
Unlisted in 2001 edition
- Type PO-B11 without 2D barcode field and without an ID number reading up at right.
- V/F: $0.00
Sub-group SPE-PD – Specimens of Group PD stamp types
- Type PD-E2.1D with SPECIMEN replacing "U.S. POSTAGE" at the top of the value box.
- Meter number all zeroes.
- Town mark: CITY / STATE with stars at the sides
- V/F: ≋ 00 :
Unlisted in 2001 edition
- Type PD-E3 with SPECIMEN replacing "U.S. POSTAGE" at the top of the value box
- Meter number all zeroes.
- Town mark: SPECIMEN at top, asterisk between two ornaments at the bottom
- V/F: 0 00
Type SPE-A(PDX-A1) in 2001 edition
- PD-G types without machine number and value figures, with large SPECIMEN across the bottom of the frank.
- The red fluorescent band at right is farther to the right than on the issued stamp and abuts the edge of the label.
Type SPE-A(PDX-A) in 2001 edition
- PD-G1 types with meter number USPS 123456 and town line LYNNOOD WASHINGTON, home of the Intermec Corporation.
- V/F: - .00
Sub-group SPE-PV – Specimens of Group PO stamp types
Type SPE-A(VM-A-IA3) in 2001 edition
- Type PV3.1 with town mark containing CITY / STATE with ornaments at the sides.
- Meter number: 51035
- V/F: . 00 :
Sub-group SPE-OO – Specimens of Group OO stamp types
Type SPE-A(OO-IA10) in 2001 edition
- Type OO-A1.2 with town mark containing CITY / STATE with stars at the sides.
- Meter number 639857 seen.
- V/F: ≋ 00 :
Type SPE-A(OO-JA1) in 2001 edition
- Type OO-B1 with meter number blank leaving only the POSTALIA prefix.
- Not seen with town mark.
- V/F: ≋.00
- Type OO-F1 with meter number PB 1234567.
- town mark containing SPECIMEN SPECIMEN .
- V/F: $00.00
Sub-group SPE-REV – Specimens of Group REV stamp types
Type SPE-A(x) in 2001 edition
- Type REV1 with meter number all zeroes.
- Not seen with the transaction number reading up at left although it probably exists
Type SPE-A(x) in 2001 edition
- Type REV2 with very large SPECIMEN and lines replacing the building design and the inscription "UNITED STATES INTERNAL REVENUE DOCUMENTARY".
- Meter number all zeroes.