United States Postage Meter Stamp Catalog/Bibliography
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Barfoot, S.D. and Werner Simon. The Meter Postage Stamp Catalogue, Universal Postal Frankers, Ltd., London, 1953.
Bowes, Frederick, Jr. The Postage Meter Stamp Comes of Age – Philatelically, address presented at the Philatelic Writer's Breakfast, 5 May 1940.
Cahn, William. The Story of Pitney-Bowes, Harper Brothers, New York, 1960.
Coulthard, John. "The Permit Printer", Stamps, 8 July 1939, pp. 295-296
Coulthard, John. "The National Postage Machine", Stamps, 11 Jan 1941, pp. 45-47, 66-67.
Coulthard, John. "Type JW Meter Notes", Stamps, 12 Apr 1941, pp. 53-54 [On National Postal Meter Company indicia]
Coulthard, John. “Collecting Metered Mail", Young People, 3 Aug 1941, p. 254.
Dentz, Paul A. "Postage Meters and Advertising", Stamps, 18 Apr 1936, p. 87.
Dichinson, H.S. "Philatelic Suggestions for Collecting Philometers", SPA Journal, May1959, pp. 416-419.
Garrison Robert W. A Geographical and Color Chart of the Pitney-Bowes Type-Dm Postage Meter 1st ed. Robert W. Garrison, 1951.
Harris, Albert H. "The Meter Postage Stamp Catalog", Philatelic Magazine, London, 1935.
Harris, Ibid., 2nd ed., 1937.
Harris, Ibid., 3rd ed., 1940.
Harsh, R.H. How to Collect Postage Meter Stamps: The Flying Eagle Postage Meter, Ramos Enterprises, Lexington Park, MD., 1963. (92pp)
Harsh, R.H. "Scarce Meters and Scarce Stamps", Western Stamp Collector, 21 Apr 1964.
Harsh, R.H. An Introduction to the Hobby of Collecting the Postage Meter Stamps, privately published, 1965. (159pp)
Hawkins, Joel A. The Official Mail Meter Catalog - A Study of the Major Types and Varieties, privately published, 1991.
Hawkins, Joel A. and Stambaugh, Richard B. The United States Postage Meter Stamp Catalog, privately published, 1994.
Hawkins and Stambaugh. Ibid. Update, 2001.
Hemenway, Homer H. “Collecting Flying Eagle Meters", Stamps, 18 Aug 1973, pp. 350-354.
Hemenway, Homer H. "Flying Eagle Meter Tests Its Wings", Stamps, 24 Nov 1973, pp. 458-460.
Hemenway, Homer H. “Some Flying Eagles are Rare Birds", Stamps, 9 Mar 1974, pp. 578-586.
Hemenway, Homer H. “Meters are Fun", Stamps, 23 Nov 1974, pp. 544-546.
Hemenway, Homer H. "Yonkers Flying Eagle Joins Rare Birds", Stamps, 7 June 1975, pp. 610-613.
Hemenway, Homer H. "Fun with Meters", Linn’s Stamp News, [Regular bi-monthly column between 23 June 1975 and 29 Nov 1982]
Kanzler, Alfred, History of U.S. Postage Meters, privately published, 1975.
Kelsey, Douglas A. Mailed via "Mailomat", Meter Stamp Society, Tucson, AZ, 1995.
Kelsey, Douglas A. "Meter Stamps", regular monthly column in Linn's Stamp News, published continuously from Oct 19, 1992 to 2002.
Kelsey, Douglas A. "Meter Stamps: Very Collectable!" US Stamps & Postal History, Fall, 1993, pp. 35-38.
Kelsey, Douglas A. Ohio Metered Mail Postal History, Ohio Postal History Society, Columbus Ohio, 1992.
Kelsey, Douglas A. Pictorial Meter Stamps of the United States, Meter Stamp Associates, 1993.
Kelsey, Douglas A. The National Cash Register Company Meter Stamps, Meter Stamp Society, 1993.
Kelsey, Douglas A. United States Meter Stamps & Postal History, privately published, 1994.
Lucas Howard L. An Introduction to Us Railroad Postage Meter Slogans 1st ed., H.L. Lucas, 1993.
Meisal, Henry O. “Meter Mail Enthusiast Tells of Development of Equipment since Early Models of 1920's", Linn's Stamp News, 15 Mar 1965, pp. 40-41, 45.
Meter Stamp Society Bulletin, published quarterly from 1948 to the present.
Needels, R. T. The First U.s. Oval Postage Meters, privately published, Akron, Ohio, 1966.
Overment, Alfred P.H. "The First Meter Machines", SPA Journal, Nov 1955, pp. 122-124.
Overment, Alfred P.H. “Metered Postage - The New Branch of Modern Philately", Stamps, 26 July 1958.
Overment, Alfred P.H. "U.S. Postage Meter Stamp Designs 1921 - 1948", SPA Journal, Jan 1959, pp. 231-233.
Overment, Alfred P.H. “The Expansion of Metered Postage", SPA Journal, Aug 1959, p. 581.
Overment, Alfred P.H. "A Recent Addition to Philately - Metered Postage", SPA Journal, Sept, p. 24.
Overment, Alfred P.H. “United States Permit - Meter System 1898 - 1911", American Philatelic Congress Yearbook, 1961.
Pamperien, William C. Guide to Postage Meter Collecting, privately published, 1951.
Pamperien, William C. "More Information on Postage Meters (from the Standpoint of Collecting)", SPA Journal, Aug 1956, pp. 590-591.
Pike, A.H. The Collector's Digest, Buffalo, N.Y., Jan 1920 - Dec 1922. [12 numbers in 4 volumes. Contains pioneer writings on meter indicia].
Pike, A.H. The Collector's Library, Buffalo, N.Y. July 1920 - Dec 1922. [4 numbers in 1 volume].
Pike, A.H. United States First Class Mail Permits Booklet 43. Severn-Wylie-Jewett Co., Portland, Maine, 1922. (24pp).
Pike, A.H. United States First Class Mail Permits, Addenda. Severn-Wylie-Jewett Co., Portland, Maine, 1923. (8pp).
Pike, A.H. "U.S. First-Class Mail Permits", Mekeel’s, 24 Jan 1923.
Pike, A.H. First Class Permits of the World, privately published, 1924.
Pitney-Bowes Postage Meter Co. "A Silver Anniversary Review of Metered Mail", 25th Annual Report, 1945, pp. 7-13.
Pitney-Bowes Postage Meter Co. “The What, How, and Why of the Postage Meter", 26th Annual Report, 1946, p.5.
Pyle, Robert, (ed). Classification of United States Postage Meter Prints, Meter Stamp Society, Publication No. 3, 1951. (20pp).
Rhoades, Rendell. Preliminary Serial List : National Cash Register Postage Meters and Cities of Operation. Rhodopress Publications, Columbus, Ohio 1961.
Roscoe, Ernest J. “Metered Mail Notes", Western Stamp Collector and Stamp Collector, regular monthly series from Mar 24, 1973 to Sep 22, 1990, 210 columns total.
Simon, Werner. “The 20th Anniversary of Metered Mail", Stamps, Nov 16, 1940, pp. 233-244
Simon, Werner. "The 'F' Group of U.S. Postage Meters", Stamps, Oct 11, 1941, pp. 45-46.
Simon, Werner. “The 25th Anniversary of First Class Mail Permits", Stamps, May 5, 1945, pp. 160-161.
Simon, Werner, “The First Day of Metered Mail in the United States", Stamps, Jan 19, 1946, p. 96.
Simon, Werner. Addenda to the United States Section of the Barfoot/Simon Meter Postage Stamp Catalogue, William Edwards, Plainview, NY, 1960.
Simon, Werner. Second Addendum to the United States Section of the Barfoot/Simon Meter Postage Stamp Catalogue, Meter Stamp Society Bulletin, No's 104, 107-110, 113-115. 1966-1968.
Simon, Werner, Ibid. 3rd Addendum, Meter Stamp Society Bulletin, No's 124, 126-131, 143. 1969-1972.
Simon, Werner and David P. Walsh, The United States Postage Meter Stamp Catalog, Privately published, 1976.
Simon, Werner and David P. Walsh, The United States Postage Meter Stamp Catalog, Indicia Associates, Oakland CA, 1982
"Stamp Act - 1939", Esso Oilways, Sept 1939, pp. 1-3 and back cover. [discusses primarily Mailomats, but also contains information on the metered mail system].
Stambaugh, Richard. First Class Mail Permit Stamp Catalog, Privately published, 1989.
Stambaugh, Richard. The USPS Autopost Experiment, The United States Specialist, Jul 1991, pp 365-3872.
Stambaugh, Richard. "PVIs and Other Post Office Stamps", The United States Specialist, Sep 1992, pp. 451-458.
Stark, J. "1966 - Year of Decision", SPA Journal, Mar 1973, pp. 400-412.
"Statutes.... What's in a Postmark?", American Bar Association Journal. Jan 1964, p. 8 [Cites case establishing meter town mark as a legal postmark].
Steiger, William C. Postage Meter Catalogue, 1931. [Apparently the earliest catalog to specifically mention "meter" in the title. It continued the classification system devised by A.H. Pike]
Steiger, William C. "The Story of Metered Mail", Stamps, 21 Jan 1933 - 18 Feb 1933. [series published in 5 subsequent issues]
Steiger, William C. A Handbook of the United States Postage Meters, Stephen G. Rich, Verona, N.J., 1938
Steiger, William C. Ibid., 2nd ed., 1940.
Steiger, William C. "Types of Postage Meters (to 1939)", A Cyclopedia of United States Postmarks and Postal History, Vol II, Delf Norona (ed.), Society of Philatelic Americans, 1941. (20pp).
Steiger, Wm C. and Wm Pamperien. Handbook of the United States Postage Meters, 3rd ed., Stephen Rich, Verona, N.J., 1945. [This updated the Type Charts of the 2nd edition.]
Swan, Walter M. Catalog of Meter Slogans, William R. Steward, Chicago, Ill., 1939
Swan, Walter M. "The Mailomats", Mekeel's, 15 Jan 1940.
Swan, Walter M. Development of the Postage Meter Machines of the United States 1898 -1920, privately published, 1952.
Swan, Walter M. "The Postage Due Meter Tests of 1941 - 1953", SPA Journal, Feb 1955, pp. 443 - 446.
Swan, Walter M. "The Post Office Meter Stamps", SPA Journal, Feb 1956, pp. 290 - 291.
Swan, Walter M. The Basic Type Meter Stamp Catalog, privately published, 1957.
Swan, Walter M. Ibid., 2nd ed., 1958.
Swan, Walter M. "The Air Force Meter Stamps", SPA Journal, Feb 1958, pp. 252 - 253.
Swan, Walter M. "Meters - To Cut Or Not To Cut", SPA Journal, June 1959, p. 471.
Swan, Walter M. The Basic Type Meter Stamp Catalog, 3rd ed., 1959.
Swan, Walter M. Ibid., 4th ed., 1967.
Swan, Walter Z. The Experimental Postage Due Meter Stamp Testing 1941-1962, privately published 1969.
Thomas, William K. "Some A. B. C.'s on Collecting Meter Stamps", American Philatelist, Dec 1957, pp. 199 - 203.
Thomas, William K. "More A. B. C.'s on Collecting Meter Stamps", American Philatelist, July 1958, pp. 721 - 724.
Thomas, William K. "More A. B. C.'s on Meter Collecting: National Cash Register Designs", American Philatelist, Sept 1959, pp. 907 - 910.
Thomas, William K. "Meter Postage Stamps: The Mailomat", American Philatelist, Oct 1960, pp. 59 - 62. |
Thomas, William K. History and Evolution of Metered Postage, The American Philatelic Society, 1962. (85pp).
Thomas, William K. “Hop Aboard Metered Postage Bandwagon", American Philatelist, Mar 1963, pp. 431 - 434.
Whitebourgh, Joseph. Philometer Compendium, privately published, Chicago, Ill., 1957.
Wylie, William W. “Meter and Stamps", Western Stamp Collector, 8 Sept 1962.