SMF Records/How to Extract Values from SMF Record Fields
How to Extract Values from SMF Record Fields
editProcessing the SMF record data with a REXX program in a batch environment consists roughly of the following steps:
- Read the original SMF dataset (DUMPIN DD) with the IBM IFASMFDP program (see L11 or L12 )
- Select the SMF record data you would like to process with a corresponding SYSIN DD Statement (see L11 or L12 for parameters)
- Write formatted output into a new temporary dataset (DUMPOUT DD)
- Convert the DUMPOUT dataset with the IBM IDCAMS REPRO Command into a readable format for REXX using a work dataset (WORKSMF DD)
- Read all records from the WORKSMF dataset into a stem. variable in the memory of the REXX program
- Process the required data and put the resulting comma-separated values file into another stem. variable for output
- After finishing processing write this stem. variable into an output dataset (OUTDS DD) to store the resulting report
The Job Control Language
editTo process SMF record data with a REXX program in a batch environment there are a couple of prerequisites. First of all a formatted dump from the SMF dataset is needed, which can be produced with the IBM IFASMFDP program (see L11 or L12 ). Be sure to have at least read access to the SMF datasets in your installation. Unfortunately the resulting dataset from IFASMFDP has a RECFM(VBS) and is not readable directly in REXX. It has to be converted into another work dataset with RECFM(VB) and a suitable LRECL and BLKSIZE. This is done with the IBM IDCAMS REPRO command. Both the IFASMFDP and the REPRO commands are called from within the REXX script while the necessary DD statements are in the JCL itself.
//JOBNAME JOB 'ACCNR',.,CLASS=L,MSGCLASS=J, // NOTIFY=&SYSUID,MSGLEVEL=(1,1),LINES=200000 //* //*-------------------------------------------------------------------- //* ==> SET SMFOUT TO SMF WORK DATASET NAME //* ==> SET REPOUT TO REPORT DATASET NAME //*-------------------------------------------------------------------- //SET1 SET SMFOUT=HLQ.XXX.READSMF.WRK //SET2 SET REPOUT=HLQ.XXX.SMF19.DASDREP.SYSTEM //*-------------------------------------------------------------------- //* ==> DELETE WORK AND REPORT DATASETS //*-------------------------------------------------------------------- //KILL01 EXEC PGM=IDCAMS //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* DELETE HLQ.XXX.READSMF.WRK DELETE HLQ.XXX.SMF19.DASDREP.SYSTEM SET MAXCC=0 /* //*-------------------------------------------------------------------- //* ==> START ISPF AND EXECUTE THE REXX //*-------------------------------------------------------------------- //READSMF EXEC PGM=IKJEFT01,REGION=0M //* //ISPPROF DD UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(TRK,(9,1,4)), // DCB=(LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=3120,RECFM=FB,DSORG=PO), // DISP=(NEW,PASS) //* //*-------------------------------------------------------------------- //ISPMLIB DD DISP=SHR,DSN=SYS1.ISP.SISPMENU // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=SYS1.ISF.SISFMLIB //ISPPLIB DD DISP=SHR,DSN=SYS1.ISP.SISPPENU // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=SYS1.ISF.SISFPLIB //ISPSLIB DD DISP=SHR,DSN=SYS1.ISP.SISPSENU // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=SYS1.ISF.SISFSLIB //ISPTLIB DD DISP=SHR,DSN=SYS1.ISP.SISPTENU // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=SYS1.ISF.SISFTLIB //ISPLOG DD DUMMY //* --------------------------------------------------------------- //* ==> DUMPIN: SMF DATASET //* ==> SYSIN: RECORD TYPE, DAY AND TIME SELECTION //* --------------------------------------------------------------- //DUMPIN DD DISP=SHR,DSN=HLQ.SYSTEM.SMFDS.DJJMMDD //DUMPOUT DD DISP=(,PASS),SPACE=(CYL,(800,200)),UNIT=SYSDA, // DSN=&&DP //SYSIN DD * INDD(DUMPIN,OPTIONS(DUMP)) OUTDD(DUMPOUT,TYPE(19)) DATE(2013334,2013334) START(0000) END(0100) /* //*-------------------------------------------------------------------- //SYSEXEC DD DISP=SHR,DSN=HLQ.XXX.ISPF.EXEC //WORKSMF DD DSN=&SMFOUT, // DCB=(LRECL=32756,BLKSIZE=32760,RECFM=VB,DSORG=PS), // DISP=(NEW,CATLG), // UNIT=USEPLA, // SPACE=(CYL,(100,10),RLSE) //OUTDS DD DSN=&REPOUT, // DCB=(LRECL=800,BLKSIZE=31200,RECFM=FB,DSORG=PS), // DISP=(NEW,CATLG), // UNIT=USEPLA, // SPACE=(CYL,(10,10),RLSE) //SYSTSPRT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //*-------------------------------------------------------------------- //SYSTSIN DD * ISPSTART CMD(SMF19) /*
Chart 1: JCL for Data Selection and REXX Execution
In the example provided the first step KILL01 just deletes the work dataset and the resulting report dataset, because they are defined in the READSMF step as DISP=(NEW,CATLG).
In the READSMF step the program IKJEFT01 is executed to provide the necessary TSO/ISPF environment for calling the REXX program in batch.
- All ISP* DD Statements belong to this environment.
- The DD statements DUMPIN, DUMPOUT, SYSPRINT and SYSIN belong to the program IFASMFDP called at the beginning of the process_smf_data procedure in the REXX script.
- In particular the SYSIN DD statement provides the possibility of shrinking the data to only the really necessary amount for processing. In this example data is limited to only the SMF19 Records of day 334 in 2013 within the timeframe 00:00 AM to 01:00 AM. To avoid too long execution times and errors because of redundant data or insufficient storage, it is strongly recommended to reduce the amount of data processed at this point to the data really needed.
- The DUMPOUT DD statement defines only a temporary dataset with DSN=&&DP, because as mentioned before it is only needed for convertion into a work dataset with the REPRO Command called from within the REXX Script with "REPRO IFILE(DUMPOUT) OFILE(WORKSMF)".
- The SYSPRINT DD statement is used to show the number of read and written SMF records by the program IFASMFDP in the job output
- The SYSEXEC DD statement defines the dataset which contains the REXX script.
- The WORKSMF DD statement defines the source dataset for the REXX processing. All SMF records contained in this dataset are put into the stem variable SMF.. SMF. is then processed by the REXX code and the resulting values are written into another stem variable DASD_OUT. in comma-separated values format. In fact here they are actually semicolon-separated values because of the spreadsheet number format in some countries.
- The OUTDS DD statement defines the output dataset where the stem variable DASD_OUT. is written at the end of the REXX processing with the command "Execio * Diskw OUTDS (finis stem dasd_out."
- The SYSTSPRT DD statement defines the part in the job output where the REXX script can write out messages i.e. with the say command. This is extremely useful for both documentation and debugging purposes.
- The SYSTSIN DD statement contains the ISPSTART CMD(SMF19) command to start the REXX script with the member name SMF19
The REXX Script
editThe REXX scripts in this book are all more or less built on the same structure:
- Part 1 consists of a initialize procedure which only writes a border line into the job output and a process_smf_data procedure which is the main program of the REXX
- Part 2 consists of a function to compute the field offsets relative to the beginning of the record and some functions to convert different data formats into processable formats for output.
Because the function part (Part 2) is the same in all following examples it is only shown once in this complete example. It is not necessary to repeat it in all following examples. Nevertheless the universal function part is necessary and should be copied at the end of each following REXX example where indicated.
DASD Report from SMF19 Records
call initialize
call process_smf_data
exit 0
initialize: procedure expose __.
__. = ''
__.0border = copies('-',70)
process_smf_data: procedure expose __.
drop DASD_OUT.
count = 1
j = 1
say date() time() "DASD Report => read " smf.0 "input records"
do i = 1 to smf.0
line = smf.i
The standard SMF record header with subtypes . . .
We're ignoring SMFxLEN (Offset 00) and SMFxSEG (Offset 02) since
the IDCAMS PRINT utility doesn't include the record length and
segment descriptor fields.
SMFxFLG = binary_b(line,offset(4),1)
rectype = binary_d(line,offset(5),1) /* SMFxRTY: Record type */
say 'Line:' right(i,6,'0') 'Record Type:' rectype
if (rectype = 19) then do
SMFxTME = smftime(line,offset(6),4)
SMFxDTE = smfjdate(line,offset(10),4)
olddate = substr(smfxdte,3,2)||, /* YYYY.DDD in YYDDD */
Datum = date('S',olddate,'J') /* Date Conversion */
SMF19SID = ebcdic(line,offset(14),4) /* SMF19SID: System ID */
SMF19VOL = ebcdic(line,offset(20),6) /* SMF19VOL: VOLSER */
SMF19CUU = binary_x(line,offset(64),2) /* SMF19CUU: UCB Number */
SMF19SPC = binary_d(line,offset(52),2) /*SMF19SPC: unalloc Cyls*/
SMF19SPT = binary_d(line,offset(54),2) /*SMF19SPT: unalloc Trks*/
SMF19TRK = binary_d(line,offset(124),4) /* SMF19TRK: total Trks */
Cyls_total = SMF19TRK / 15 /* 15 Trks per Cylinder */
when SMF19TRK = 16695 then dasd_model = '3390 Model 1'
when SMF19TRK = 33390 then dasd_model = '3390 Model 2'
when SMF19TRK = 50085 then dasd_model = '3390 Model 3'
when SMF19TRK = 150255 then dasd_model = '3390 Model 9'
when SMF19TRK = 491400 then dasd_model = '3390 Model 27'
when SMF19TRK = 982800 then dasd_model = '3390 Model 54'
otherwise dasd_model = 'other'
/* 849960 Bytes per Cyl */
GB_total = (cyls_total * 849960) / (1024 * 1024 * 1024)
GBt_total = translate(GB_total,,'.',',') /* Point to Comma */
GB_free = ((SMF19SPC * 15) + SMF19SPT) * (gb_total / SMF19TRK)
GBt_free = translate(GB_free,,'.',',') /* Point to Comma */
GB_alloc = gb_total - gb_free
GBt_alloc = translate(GB_alloc,,'.',',') /* Point to Comma */
dasd_out.j = datum||';'||SMFxTME||';'||SMF19SID||';'||SMF19VOL||,
count = count + 1
dasd_out.0 = count
say dasd_out.0' Records written'
dasd_out.1 = 'DATE;TIME;SYS;VOLSER;',
'DASD Model;GB free;GB alloc;GB total'
"Execio * Diskw OUTDS (finis stem dasd_out."
Function: OFFSET
Input: Field offset (decimal) per SMF Reference (SA22-7630, Chapter 14)
Output: Input offset minus three
To get the correct offset into the SMF input line, subtract three
bytes. These three bytes consist of:
2 bytes, to account for RDW not being present
1 byte, because in Rexx, indices begin at position 1, not zero
offset: procedure
arg this_offset
return (this_offset-3)
Function: Binary_d
Returns : Decimal
binary_d: procedure expose __.
parse arg $dumpline,$offset,$field_length
this_field = substr($dumpline,$offset,$field_length)
translated_field = x2d(c2x(this_field))
return (translated_field)
Function: Binary4_d --> for negative Values in 4 Byte binary fields
Returns : Decimal
binary4_d: procedure expose __.
parse arg $dumpline,$offset,$field_length
this_field = substr($dumpline,$offset,$field_length)
translated_field = x2d(c2x(this_field),8)
return (translated_field)
Function: Binary_h
Returns : Decimal
binary_h: procedure expose __.
parse arg $dumpline,$offset,$field_length
this_field = substr($dumpline,$offset,$field_length)
translated_field = x2d(c2x(this_field))
return (translated_field)
Function: Binary_x
Returns : Hexadecimal
binary_x: procedure expose __.
parse arg $dumpline,$offset,$field_length
this_field = substr($dumpline,$offset,$field_length)
translated_field = c2x(this_field)
return (translated_field)
Function: Binary_b
Returns : Binary
binary_b: procedure expose __.
parse arg $dumpline,$offset,$field_length
this_field = substr($dumpline,$offset,$field_length)
translated_field = x2b(c2x(this_field))
return (translated_field)
Function: Packed
packed: procedure expose __.
parse arg $dumpline,$offset,$field_length
translated_field = binary_x($dumpline,$offset,$field_length)
return (translated_field)
Function: EBCDIC
Returns: EBCDIC
ebcdic: procedure expose __.
parse arg $dumpline,$offset,$field_length
this_field = substr($dumpline,$offset,$field_length)
return (this_field)
Function: Smftime
Returns: hh:mm:ss
smftime: procedure
parse arg $dumpline,$offset,$field_length
_time = binary_d($dumpline,$offset,$field_length)
hundreths = _time % 100
hh = hundreths % 3600
hh = RIGHT("0"||hh,2)
mm = (hundreths % 60) - (hh * 60)
mm = RIGHT("0"||mm,2)
ss = hundreths - (hh * 3600) - (mm * 60)
ss = RIGHT("0"||ss,2)
this_time = hh||":"||mm||":"||ss
return (this_time)
Function: Smfjdate
Returns: Julian date yyyy.ddd
Per SMF documentation, SMFxDTE is the date when the record was moved
into the SMF buffer, in the form 0cyydddF where
c is 0 for 19xx and 1 for 20xx
yy is the current year (0-99)
ddd is the current day (1-366)
F is the sign)
smfjdate: procedure
parse arg $dumpline,$offset,$field_length
this_field = c2x(substr($dumpline,$offset,$field_length))
parse value this_field with 1 . 2 c 3 yy 5 ddd 8 .
if (c = 0) then
yyyy = '19'||yy
yyyy = '20'||yy
julian_date = yyyy||'.'||ddd
return (julian_date)
Chart 2: REXX SMF19 to create a .csv file with the values of interest
Let's now go through the main procedure process_smf_data.
- As described in the JCL part the program IFASMFDP is called to get a formatted dump and the REPRO command is used to convert the dump output into the correct dataset format.
- "EXECIO * DISKR WORKSMF ( FINIS STEM SMF." read all records of the working dataset into memory
- The drop DASD_OUT. just clears the output variable DASD_OUT.
- The counter variables count and j are then initialized to a value of 1 and a header with date, time and the number of read SMF records is written into the job output (SYSTSPRT).
- After this initial work processing a conditional loop for each record begins
At this point you should check the description of the SMF19 record mapping(see L11 or L12 ) to track the different offsets and length of the used record fields. In most cases we used the field names from this description.
- Now for each record the record header and type is extracted and a line is written to the job output containing the line number and the record type
- If the record type is 19 some directly usable values such as Time, Date, SYSID, Volser, UCB Number, the unallocated cylinders and tracks and the total tracks on the volume can be extracted using appropriate conversion functions
- From the total tracks on the volume one can derive the total cylinders used with the following formula:
Cyls_total = SMF19TRK / 15
- From the size of SMF19TRK it can also be concluded to which DASD Model the volume belongs. The variable dasd_model is filled in the appropriate select statement.
- Knowing that a 3390 device contains 849960 bytes per cylinder the total gigabytes of the volume can be obtained with the formula:
GB_total = (Cyls_total * 849960) / (1024 * 1024 * 1024)
- The following translate function in the REXX is used to mask the decimal point with a comma. REXX needs to compute with decimal points but the output dataset should contain a comma instead because of the spreadsheet number format in many countries.
- The GB free and GB allocated of the volume can be derived from these formulas:
GB_free = ((SMF19SPC * 15) + SMF19SPT) * (GB_total / SMF19TRK) GB_alloc = GB_total - GB_free
- Here we finish the record processing, increment the counter j by 1, write all native and derived values into the stem. variable dasd_out.j and increment the counter count by 1.
- After processing the last record the value of count is written to dasd_out.0 and the report header line is written to dasd_out.1.
- With "Execio * Diskw OUTDS (finis stem dasd_out." the whole report is then written to the output dataset defined for OUTDS.