RCA Open Source Application: ROSA Manual/Unit 5 - Populating Your Own RCA Database/Step 3/Importing of Primary Costs & Consumption Quantities from a source file

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Step 3: Build an RCA Model - Importing of Primary Costs & Consumption Quantities from a source file


Figure 36 - Importing of Primary Costs & Consumption Quantities from a source file

For importing Primary Cost (Dollars) and Secondary Consumption Quantities, you will need your data formatted in source files similar to the examples in Figure 36 - Importing Primary Costs Planned Values example and Figure 37 - Importing Planned Consumption Quantities example, respectively.

This import could be done as two separate imports, one for Primary Costs, and another for the Consumption Quantities but it can also be imported as one file since the columns are the same. Remember to save this file(s) as text files (tab delimited) without headers and import as previously explained using the Palo menu in Excel.

For importing Primary costs (refer Figure 36) the first two columns are the provider and consumer columns. When importing, the first column should reflect the Primary Cost element, which usually mirrors the company’s general ledger account number (referred to as Provider in the 1st col.), and the second column the Resource pool reference (referred to as: Consumer in 2nd col.). Columns three and four reflect the year and month, while the fifth column, the Data Type (5th col.) column must be identified and labeled “FixConFixPri$” for fixed costs or “PrpConPrpPri$” for proportional costs.

If a resource pool consumes a particular input partly fixed and partly proportional, then the element must be listed twice in the load file and the values correctly entered against the respective data type. The last column (6th col.) is the Primary Cost dollar value. When entering a record for product raw material, the product number becomes the Consumer in the second column and the input is always consumed in a proportional manner.

Figure 37 - Importing Planned Consumption Quantities example

Figure 37 demonstrates the importing of quantities for Secondary Consumption, which is split into fixed and proportional consumption quantities.

In this case, the first column reflects the Provider (recovering) resource pool or business process and the second column the Receiving/Consuming cost object. The last column is the quantity number, not a cost number. ROSA calculates the secondary costs based on consumption relationships and quantity information. Import the file as previously explained.

Provider - Consumer relationships typically exist as follows:

  • Resource Pool to Resource Pool,
  • Resource Pool to Product,
  • Resource Pool to Business Process,
  • Business Process to Resource Pool, and/or
  • Business Process to Product.

Make sure all consumption relationships are represented in your source file before importing it into the database.