RCA Open Source Application: ROSA Manual/Demonstration of the Base Model/Step 2/Maintain Capacity
editStep 2: Play with the RCA Model - Maintain Capacity
This template allows for the entering and updating of capacity quantities.
The Capacity template represents the total amount of resources available. Capacity differs from output, as output represents the demand from consuming resource pools or other cost objects.
Both Capacity and Output are used as denominators in calculating the resource pool rates. Capacity is used as the denominator for fixed cost rates and Output is used for proportional cost rates. A resource pool’s output quantity is calculated by the model, based on the total of all individual consumption relationships.
Capacity must be maintained separately by the user.
Important Note: When dealing with Business Processes, the Capacity and Output must be the same. For further explanation, see the Calculate Rates section on page 42. For all resource pools, Output could be lower than capacity but it should never be higher. In RCA, capacity should always reflect the theoretical capacity of the resource(s).
Capacity would be changed whenever new resources change the potential output of a resource pool (machines, people, space, etc.).
Select Year from the selection box. No other selections are required as all resource pools and business processes will be listed as row titles.
Individual data cells can now be changed as required and the result will be posted to the Palo cube. Do not make changes in the Totals Row. It will automatically be updated.
Note: Recalculation of the rates on the Rate Tab is required when you make changes on this screen.