Legal framework of textual data processing for Machine Translation and Language Technology research and development activities/Annotation Case Studies

Case #19 Distribution of Annotations of a Data Set I

Case description
Actor Researcher-Resource Compiler & Provider
Intended use Distribute the annotations to an original dataset (e.g. images, broadcasts) incl. links to specific instances of the web available dataset (e.g. the hand on an image, time sequence of a film)
Conditions I have asked for permission for the originals but received no reply
Question Can I distribute it under the licence of my choice?

Or Do I ask for permission from sources Or Simply state the sources (attribution-like) Or Refrain from distributing it?

Suggested legal solution
Legal position The annotations, to the extent they are my own original work or constitute works that are not copyright protected (e.g. a URL) can be distributed under any licence of my choice. With regard to the inclusion of extracts from the original work see above.
Suggested course of action Do not ask permission for linking but only for re-using original content. When the annotation includes original extracts it may still be deemed fair use/dealing or falling within the limitations and exceptions as a form of critical approach -in the broadest sense- of the original work (see e.g. Greek law 2121/1993, art.19).
Type of Terms and Conditions Any licence of my choice.
Legal basis Copyright Law. Emphasis on limitations and exceptions.