#Following URI is just a placeholder
@prefix : <http://gnufans.net/intrspctr.pl?SilverSchemeOntology#> .
@prefix dc: <http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/> .
@prefix owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#> .
@prefix : <http://www.imobissimo.com
@prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .
@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .
@prefix owl: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .
@prefix xmls: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .
:Object rdf:Comment """A SilverScheme object, contains a property list, a
code field and an identity field.""" ;
rdf:Type owl:Class .
:ObjectPrototype rdf:Comment """The prototype of an object.""" ;
rdf:Type rdf:Property ;
rdf:Domain :Object ;
rdf:Range :Object .
:ObjectInternalValue rdf:Comment """The internal value of an object.""" ;
rdf:Type rdf:Property ;
rdf:Domain :Object ;
rdf:Range :InternalValue .
:InternalValue rdf:Comment """The literal representation of an
internal value, the
representation is that used by
the standard SilverScheme
reader.""" ;
rdfs:subClassOf xmls:String .
:ObjectCode rdf:Comment """The code of an object.""" ;
rdf:Type rdf:Property ;
rdf:Domain :Object ;
rdf:Range :Code .
:Code rdf:Comment """A code section.""" ;
rdf:Type owl:Class .
:LambdaList rdf:Comment """The lambda list of a code section. A list
of course.""" ;
rdf:Type rdf:Property ;
rdf:Domain :Code ;
rdf:Range :Object .
#TODO: Additional constraint on :LambdaList so that it's always a list
:LambdaBody rdf:Comment """The body of a lambda expression. A list of
course.""" ;
rdf:Type rdf:Property ;
rdf:Domain :Code ;
rdf:Range :Object .
:ObjectScope rdf:Comment """The scope of an object.""" ;
rdf:Type rdf:Property ;
rdf:Domain :Object ;
rdf:Range :Scope .
:Scope rdf:Comment """A scope list, basically just a triples list""" ;
rdf:Type owl:Class .
:ScopeBinding rdf:Comment """A binding in a scope.""" ;
rdf:Type rdf:Property ;
rdf:Domain :Scope ;
rdf:Range :Binding .
:Binding rdf:Comment """A binding.""" ;
rdf:Type owl:Class .
:BindingSubject rdf:Comment """The subject of a binding.""" ;
rdf:Type rdf:Property ;
rdf:Domain :Binding ;
rdf:Range :Object .
:BindingName rdf:Comment """The name of a binding, must be a valid
SilverScheme identifier.""" ;
rdf:Type rdf:Property ;
rdf:Domain :Binding ;
rdf:Range xmls:String .
:BindingObject rdf:Comment """The object of a binding.""" ;
rdf:Type rdf:Property ;
rdf:Domain :Binding ;
rdf:range :Object.