Interlingue/Appendix/Table of correlatives
As a lot of languages (including English, Esperanto...) Interlingue has a system of correlatives.
QU- (interrogative/relative) | T- (demonstrative) | ALQU- (undefined) | NEQU- (negative) | QU- -CUNC (indeterminate) | X (collective) | |
-I (persons, nominative) | qui (who) | ti (this) | alqui (someone) | nequi (nobody) | quicunc (anybody) | omni (every, all) |
-O (things) | quo (what) | to (that) | alquo (something) | nequo (nothing) | quocunc (whatever) | omno (all) |
-EL (both) | quel | tel | alquel | nequel | quelcunc | chascun (each, all) |
-AL (quality) | qual (which, what a) | tal | alqual | nequal | qualcunc | |
-AM (way, mode) | quam (as) | tam (so) | alquam | nequam | quamcunc (however) | |
-ANT (quantity) | quant (how many, many) | tant (so much) | alquant (somewhat) | nequant | quantcunc | |
-ANDE (time) | quande (when) | tande (then) | alquande | nequande (never) | quandecunc | sempre (always, ever) |
-U (place) | u (where) | ci / ta (here / there) | alcu (somewhere) | necu (nowhere) | ucunc (anywhere) | partu (everywhere) |
Alcun and Necun are respectively the adjectives of Alquel and Nequel
There are other quantity adjectives, in increasing orderĀ : null < singul < poc < quelc < pluri < mult < mani < tot
There are also other types of pronounsĀ : altri (other) / ambi (both) / ceteri (remaining)
The -i series has an accusative form, whose ending is -em: quem, alquem
The -al series can be adverbialized with the -men ending: qualmen (how) talmen
The -el and -al series can take the plural ending: queles, quales