Gyakuten Kenji 2/Episode 2: The Imprisoned Turnabout/Middle
The next morning, Edgeworth and Kay are discussing the incident in the prison in Edgeworth's office. Edgeworth doesn't plan on giving up on the case yet, but wonders what he can do without investigative rights. While he is thinking, Gumshoe calls with bad news - they've already arrested a suspect for Knightley's murder! Edgeworth goes straight to the detention center to meet the suspect. The suspect in question, Simon Keyes (猿代 草太 (さるしろ そうた) Sarushiro Sōta), is terrified of prosecutors, and Edgeworth doesn't do much to dispel his fears, so Kay is forced to act as an intermediary. She eventually gets him to start talking, though. Talk to Simon:
- Simon Keyes (猿代 草太 Sarushiro Sōta): "No way!"
- Horace Knightley (内藤との関係 Naitō to no kankei): Simon was a friend of Knightley's. He came to visit him two days ago, at Knightley's request - Knightley wanted him to bring him his chessboard.
Present the Chessboard (チェスボード) to Simon. He says that he and Knightley were best friends. He doesn't seem to be taking the situation well at all - at the very least, you can't see any motive Simon might have had to kill Knightley. Why was he arrested?
- Reasons for arrest (逮捕された理由 Taiho sareta riyū): Debeste was responsible for having Simon arrested. Simon hasn't been questioned yet, and isn't looking forward to it either, owing to his fear of detectives. Detective Gumshoe chooses this moment to make his entrance. Edgeworth is convinced of Simon's innocence, and decides to do what he can to help. That's going to be difficult without any investigative authority, though.
Outside in the hallway, "Uncle Ray" shows up. He's been hired as Simon's defence attorney, which gives Edgeworth an idea - working as Ray's assistant in order to gain access to the crime scene. Ray isn't easily swayed, given the "von Karma connection", but Edgeworth manages to convince him. Ray takes this opportunity to introduce himself properly - Raymond Shields, head of the Edgeworth Law Offices, and former assistant to Edgeworth's father, Gregory. For his first job as Ray's assistant, Edgeworth suggests finding the person who discovered Knightley's body.
Prison - Hallway / 刑務所・廊下
editOnce inside the prison, the group are enthusiastically greeted by the warden, Patricia Roland (美和 マリー (みわ マリー) Miwa Marī). She mentions that an animal show took place yesterday in the prison - this was probably the "recreation" Elbird referred to. The show took place from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. - around when the body was found. She leaves after this, allowing you to start looking for the prisoner who found the body. First, talk to the prisoner in the third cell. He says that the person you're looking for should be in one of the workrooms. Examine the right door, leading to Workroom B. The prisoner inside should be a familiar face to veterans of the blue-suited attorney's adventures: Frank Sahwit (山野 星雄 (やまの ほしお) Yamano Hoshio). At the time, he was in Workroom B, practicing pet grooming. Apropos of nothing, he says he didn't see anything, and won't help you. It's "that" time again...
Logic Chess: Frank Sahwit / ロジックチェス ~山野 星雄~
editThis time around, Sahwit is adamant that he didn't see it. His face isn't giving anything away, so instead, pay attention to his choice of words. To start with, ask him Are you involved with this case? (アナタは事件の関係者か? Anata wa jiken no kankei-sha ka?) In response, he struggles to choose his words, eventually settling on "I'm an upright, model citizen".
Choose You're an upright, model citizen? (良識のある人間が囚人に? Ryōshiki no aru ningen ga shūjin ni?) That seems a little hard to believe, since he's a prisoner. He doesn't respond well to this.
Wait and see. (まだ様子を見る Mada yōsu o miru) He's calmed down a little. He says that if you're looking for the person who found the body, you should look elsewhere.
Choose Did I say who we were looking for? (まだ第一発見者とは言ってないが? Mada dai-ichi-hakken-sha to wa ittenai ga?) You never mentioned who you were looking for... so it seems he does indeed know something.
Pawn defeated
He's still hiding something, though. Next, you should question what he was doing on the day of the incident. Choose What happened on the day of the murder? (事件当日は何を? Jiken tōjitsu wa nani o?) He says "there was a lot going on". You now have two choices:
- Tell me about your movements. (あなた自身の行動は? Anata jishin no kōdō wa?)
- Tell me about the state of the prison. (刑務所の様子は? Keimusho no yōsu wa?)
Start with Tell me about your movements. He again says he was grooming the pets. He claims that there was no panic over the murder - he even heard someone's voice.
Choose Was it a scream that you heard? (悲鳴を聞いたのだな? Himei o kiita no da na?) He's slipped up, and proven by himself that he really does know something. Remember this clue for later.
Choose What happened on the day of the murder? (事件当日は何を?), followed by Tell me about the state of the prison. (刑務所の様子は?) He says he doesn't remember it.
Choose I thought you said you heard a scream! (悲鳴を聞いたと言ったではないか! Himei o kiita to itta dewa nai ka!) Has he forgotten that already? His tongue slips again...
Wait and see. (まだ様子を見る Mada yōsu o miru) Edgeworth changes the topic to pet grooming. Sahwit claims to be skilled at handling the animals, and says he was able to calm them when they became frightened. "Frightened"?
Choose Did the scream frighten the animals? (悲鳴でおびえるのだろう? Himei de obieru no darō?) He admits to hearing the scream, but is still hiding something.
Bishop defeated
Time to get him talking about that scream. You have two options:
- When did you hear it? (いつ聞こえたのか? Itsu kikoeta no ka?)
- Who did the scream belong to? (誰の悲鳴だったのか? Dare no himei datta no ka?)
First, choose When did you hear it? He says the Animal Show was taking place at the time. But if he was at the show, he couldn't have heard the scream... "Shut up! ... I mean..."
Wait and see. (まだ様子を見る Mada yōsu o miru) He claims to have seen a whale at the show. What?
Choose You didn't see the show, did you? (動物ショーを見ていないな? Dōbutsu shō o miteinai na?) He's clearly lying about having been there. Remember this clue.
Choose Who did the scream belong to? (誰の悲鳴だったのか?) He again claims to have been at the Animal Show, but this was already proven false.
Choose You didn't see the Animal Show! (動物ショーは見ていないはず! Dōbutsu shō wa miteinai hazu!) He's still claiming he didn't hear the scream... from "the person who discovered the body".
Choose Don’t you mean the victim's scream? (被害者の悲鳴ではなかったのか? Higaisha no himei dewa nakatta no ka?) Someone was murdered. Isn't it more logical to assume a scream would come from the victim? How does he know it was from the person who found the body?
Choose You’re the one who found the body! (キサマが第一発見者だからだ! Kisama ga dai-ichi-hakken-sha da kara da!) The scream you've been hearing about must have been Sahwit, when he saw the body! Sahwit finally agrees to testify about what he saw.
Queen defeated
Checkmate / チェックメイト
Sahwit's Testimony: When I Found the Body / 山野の証言 ~死体発見時のこと~
edit- I was in the workroom over there practicing my skills.
- By some chance, I got curious about the adjacent workroom, and went up to the door.
- I peeked in through the small window on the door.
- Then I saw him lying there... A man... not moving... dead!
- I quailed in fright and found myself letting out a scream.
- あれは、そこの作業部屋で自習をしていた時のことでした。
- ふと気になって、隣の作業部屋の前まで行ったんでございます。
- のぞいたのは、トビラについている小さな窓からでございました。
- すると、なんと、男の人が死んでいるじゃございませんか!
- 私、腰が抜けてしまいまして。怖くて、悲鳴をあげてしまいました。
Sahwit explains that the prison has three roll calls every day - at 7 a.m., noon, and 9 p.m.. At 7 a.m. on the day of the murder, there was nothing out of place. The Prison Roll Call (刑務所の点呼 keimusho no tenko) is noted down in the Organizer. From this, you can deduce that the murder occurred after 7 a.m., and that anyone who was at the Animal Show is innocent.
Rebuttal: When I Found the Body / 追究 ~死体発見時のこと~
editPresent the Door Sensor (トビラのセンサー) on Sahwit's second or third statement. The sensors are meant to sound an alarm if a prisoner tries to enter or exit without a guard's permission, so how did he manage to get out of his workroom? Sahwit tries to clear up his mess with another testimony.
Sahwit's Testimony: When I Found It, Pt. 2 / 山野の証言 ~死体発見時のこと2~
edit- There is a rather well-known technique among the prisoners here...
- If the hand with the bracelet stays in the room, you can step out without sounding the alarm.
- That's how I was able to peek into the adjacent room.
- The moment I realized that the man inside was dead, I let out a scream.
- これは、囚人の間では有名なテクニックなのでございますが・・・・
- 右手の《腕輪》でけ室内に残して、体を乗りでしても警報は鳴りません。
- そうして、となりの部屋のトビラについている窓からのぞいたのです。
- すると、男の人が死んでいたので、悲鳴をあげてしまいました。
Rebuttal: When I Found It, Pt. 2 / 追究 ~死体発見時のこと2~
editPress on Sahwit's third statement. He says he heard a noise from the other workroom, and became curious, so he looked as quickly as he could. Is there a problem with this statement? Choose There is a problem (モンダイがある Mondai ga aru). If he looked straight away, he should also have seen whoever made the noise. After recollecting himself, he says he saw a black dog, biting into Knightley's neck. The Black Dog (黒い犬 kuroi inu) is added to the Organizer, and Sahwit adds a new statement to his testimony.
- And to my horror, there was a black dog biting his neck!
- しかも、黒い犬が首にかみついていたのです!
Press this statement. Knightley wasn't moving at this time, so he was probably already dead. Sahwit adds two more statements to his testimony.
- He most likely had passed away already. His hands moved nary an inch...
- The ring with the snowflake insignia glimmered, with no purpose but to catch my eye.
- すでに絶命した後だったのでしょう。手はピクリとも動かず・・・・
- 雪の印が入った指輪が、虚しく輝いていたのを目にいたしました。
Present the Crime Scene Notes (死体の所見メモ) on the second of these statements. The hand wearing the ring was covered by a sheet, so it should have been impossible for Sahwit to see it... Sahwit flips, and a second lawyer is struck in the face by his toupée. Just where was he when he saw the body? Present Workroom A. He now wants evidence that proves he went into Workroom A. Present the Rubber Glove (ゴム手袋). That seems to solve everything... but there's still one problem. How was Sahwit able to get into Workroom A without triggering the alarm? Because his bracelet was broken, and has been for some time. Edgeworth has a guard replace the bracelet, and adds Sahwit's broken bracelet (山野 星雄の《腕輪》 Yamano Hoshio no "udewa") to the Organizer.
Sahwit is still claiming to be innocent of murder, though... he was merely planning to loot the body, but didn't have enough time to take anything. Plus, you still don't know how Knightley got into the prison in order to be found dead there. Sahwit says that only one other prisoner did not see the Animal Show, and Edgeworth seems to know who he's referring to... This "special" prisoner is being kept in the Special Cell. Sahwit is reluctant to divulge any more details, though. Move to the Special Cell (特別独房 Tokubetsu dokubō), through the door to the lower right.
Special Cell / 特別独房
editOddly, the "special" cell is in complete darkness. Just as Kay completes her motto, an ominous bell rings, and a dog growls... Kay and Ray run away, leaving Edgeworth to deal with the occupant of the cell alone. This person seems to know Edgeworth... He finally decides to light the cell. This prisoner, Sirhan Dogen (鳳院坊 了賢 (ほういんぼう りょうけん) Hōinbō Ryōken), is a former assassin, and the prosecutor at his trial was none other than Miles Edgeworth himself. Talk to Dogen:
- Murder suspect (殺人容疑 Satsujin yōgi): Dogen says that his dog could not be the killer.
- The alibi (アリバイについて Aribai ni tsuite): Dogen claims to have been in his cell during the Animal Show, practicing whittling - he even has five chisels in his cell. He shows off one of his more recent productions: a chess piece in the shape of a three-headed dog. Dogen says he has recently taken up correspondence chess. The Hound Piece (猟犬のクマ ryōken no kuma) is added to your Organizer.
- The victim (被害者について Higaisha ni tsuite): Dogen already knows who the murder victim was. He has a different understanding of why Knightley was arrested, though - it appears that the plan was to make Knightley a scapegoat by having the assassination attempt pinned on him.
Dogen says that Debeste, Courtney, and the warden have already inspected the prison in search of a murder weapon, but failed to find anything. The Prison Investigation report (刑務所内の捜査 keimusho-nai no sōsa) is noted down in the Organizer. Dogen has now had enough of you, and asks his dog to show you out. Ray doesn't need telling twice, and runs out of the room, followed after by Kay and Edgeworth.
Next, you need to figure out how Knightley got from his holding cell to the prison, which should have been impossible. You'll need to investigate the holding cell itself to do so. Out in the hallway, Warden Roland and a guard are discussing an "assassin" - that can only be Sirhan Dogen, but she doesn't tell you any more.
Investigation: Detention Center - Holding Cell / 捜査 ~留置所・監房~
editExamine the bed. Here, examine the clean part of the floor to get the Floor wiped clean logic (ふかれた床 Fukareta yuka). Examine the newspaper on the bed to get the Torn up newspaper logic (破り取られた新聞紙 Yaburi torareta shinbunshi). Use Logic to connect the two together. Given the situation, it's likely that someone used pages from the newspaper to wipe the floor. But why? The Wiped Floor (ふかれた床 fukareta yuka) is added to the Organizer. Next, examine the table in the cell. Examine the sheet of paper. It looks like chess notation. Deduce from Dogen's Hound Piece (猟犬のクマ) that Dogen's chess opponent was likely Knightley, since the notation on this sheet matches up with the chessboard in Dogen's cell. Knightley's Memo (内藤のメモ Naitō no memo) is added to the Organizer. Finally, examine the mirror in the north-west of the cell. The reflection shows a security camera. Edgeworth has the guard examine the security footage. He reports back soon after, saying that "something terrible" was recorded - someone being attacked by what appears to be a black dog. So, where was Knightley really attacked? Present the Holding Cell. This tape looks like it could be your decisive evidence! The Security Footage (監視カメラ映像 kanshi kamera eizō) is added to the Organizer. It now seems that the murder occurred in this cell. In that case, what piece of evidence takes on a new meaning? Present the Wiped Floor (ふかれた床). Was the floor wiped to hide bloodstains? Edgeworth tells the guard to ask Gumshoe to have the floor examined for bloodstains. There's still one piece missing from the puzzle, though - how did the dog move Knightley from the holding cell to the prison? Edgeworth decides to ask the guards in the prison for information.
Detention Center - Hallway / 留置所・廊下
editBack in the hallway, Edgeworth and Kay meet another familiar face - Shi-Long Lang (狼 士龍 (ろう しりゅう) Rō Shiryū), a high-ranking Interpol agent who worked on a number of cases involving Edgeworth a few weeks ago. He seems to be alone today - where's his usual army of subordinates? He leaves shortly after. You can worry about him later - for now, talk to the guards here. The guard standing by the lockers tells you that one of his uniforms has gone missing. The Stolen Uniform (盗まれた看守の服 nusumareta kanshu no fuku) is noted down in the Organizer. The guard by the trophy cabinet mentions that he hasn't seen any dogs pass through the Detention Center.
Ray finally decides to come back. He says that Knightley apparently caused a disturbance a few days ago. After Simon came to visit Knightley, he was escorted back to his cell by a guard. While the guard was undoing Knightley's handcuffs, he attacked the guard, knocking him out. By the time the other guards had arrived, the key for the cell had gone missing. Despite this, Knightley never attempted to break out, and he also denied having attacked the guard in the first place. The key hasn't been seen since, and the guard in question is currently hospitalised. Knightley's Cell Key (内藤の監房のカギ Naitō no kanbō no kagi) is added to the Organizer.
The discussion is ended when Debeste and Courtney show up. Debeste is still muddling his words, it seems (though in this case, he mightn't be entirely wrong)... and he wants to explain why he arrested Simon. This can only go well...
Debeste's Testimony: Reasons for Arrest / 一柳の証言 ~逮捕した理由~
edit- So, you want to know my reasons for arresting that man?
- The answer is simple. Yes. We found "traces" of that guy over there.
- How's that? Perfectly simple, perfectly decisive... Right?
- Of course, I was the first to notice it because I'm the Best.
- オレが、アノ男を逮捕した理由が、どうしても知りたいっての?
- 答えはカンタン。そう。アソコで、アイツのコンセキがみつかったんだ。
- どうだ?一番シンプルで、一番決定的な・・・・アレだろう?
- もちろん、ダレよりも先にオレが一番に気付いていたわけよ。
Rebuttal: Reasons for Arrest / 追究 ~逮捕した理由~
editPress on Debeste's second statement (pressing his other statements only gets you more worthless nonsense). "Traces"? "That guy"? "Over there"? Couldn't he possibly be any clearer about that? He decides to try, and explains that they found Simon's fingerprints on the chessboard found by Knightley's body.
- The victim carried a chessboard. From it, we found Simon Keyes' fingerprints.
- 被害者の持っていたチェスボード。あれから、猿代 草太の指紋が出た。
Present the Chessboard (チェスボード) in question here. Simon delivered the chessboard to Knightley, so obviously his fingerprints should be on it. This is taking far too long... Oh dear, Courtney wants him to give another testimony. Hopefully this one will be of more use...
Debeste's Testimony: Murder Weapon's Location / 一柳の証言 ~凶器のゆくえ~
edit- It's obvious the murder weapon was a sharp metal object!
- However, the prison maintains strict control over potentially lethal items.
- So... That's why I've reasoned that the murder weapon was brought in from the outside.
- Yes. It was hidden inside that chess board.
- And since only the victim and the suspect's fingerprints were found on the chessboard...
- Isn't it obvious who brought and used the murder weapon?
- 凶器は、金属製の刃物にちがいない!
- 刑務所では、ヒトを殺せるような刃物は厳重に管理されている。
- だから・・・・凶器は外から持ち込まれたと推理したのさ。
- そう。あのチェスボードの中に隠されていたんだよ。
- そして、ボードから取れたのは、被害者と容疑者2人の指紋だけ。
- 誰が凶器を持ち込み、使用したか。アキラカだろう?
Debeste claims that the weapon was hidden inside the chessboard, and says to examine inside it. Open it by examining the lock, and then examine the top of the inside. It opens up to reveal a hidden compartment. It's certainly deep enough to conceal a small, sharp weapon. Edgeworth objects, however. The prison has a security gate at the entrance, that should have picked up on any hidden weapons when the chessboard was being brought in. However, as Courtney explains, the gate is only used on people entering the prison, and packages undergo a different check, so Debeste's reasoning still holds. The Security Gate (セキュリティゲート sekyuriti gēto) is added to the Organizer.
Rebuttal: Murder Weapon's Location / 追究 ~凶器のゆくえ~
editPress Debeste's fourth statement. Assuming the murder weapon was brought in, where did it disappear to? Debeste says it must have been hidden inside the prison. Is there a problem with that statement? This is Debeste's best logic, so of course there is a problem (モンダイがある Mondai ga aru). Present the Prison Investigation (刑務所内の捜査). Has he forgotten that already? He now claims that the murderer brought the weapon back out of the prison with them. This, of course, is impossible. Present the Security Gate (セキュリティゲート). He's forgotten this, too... If the murderer had brought the weapon out on their person, the gate would have picked it up. This leaves only one other possibility - that the murder weapon is not actually a sharp metal object, as Debeste believes. What is the murder weapon, then? Present the Black Dog (黒い犬) or the Security Footage (監視カメラ映像). The video clearly shows the man in the cell being attacked by a black animal.
There's just one problem with this reasoning - how did the dog manage to move between the prison and the detention center? Courtney says that if you can't prove that, she cannot accept your argument. However, that must work both ways - she can't prove Simon did it, either... except that she can, as she claims. Apparently, Simon is actually a circus performer, who was part of the Animal Show that visited the circus yesterday morning. He would have easily been able to enter the prison. With that, Courtney and Debeste leave. Why didn't Simon tell you he was part of the circus? This has blown a hole in your logic. You'll need to investigate this matter further.