Foundations and Assessment of Education/Edition 1/How to Use This Book/Rating Articles

Rating the articles in our Wikibook


Readers are invited to rate the articles that appear in our Wikibook. Ratings may be given for Foundations Content Articles, or the Foundations author and/or editor duties.

Each Foundations Content article will be rated on a scale of 1 (low) to 5 (high) on four criteria:

  • Importance/Relevance
  • Interest
  • Credibility
  • Writing Skill

The goal of our text is to provide well-written articles that are relevant and interesting to pre-service teachers (students studying education) and that are credible and current sources of information on topics related to the foundations and assessment of education.

Articles receiving the highest ratings will become part of our official textbook from which the students will be tested. These articles may also carry over to subsequent versions of the textbook.

The Foundations author and editior duties will be rated in a similar fashion, but with different criteria.

Instructions for ECI 301 students rating articles

  • To rate an article, click the "Rate this Article" button at the end of the article.
  • A new window will open and you will be prompted to enter your UIN and to select the ratings for each of the four criteria.
  • You may also leave a comment.
  • Please rate each article with integrity. Consider the Wiki article rubric when making your decisions.
  • Ratings will be used to determine student grades and the article selected for the official textbook.