Foundations and Assessment of Education/Edition 1/How to Use This Book/Explanation of Book Components

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Explanations of the Sections in this Wikibook


How to Use this Wikibook

This section of the Wikibook contains instructions for how to write, edit, review, comment on and rate Wikibook articles. It also explains the components of the Wikibook.

About the Authors

This section of the book contains links to each user's (author's)home page. On their home page, each user (author) will provide a short introduction to him or herself and some thoughts about their current philosophy of education. Users may include photos on this page and their full name if they so desire. This is not required.

Foundations of Education

This section contains articles related to the foundations of education. Bold topics contain links to articles written in previous semesters. These articles were included in this text because they were very highly related by their peers. Topics in regular type will link to the articles written by this semester's students.

Each of the articles written this semester should contain one or more learning targets, a 1000-word article, 5 cited references, and 4 multiple-choice questions.


This section contains articles written by experts in the field of educational assessment.

In Today’s Schools

This section contains a report of practices that are currently occurring in today's schools. After spending time observing in schools, students will contribute to these reports, an account of what they observed and an analysis of how the practice they observed compares with what they have learned is "best practice".