Cookbook:Pocho Soup

Pocho Soup
CategorySoup recipes

Cookbook | Ingredients | Recipes

Pocho soup is a soup from the state of Benue, Nigeria. It is a thin, watery soup featuring meat, palm oil, locust beans, peppers, and seasoning. It can be eaten with rice or any type of swallow.

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  1. Blend the chile pepper, onion, and locust beans into a paste.
  2. Season the meat with salt and seasonings as desired.
  3. Transfer the seasoned meat and pepper paste into a pot.
  4. Add some water, and a small amount of palm oil to the pot.
  5. Cook over medium heat for few minutes until the meat is done.
  6. Adjust seasoning to taste. Add additional water if needed to yield a thin broth.
  7. Serve.