Branding a University Media Department/There's no room in a well established curriculum for "new media, it's already over-stretched

There's no room for new media within a media department's well established curriculum. Course work has been refined for decades until every professor in convinced that only the essentials remain. (DE)

Mobile media, social media, streaming media and a dozen other pervasive influences have never existed before, but represent primary trends (if not THE trends) in modern media. Professors do their best to assimilate, but new tools and trends don’t fit into an established curriculum. And when new technologies require a significant learning curve, teachers have every incentive to minimize their importance.

It's not possible to add something new to an already over-stretched curriculum unless something is deleted. It's necessary to teach more in less time in order to make room for the "new" but there's already too much momentum in the wrong direction. Teachers must define their core content and almost NOTHING is "core" to a curriculum - nothing is sacred. (DE)

A faculty must "clean house" and define the fundamentals to keep. What classes are outdated? (LH)

It's necessary to delete duplications in classes, but professors don't know what everyone else is teaching. (KA)

Perhaps we should videotape EVERYTHING that is repeated more than once, provide students a video link and quiz them the content for verification. (DE) There are technical barriers to effortless recording/publishing, so perhaps the only alternative is to stop teaching certain things. (JH)