Ada Programming/Attributes/'Length

Ada. Time-tested, safe and secure.
Ada. Time-tested, safe and secure.

Description edit

'Length is an array type attribute. It may be used with or without an input parameter.

Without an input parameter, 'Length is an integer that represents the length of the first dimension of the array type.

With an input parameter, 'Length(N) is an integer that represents the length of the Nth dimension of the array type. N must be a positive number within the dimensions of the array.

Example edit

If you declare:

type My_Vector is array (1 .. 7) of Integer;
type My_Matrix is array (1 .. 5, 1 .. 10) of Integer;


pragma Assert (My_Vector'Length =  7);

pragma Assert (My_Matrix'Length(1) =  5);
pragma Assert (My_Matrix'Length(2) = 10);

pragma Assert (My_Vector'Length(1) = My_Vector'Length);
pragma Assert (My_Matrix'Length(1) = My_Matrix'Length);

See also edit

Wikibook edit

Ada Reference Manual edit