PAPER 1 - ⇑ Systematic approach to problem solving ⇑

← Design Implementation Testing →

You might think that all implementation involves is creating the game. You'd be wrong, it involves the following:

  • Programming the software / creation of hardware
  • Installation of hardware and software
  • Preparation of data files
  • Training of users
  • Writing the system documentation

And at the same time make sure that the system that you build fits in with what you designed

Example: Electronic Crafts Implementation

Electronic Crafts will use the designs and code from previous products to code the game, probably in C++.

They will set up the servers to handle the online play, they will write code to install the game automatically on users machines after paying for it and downloading/putting the disc in the drive.

They will set up data files on the users Super MES and on the online server to handle user and game data

They will create a user manual and website to guide users in playing the game

Exercise: Implementation
On top of programming a solution, what else does the Implementation involve?


  • Installation of hardware and software
  • Preparation of data files
  • Training of users
  • Writing the system documentation
For a firm creating supermarket checkout machines, explain what they would do for each stage:


  • Programming the software / creation of hardware
    • Put hardware together and program software
  • Installation of hardware and software
    • put new machines in store, and install software on them. Make sure that tills talk to central pricing database
  • Preparation of data files
    • make sure pricing information is up to date
  • Training of users
    • train shop staff in using the new system
  • Writing the system documentation
    • create user manual and online resources to aid use
What forms might system documentation take:


The most common is a user manual. There might also be a website and videos