
Solutions to simple math problems using Ruby

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
## Area of a circle

def area_circle(radius)
        return Math::PI * (radius)**2

puts "What is the radius of the circle?"
input = gets.chomp.to_f
area = area_circle(input).to_f
puts "The radius of the circle is #{input} units"
puts "The area of the circle is #{area} square units"
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
## Area of an octagon

def area_octagon(radius)
        return 2 * (radius)**2 * Math::sqrt(2)

puts "What is the radius of the octagon?"
input = gets.chomp.to_f
area = area_octagon(input).to_f
puts "The radius of the octagon is {#input} units"
puts "The area of the octagon is {#area} square units"