User:Vuara/CHAPTER V (MMY Gita)


  1. Arjuna said: Thou praisest, O Krishna, renunciation of action and Yoga (of action) at the same time. Tell me decisively which is the better of these two.
  2. The Blessed Lord said: Both renunciation and the Yoga of action lead to the supreme good. But of the two, the Yoga of action is superior to the renunciation of action.
  3. Know him to be ever a man of renunciation who neither hates nor desires; free from the pairs of opposites, he is easily released from bondage, O mighty-armed.
  4. The ignorant, and not the wise, speak of the path of knowledge (Sankhya) and the path of action (Yoga) as different. He who is properly established even in one gains the fruit of both.
  5. The state attained by men on the path of knowledge is also reached by those on the path of action. He who sees Sankhya and Yoga to be one, verily he sees.
  6. Renunciation is indeed hard to attain without Yoga, O mighty-armed. The sage who is intent on Yoga comes to Brahman without long delay.
  7. Intent on Yoga, pure of spirit, he who has fully mastered himself and has conquered the senses, whose self has become the Self of all beings, he is not involved even while he acts.
  8. {Verses 8, 9 together}
  9. One who is in Union with the Divine and who knows the Truth will maintain 'l do not act at all'. In seeing, hearing, touching, smelling, eating, walking, sleeping, breathing, speaking, letting go, seizing and even in opening and closing the eyes, he holds simply that the senses act among the objects of sense.
  10. He who acts giving over all actions to the universal Being, abandoning attachment, is untouched by sin as a lotus leaf by water.
  11. By means of the body, by the mind, by the intellect and even by the senses alone, yogis, abandoning attachment, perform action for self-purification.
  12. He who is united with the Divine, having abandoned the fruit of action, attains to lasting peace. He who is not united with the Divine, who is spurred by desire, being attached to the fruit of action, is firmly bound.
  13. Having renounced all action by the mind, the dweller in the body rests in happiness, in the city of nine gates, neither acting nor causing action to be done.
  14. The Lord creates neither the authorship of action nor the action of beings; nor does He create the link between (the doer), the action and its fruit Nature carries this out.
  15. The all-pervading Intelligence does not accept the sin or even the merit of anyone. Wisdom is veiled by ignorance. Thereby creatures are deluded.
  16. But in those in whom that ignorance is destroyed by wisdom, wisdom, like the sun, illumines That which is transcendent.
  17. Their intellect rooted in That, their being established in That, intent on That, wholly devoted to That, cleansed of all impurities by wisdom, they attain to a state from which there is no return.
  18. In a brahmin endowed with learning and humility, in a cow, in an elephant, in a dog and even in one who has lost his caste, the enlightened perceive the Same.
  19. Even here, in this life, the universe is conquered by those whose mind is established in equanimity. FIawless, indeed, and equally present everywhere is Brahman. Therefore they are established in Brahman.
  20. He who neither greatly rejoices on obtaining what is dear to him, nor grieves much on obtaining what is unpleasant, whose intellect is steady, who is free from delusion, he is a knower of Brahman, established in Brahman.
  21. He whose self is untouched by externaI contacts knows that happiness which is in the Self. His self joined in Union with Brahman, he enjoys eternal happiness.
  22. All pleasures born of contact are only sources of sorrow; they have a beginning and an end, O son of Kunti. The enlightened man does not rejoice in them.
  23. He who is able, even here, before liberation from the body, to resist the excitement born of desire and anger, is united with the Divine. He is a happy man.
  24. He whose happiness is within, whose contentment is within, whose sight is all within, that yogi, being one with Brahman, attains eternal freedom in divine consciousness.
  25. The seers, whose sins are destroyed, whose doubts are dispelled, who are self-controlled and take delight in doing good to all creatures, attain eternal freedom in divine consciousness.
  26. Disciplined men, freed from desire and anger, who have disciplined their thoughts and have realized the Self, find eternal freedom in divine consciousness everywhere.
  27. Having left external contacts outside; with the vision within the eyebrows; having balanced the ingoing and outgoing breaths that flow through the nostrils,
  28. The sage, whose senses, mind and intellect are controlled, whose aim is liberation, from whom desire, fear and anger have departed, is indeed for ever free.
  29. Having known Me as the enjoyer of yagyas and austerities, as the great Lord of all the world, as the friend of all beings, he attains to peace.