The Term Freelance Developer can go along way. The road I took as a programmer started out in 1977 with a combination of Timex, T.I, and I.B.M. Dos using G and M code. I used a cassette tape recorder to store data and to retrieve it. I was fascinated by goto, gosub, print, screen, and window using basic and q-basic. Boy has that changed fast. I stayed in touch scripting in c and c+ up until php came along. And gradually i jumped on it using a homemade server for html and c languages. Bit by bit i added libraries for php and then in 2001 jumped on the bandwagon with the release of sessions, globals, get, and post methods. Back in 2006 i started wrangling with classes and functions. But the more advanced php became within it's libraries, i soon realized that classes and function were beginning to become unnecessary. And so I reverted to my old ways of creating frameworks that follow a fluid alphabetical and numerical order within name spaces. Further to approach handlers and methods I started adding config files to store all variable naming and designed a form entry sytem to handle everything within itself. This sounded far fetched but after testing with several servers knew i was on the right track. I soon created Essence a framework that compliments php using a user-partitioned approach to naming which allows switching and changing of everything including tags labels,paging, scripting, and filing using numerators placed strategically at the end of single letters. Thus allowing me to switch or change them using assigned $partition-variables to name everything within an application. And ultimately allowing me to manipulate modules, data, and resources fluidly.

   A simpler way to handle Functions without functions and to tranfer scripts and parts into pages. See below !
   include config.php which contains two variables one defined variable as $url_1='Home'; the page name, and one 
   to name the actual page route $urla1='a1';    
   $url_a1 = array(a1a.php,a1a.a1a1.php,a1.a1b.php,a1.a1c.a1ca.php);  // These bring in the array of INCUDED files for that one page "a1".
   and the action will happen in the browser window upon the change.
   The resulting namespace is passed using the $_Post and $_Get method. 
   And thus can be sanitized either way and can be switched simply by changing the name.
   The name change partition is done by inserting a user-partition as a $partic variable
   IF $partic !='1'; {$partic = '2';}ELSE{$partic = '3';}
     If $partic = '3'; {$partic = '4';}ELSE{$partic = '5';}  //not related to below //

Thus to handle passing pages or modules we add the $partic partition variable to handle the switch.

      $url_a $partic which now becomes $url_a1. Thus allowing us to pass this to the link, browser, or script fluidly.
      include('$url_a,$partic').php;  which will inlcude the page parts of a1.php which has been labeled as both $url_a1 and named $url_1
      where the $partic has switched and renamed the page includes array's. And also contains the needed page parts for that page.