CC3.0 from

Imports System.Console

Module minesweeper

    Const gridSize = 6
    Const CellSizeMax = 6 'use range of 1 to 6
    Const maxTries = gridSize * gridSize - gridSize

    Dim rnd As New Random
    Dim debug As Boolean = False 'turn on to see values as you play

    Enum ecell
        empty = 0
        mine = 9
        flag = 10
    End Enum

    Structure cell
        Dim contents As ecell
        Dim revealed As Boolean
    End Structure

    Structure point
        Dim x As Integer
        Dim y As Integer
    End Structure

    Dim colourmap() As Integer = {ConsoleColor.Blue,

    Sub Main()

        Dim quit As Boolean = False
        Dim choice As point
        Dim complete As Boolean = True
        Dim cellsize = CellSizeMax
        Dim placedmines = gridSize - 1
        Dim tries As Integer = maxtries
        Dim score As Integer = 0

        Dim grid(gridSize, gridSize) As cell

        Console.Title = "Console Minesweeper"
        Console.WindowWidth = ((gridSize - 1) * CellSizeMax) + 9
        Console.WindowHeight = ((gridSize - 1) * CellSizeMax) + 13
        Console.CursorVisible = False
        'main loop

            placedmines = clearGrid(grid, gridSize - 1)
            tries = maxTries
                SetCursorPosition(3, ((gridSize - 1) * CellSizeMax) + 9)
                BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black
                ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White
                WriteLine("Goes left : {0}   Score : {1}     ", tries, score)
                choice = getuserinput()
                complete = testChoice(grid, choice)
                If testwin(grid, placedmines) Then
                    complete = True
                    SetCursorPosition(3, ((gridSize - 1) * CellSizeMax) + 11)
                    score += gridSize ^ 2
                    WriteLine("You have won. press anykey")
                    'If tries <= 0 And complete = False Then
                    '    complete = True
                    '    'run out of goes 
                    'End If
                End If
                tries -= 1

            Loop Until complete

        Loop Until quit

    End Sub

    Function getuserinput() As point
        Dim pt As point
        Dim complete As Boolean = False
        Dim str As String
            SetCursorPosition(3, ((gridSize - 1) * CellSizeMax) + 11)
            BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black
            ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White
            Write("Enter coords XY : ")
            CursorVisible = True
                str = ReadLine()
                If Val(str(0)) > -1 And Val(str(0)) < gridSize And Val(str(1)) > -1 And Val(str(1)) < gridSize Then
                    pt.x = Val(str(0))
                    pt.y = Val(str(1))
                    complete = True
                End If
            Catch ex As Exception

            End Try
        Loop Until complete
        CursorVisible = False
        SetCursorPosition(3, ((gridSize - 1) * CellSizeMax) + 11)
        WriteLine("                                         ")
        Return pt

    End Function

    Function clearGrid(ByRef grid(,) As cell, ByVal mines As Integer) As Integer
        Dim i, j, placedmines As Integer
        For i = 0 To gridSize - 1
            For j = 0 To gridSize - 1
                grid(i, j).contents = ecell.empty
                grid(i, j).revealed = False

        For i = 0 To mines - 2
            grid(rnd.Next(0, gridSize), rnd.Next(0, gridSize)).contents = ecell.mine

        'populate grid with numbers
        'look at each grid point
        For i = 0 To gridSize - 1
            For j = 0 To gridSize - 1
                'look at its surrounding 8 cells, if possible
                If Not grid(i, j).contents = ecell.mine Then
                    Dim mineCount = 0
                    'look up one row
                    If j > 0 Then
                        If i > 0 Then
                            If grid(i - 1, j - 1).contents = ecell.mine Then mineCount += 1
                        End If
                        If grid(i, j - 1).contents = ecell.mine Then mineCount += 1
                        If i < 10 Then
                            If grid(i + 1, j - 1).contents = ecell.mine Then mineCount += 1
                        End If
                    End If
                    'look at current row
                    If i > 0 Then
                        If grid(i - 1, j).contents = ecell.mine Then mineCount += 1
                    End If
                    If i < 10 Then
                        If grid(i + 1, j).contents = ecell.mine Then mineCount += 1
                    End If
                    'look at row below
                    If j < 10 Then
                        If i > 0 Then
                            If grid(i - 1, j + 1).contents = ecell.mine Then mineCount += 1
                        End If
                        If grid(i, j + 1).contents = ecell.mine Then mineCount += 1
                        If i < 10 Then
                            If grid(i + 1, j + 1).contents = ecell.mine Then mineCount += 1
                        End If
                    End If
                    grid(i, j).contents = mineCount

                    placedmines += 1
                End If
        BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black
        Return placedmines
    End Function

    Sub drawGrid(ByRef grid(,) As cell)

        Dim i, j As Integer

        'draw grid numbers
        Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black
        Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White
        For i = 0 To gridSize - 1
            SetCursorPosition(3 + (CellSizeMax * (i + 0)), 1)
            SetCursorPosition(1, 3 + (CellSizeMax * (i + 0)))
        For i = 0 To gridSize - 1

            For j = 0 To gridSize - 1
                drawsquare(i * CellSizeMax, j * CellSizeMax, CellSizeMax, CellSizeMax, grid(i, j))

    End Sub

    Sub drawsquare(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, ByVal w As Integer, ByVal h As Integer, ByVal c As cell)
        Dim i, j As Integer
        If c.revealed = False Then
            BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray
            BackgroundColor = colourmap(c.contents)

        End If
        For i = 0 To w - 1
            For j = 0 To h - 1
                SetCursorPosition(x + i + 3, y + j + 3)
                Write(" ")
            SetCursorPosition(x + 3, y + 3)
            Select Case c.contents
                Case Is = ecell.empty
                    'nothing to write
                Case Is = ecell.mine
                    ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black
                    If debug Or c.revealed Then
                    End If
                Case Else
                    ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White
                    If debug Or c.revealed Then
                    End If
            End Select

    End Sub

    Function testChoice(ByRef grid(,) As cell, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer) As Boolean
        Dim pt As point
        pt.x = x
        pt.y = y
        Return testChoice(grid, pt)
    End Function

    Function testChoice(ByRef grid(,) As cell, ByVal pt As point) As Boolean
        Dim x, y, i As Integer
        Dim complete As Boolean = False
        Dim won As Boolean = False
        Dim alive As Boolean = True

        x = pt.x
        y = pt.y
        'reveal choice
        grid(x, y).revealed = True
        drawsquare(x * CellSizeMax, y * CellSizeMax, CellSizeMax, CellSizeMax, grid(x, y))

        'test if you hit a mine
        Select Case grid(pt.x, pt.y).contents
            Case Is = ecell.empty
                'cascade or add number
                'look up one row
                If y > 0 Then
                    If x > 0 Then
                        If grid(x - 1, y - 1).contents = ecell.empty And grid(x - 1, y - 1).revealed = False Then testChoice(grid, x - 1, y - 1)
                    End If
                    If grid(x, y - 1).contents = ecell.empty And grid(x, y - 1).revealed = False Then testChoice(grid, x, y - 1)
                    If x < gridSize - 1 Then
                        If grid(x + 1, y - 1).contents = ecell.empty And grid(x + 1, y - 1).revealed = False Then testChoice(grid, x + 1, y - 1)
                    End If
                End If
                'look at current row
                If x > 0 Then
                    If grid(x - 1, y).contents = ecell.empty And grid(x - 1, y).revealed = False Then testChoice(grid, x - 1, y)
                End If
                If x < gridSize - 1 Then
                    If grid(x + 1, y).contents = ecell.empty And grid(x + 1, y).revealed = False Then testChoice(grid, x + 1, y)
                End If
                'look at row below
                If y < gridSize - 1 Then
                    If i > 0 Then
                        If grid(x - 1, y + 1).contents = ecell.empty And grid(x - 1, y + 1).revealed = False Then testChoice(grid, x - 1, y + 1)
                    End If
                    If grid(x, y + 1).contents = ecell.empty And grid(x, y + 1).revealed = False Then testChoice(grid, x, y + 1)
                    If x < gridSize - 1 Then
                        If grid(x + 1, y + 1).contents = ecell.empty And grid(x + 1, y + 1).revealed = False Then testChoice(grid, x + 1, y + 1)
                    End If
                End If
                alive = True
                complete = False
            Case 1 To 8
                alive = True
                complete = False
            Case Is = ecell.mine
                alive = False
                complete = True
                SetCursorPosition(3, ((gridSize - 1) * CellSizeMax) + 11)
                Beep(600, 100)
                Beep(550, 100)
                Beep(500, 100)
                Beep(450, 150)
                Beep(400, 150)
                Beep(350, 150)
                WriteLine("You hit a mine. press anykey")
        End Select
        Return complete
    End Function

    Sub showremainingcells(ByRef grid(,) As cell)
        Dim i, j As Integer
        For i = 0 To gridSize - 1
            For j = 0 To gridSize - 1
                If Not grid(i, j).revealed = True Then
                    grid(i, j).revealed = True
                    drawsquare(i * CellSizeMax, j * CellSizeMax, CellSizeMax, CellSizeMax, grid(i, j))
                End If
    End Sub

    Function testwin(ByRef grid(,) As cell, ByVal placedmines As Integer) As Boolean
        Dim win As Boolean = False
        Dim minecount As Integer = 0
        Dim coveredcount As Integer = 0
        'if only uncovered mines remain
        For i = 0 To gridSize - 1
            For j = 0 To gridSize - 1
                If grid(i, j).contents = ecell.mine And grid(i, j).revealed = False Then
                    minecount += 1
                End If
                If grid(i, j).revealed = False Then
                    coveredcount += 1
                End If
        If minecount = placedmines And coveredcount = placedmines Then
            win = True
            Beep(600, 100)
            Beep(600, 100)
            Beep(600, 100)
            Beep(670, 150)
            Beep(600, 150)
            Beep(670, 150)
            Beep(670, 350)
        End If

        Return win
    End Function

End Module