Hello fellow WikiBook-pedians!

I am here on Wikibooks primarily to work on the United Nations WikiTextbook. Honestly, there isn't much as of today, 4 December 2006, 5:59 PM Pacific Time. I pretty much wrote everything about the General Assembly and I plan on working on it more and other sections of the United Nations textbook for the next few months.

If any of you would like to help, please, you don't even have to ask, just go straight to editing. I can see your remarks in the History section of each United Nations page.

Long live the Wiki gods! (Who are they, exactly?)

Neil the Cellist 02:03, 5 December 2006 (UTC)

Oh, and by the way, here's my email address. If you have something wiki related, please specify it in the subject line of your email. Thanks and good luck to you all! neilthecellist@gmail.com