User:ManuelGR/Centralized development status proposal

Development stages is a great idea, but it is patent that in its current implementation the status of a book is replicated in several places, at least in the Main Page templates and on the Bookshelves. If this status were centralized we could remove this redundancy improving the maintainability of Wikibooks. Once this is done, we could start displaying the development status of a book every where we want.

This problem has already been resolved in the Spanish Wikibooks (aka Wikilibros) where we have two templates, es:Template:Libro2 and es:Template:Libro, which are used to link to a book and display to its right the development icon. This templates as you can see, uses transclusion for centralizing the development status of each book.

I have created this template for implementing this feature here in English Wikibooks: Template:Book link. There is a default parameter for the link text, by the default is the book name, but can be set to a different value.

I have implemented a difference with the current system used in Wikilibros, the page centralizing the development status is not in the main namespace, but in the template one. I think this solution is better for avoiding conflicts with chapters named Sample Book/Development as might happen in Wikilibros.

I have made some tests for Ada Programming.