
Note: After saving, changes may not occur immediately. Click here to learn how to bypass your browser's cache.
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  Created by [[User:L10nM4st3r]]

  To use, simply add "mw.loader.load('//');" to you /common.js subpage.
  After doing that, go to RC, look for a user making really bad edits, and go to their userpage, talkpage, or contributions page. Press the "report" tab and give a reason to report them. Then they will automatically be reported to the admins.
  On TODO list:
	* Maybe: Use custom UI, rather than being lazy and using a very limited prompt() command
	    * Allow using preset reasons
	* Check if user is already blocked

/////////// Settings the user can change //////

var force_enabled_for_admins = false; // If true, even admins can use the script

var can_report_self = false; // If true, the user can report themselves. Useful for testing the script


function success(){
		mw.notify("User already reported",{type:'error'});
	else mw.notify("Successfuly reported user!");
function failed(){
		mw.notify("User already reported",{type:'error'});
	else mw.notify("Unable to report user. Perhaps you don't have permission to edit your local vandalism reporting page?",{type:'error'});

// Used in showing the correct error message. Do not modify deafult value.
var same=false;

$.when($.ready,mw.loader.using(['mediawiki.util','mediawiki.api'])).then( function(){

// Must have a user to accociate the page with
if (mw.config.get('wgRelevantUserName') && ( mw.config.get('wgRelevantUserName') != mw.config.get('wgUserName') || can_report_self )

// Accepted wikis below ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
&& ['enwikibooks','metawiki','uncy_en'].includes(mw.config.get('wgDBname'))

// Sysops do not need this, disabled automatically
&& ( !mw.config.get('wgUserGroups').includes('sysop') || force_enabled_for_admins )

// User must be autoconfirmed to use this script in the first place.
&& mw.config.get('wgUserGroups').includes('autoconfirmed')){

	var node = mw.util.addPortletLink('p-cactions','','Report','utreportuser',"Report this user to the local admins.");

	$(node).on('click',function(e) {
		var user = mw.config.get('wgRelevantUserName');
		var reason = prompt("Give a reason for reporting "+user+".\n\nExamples: spam, vandalism, blanking pages, LTA (long-term abuse)\n\nLeave blank to cancel.");

		// There MUST be a reason filled out for the edit to take place
		if(reason) {
                var ad = " (using [[wikibooks:en:User:L10nM4st3r/ReportUser|ReportUser "+version+"]])";
			var summary = "Reporting user [[User:"+user+"|"+user+"]] ([[User talk:"+user+"|talk]] · [[Special:Contribs/"+user+"|contribs]])";

                        // Used to see if user is already reported
			var tag = '<!--USERREPORTED:/'+user+'/-->';
			var full_reason = reason+' '+tag;
			// Report user, depending on the wiki

			///////// en wikibooks /////////
			if(mw.config.get('wgDBname') == 'enwikibooks')
				new mw.Api().edit('Wikibooks:Reading_room/Administrative_Assistance',function(revision){
					ad = " (using [[User:L10nM4st3r/ReportUser|ReportUser "+version+"]])";
					if (revision.content.includes('<!--USERREPORTED:/'+user+'/-->')){same=true;return{text:revision.content}}
					return {
						text: revision.content+"\n\n==Please block [[User:"+user+"|"+user+']] ([[User talk:'+user+'|talk]] · [[Special:Contribs/'+user+'|contribs]])==\nReason: '+full_reason+' ~~~~',
						summary: summary+ad,

			///////// meta /////////
			else if(mw.config.get('wgDBname') == 'metawiki')
				new mw.Api().edit('Meta:Requests_for_help_from_a_sysop_or_bureaucrat',function(revision){
					if (revision.content.includes('<!--USERREPORTED:/'+user+'/-->')){same=true;return{text:revision.content}}
					return {
						text: revision.content+"\n\n{{subst:VandalReport|"+user+'|'+full_reason+'}}',

			///////// uncyclopedia /////////
			else if(mw.config.get('wgDBname') == 'uncy_en')
				new mw.Api().edit('Uncyclopedia:Ban_Patrol',function(revision){
					if (revision.content.includes('<!--USERREPORTED:/'+user+'/-->')){same=true;return{text:revision.content}}
					section = "== Manual Ban Patrol (new stuff below this line) ==";
					message = "\n{{user|"+user+"}} "+full_reason+" ~~~~";
					// Something went wrong, and the section was not found. Instead show at the bottom of the page with  the other scripted reports.
					// Why we don't just report this with the other scripted reports is because it is easier for the admins this way. Plus, it might lead to those scripts getting improved ;)
					if(!revision.content.includes(section)) return {
						text: revision.content+message,summary:summary+ad+" - ERROR: edit section not found, unable to correctly format report so dumping at the bottom (please [[wikibooks:en:User talk:L10nM4st3r|report this bug!]])"};
					return {
						text: revision.content.replace(section,section+message),
						summary: summary+ad,

			// No reason given. Aborted the report
			mw.notify('You must give a reason to request to have this user blocked.',{type:'error'});