Understanding Scientific Terminology
Greek and Latin Roots of Scientific Terms.
Lessons: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Lesson 7 - The Body, part 2 edit

Word Roots edit

organs edit

Latinized Greek latin greek
kidney ren/o nephr/o
lung pulmin/o pneum/o
heart cardi/o
larynx (throat) laryng/o
liver hepat/o
penis phall/o
uterus / womb hyster/o

or sac with fluid


cells/tissues edit

Latinized Greek latin greek
muscle my/o
nerve neur/o
egg ovo oo

root edit

-cyte : cell
EXERCISE • Body-2 • Define the word
  1. oocyte
  2. myocardium
SOLUTION • Understanding Scientific Terms/Body-2 • Define the word
  1. An egg cell
  2. The muscular tissue of the heart.
reference: American Heritage dictionary