Traditional Chinese Medicine/Shao Fu Zhu Yu Tang

The formula Shao Fu Zhu Yu Tang, designed to remove blood stasis, especially in the treatment of female problems, consists of the following:

No. Pinyin Simplified Chinese Grams
1 Xiao Hui Xiang 小茴香 6
2 Gan Jiang 干姜 6
3 Rou Gui 肉桂 1.5
4 Yan Hu Suo 延胡索(元胡) 6
5 Mo Yao 没药 6
6 Pu Huang 蒲黄 6
7 Wu Ling Zhi 五灵脂 4.5
8 Dang Gui 当归 9
9 Chuan Xiong 川芎 4.5
10 Chi Shao Yao 赤芍药 6

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