{{RefQuoteExt|width=bwidth|margin=lmargin|valign=vcenter|Text|Href|Label}}  produces html output

<div><table width="bwidth"><tr><td width="lmargin"> </td><td>
</td><td valign="vcenter"><table align="right"><tr><td>
<span id="Href"></span>Label

The option valign can be top | center | bottom. Defaults for options are width=100%, margin=20, and valign=center.

This positions Text to the left with a lmargin padding from the margin and Label as an anchor to the right of bwidth the screen with vcenter centering. For example


will display


The anchor is linked to using


See also edit

See documentation on {{RefQuote|Text|Href|Label}} for a version that is briefer, using only defaults.