TI-Basic 89 Programming/Conditional Functions

If edit

Page Template:Mono/styles.css has no content.If, Control(F2):1 is a command which will determine whether or not the next line of code is executed.

Syntax: If edit

:If condition
  • Where condition is an expression that resolves to be either true or false
    • If condition is true, then the code in the next line is executed. Otherwise that code is skipped.

Ex: If edit

If x=5
Disp "True"


If...Then blocks edit

If...Then...EndIf edit

Page Template:Mono/styles.css has no content.If...Then...EndIf, Control(F2):2:1 is a group of commands which will determine whether or not a block of code is executed.

Syntax: If...Then...EndIf edit

:If condition Then
  • Where condition is an expression that resolves to be either true or false
    • If condition is true, then the code in code-block is executed. Otherwise that code is skipped
  • Where code-block has one or more lines of code

Ex: If...Then...EndIf edit

If x=5 Then
Disp "Y is",y

Y is

If...Then...Else...EndIf edit

Page Template:Mono/styles.css has no content.If...Then...Else...EndIf, Control(F2):2:2 is a group of commands which will determine which of two blocks of code is executed.

Syntax: If...Then...Else...EndIf edit

:If condition Then
:code-block 1
:code-block 2
  • Where condition is an expression that resolves to be either true or false
    • If condition is true, then the code in code-block 1 is executed. Otherwise it skips to code-block 2
  • Where code-block 1 and code-block 2 each have one or more lines of code

Ex: If...Then...Else...EndIf edit

If x=5 Then
Disp "X is five"
Disp "X is not five"

X is not five

ElseIf...Then edit

Page Template:Mono/styles.css has no content.ElseIf...Then, Control(F2):2:3 is a command in which could be used to add more than two code blocks in If...Then...EndIf code.

Syntax: ElseIf...Then edit

:If condition 1 Then
:code-block 1
:ElseIf condition 2 Then
:code-block 2
  • Where condition 1 and condition 2 are expressions that resolves to be either true or false
    • If condition n is true, then the code in the respective code-block n is executed. Otherwise it skips to the next ElseIf...Then statement, to a code-block between Else and EndIf, or straight to EndIf depending on how everything is setup.
  • Where code-block 1 and code-block 2 each have one or more lines of code

Ex: ElseIf...Then edit

If x=5 Then
Disp "X is five"
ElseIf x=8 Then
Disp "X is eight"

X is eight

Ex: ElseIf...Then with Else edit

If x=5 Then
Disp "X is five"
ElseIf x=8 Then
Disp "X is eight"
Disp "X is neither 5 nor 8"

X is eight