Structural Biochemistry/Intrinsically Disordered Proteins: 10-year recap/Conclusion

Conclusion edit

The studies and the knowledge of intrinsically disordered proteins are increasing with great pace. The concepts gained from these disordered proteins were expected by scientists and researchers; however, the pace at which scientists are able to learn from these proteins has been intriguing and totally not expected. Some of the developments include “(i) the adaptation of structural techniques to the detailed description of their structural ensemble in vitro and in vivo, (ii) the advanced state of structural-functional studies of many IDPs at unprecedented accuracy, and (iii) the recognition of their involvement in disease, from which novel drugs can be developed”.[1] Intrinsically disordered proteins have left their importance in the field of molecular structural biology that will be shared to the general people in the coming years.

Reference edit

  1. Tompa, Peter (2012). "Intrinsically disordered proteins: A 10-year recap". Trends in Biochemical Sciences. 37 (12): 509–16. doi:10.1016/j.tibs.2012.08.004. PMID 22989858.