Science: An Elementary Teacher’s Guide/Philosophy of Science and Teaching Quiz

1 How many understanding of concepts are there for good questioning skills?


2 Which of following were increased with wait time?

Speculative thinking
Length of student responses
Number of unsolicited responses
All of the above

3 What is the wait time after and before accepting a students response?

5-6 seconds
3-8 seconds
3-5 seconds
No time

4 Managerial Questions is part of Bloom's Taxonomy.


5 Are the Closed (lower order) Questions only one correct answer.


6 Which of the following are in order for the stages of cognitive development?

Sensorimotor Stage> Concrete Operational Stage> Preoperational Stage> Formal Operational Stage.
Sensorimotor Stage> Formal Operational Stage> Preoperational Stage> Concrete Operational Stage.
Sensorimotor Stage> Preoperational Stage> Concrete Operational Stage> Formal Operational Stage.
Sensorimotor Stage> Formal Operational Stage> Concrete Operational Stage> Preoperational Stage.

7 Which of the following follows the order for Bloom's Taxonomy?

Knowledge> Application> Comprehension> Analysis> Synthesis > Evaluation
Knowledge> Comprehension> Application> Analysis> Synthesis> Evaluation
Knowledge> Analysis> Application> Comprehension> Synthesis > Evaluation
Knowledge> Comprehension> Application> Analysis> Evaluation > Synthesis

8 What developmental stage ranges from ages two or three to six or seven?

Preoperational Stage
Sensorimotor Stage
Formal Operational Stage
Concrete Operational Stage

9 Who believed human progress through 3 levels of intelligent development?

Jean Piaget
Benjamin Bloom
Robert Gagne
Jerome Bruner