SPM has a DICOM conversion utility that works with many different variations of the DICOM format. It is accessible via the button "DICOM Import" that will redirect you to the batch interface:

SPM -> Util -> DICOM Import

You will then have access to a number of options such as the choice of single file ('.nii') or dual files ('.img/.hdr') NIfTI output format.

If you encounter problems with your DICOM data, please email the SPM mailing list with details about your scanner and acquisition settings (an example of a DICOM file might be useful). This will contribute to make the DICOM conversion utility even more robust.

Other software edit

If you have problems with SPM's DICOM Import, popular alternatives include:

  • dcm2nii by Chris Rorden, (part of the image viewer MRIcron)
  • MRIConvert from the Lewis Center for Neuroimaging, University of Oregon.

At the bottom of the webpage for dcm2nii there is a longer list of alternative DICOM conversion tools.