PlanoTse Handbook for Job Search Automation/Where to begin

PlanoTse Handbook for Job Search Automation
The Shortest Route Where to begin Download and Install
Chapter 2

Where to begin edit


This book is written such that beginners as well as others can always find it a useful and easy-to-use reference. If you're new to HTML and XML, this page is a good place to begin your journey into the world behind the webpage and how to apply this knowledge in job search automation.

  • At the end of each page, beginners should just click on the next topic as guided by the book navigation bar. This is strongly recommended for all pages along the shortest route.
  • Otherwise, you can always use the Table of Contents and decide where to start in your current situation.

This page is part of The Shortest Route, which is the shortest sequence of pages that would as quickly as possible bring you to the point where you can start using PlanoTse effectively for either job search automation or any other application in the mining of global data from the World Wide Web.

PlanoTse Handbook for Job Search Automation
The Shortest Route Where to begin Download and Install