Perl Programming/Keywords/when

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The when keyword edit

when is a flow-control keyword that is used in the for and given statements.

The form EXPRESSION when EXPRESSION is used in the for statement, the form when EXPRESSION in the given statement that is similar to the C switch statement.

Please consider that given is considered highly experimental!

Syntax edit


Examples edit

use v5.14;

for ($var) {
  $abc = 1 when /^abcd/;
  $def = 1 when /^efgh/;
  $xyz = 1 when /^wxyz/;
  default { $nothing = 1 }
use v5.10.1;

given ($var) {
  when (/^abc/) { $abc = 1 }
  when (/^def/) { $def = 1 }
  when (/^xyz/) { $xyz = 1 }
  default       { $nothing = 1 }
use v5.14;

given ($var) {
  $abc = 1 when /^abc/;
  $def = 1 when /^def/;
  $xyz = 1 when /^xyz/;
  default { $nothing = 1 }

See also edit

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