Jánua Linguárum Reseráta/Vestibulum/Caput 2

Jánua Linguárum Reseráta by Author:John Amos Comenius
Caput 2 Dé rérum áctiónibus et passiónibus Of the actions and passions of things
Creátóris in honórem faciunt omnés creátúræ suum officium In honour of the Creator all creatures do their duty
Cælestium áctiónés The actions of the heavenly bodies
Angelí celebrant eum
Sól lúcet
Lúna splendet
Stellæ micant
Máne incipit diés
Vesperí nox
Angels celebrate him
The sun shines
The moon is bright
Stars twinkle
The morning starts the day,
Evening night
Elementórum Of the Elements
Elementa alunt nós
Ígnis ardet
Flamma flágrat
Scintilla glíscit
Tonitrú tonat
Ventus flat
Pluvia pluit
Nix ningit
Aqua in planá fluit
Ex vásá mánat
É fonte salit
É puteó haurítur
The elements nourish us
Fire burns
Flames flashes
A spark glows
Thunder thunders
Wind blows
Rain rains
Snow snows
Water flows on the ground
Pours from a vessel
Leaps out of a fountain
Is drawn from a well
Plantárum Of plants
Herba créscit
Folium viret
Flós flóret
Fructus mátúréscit
Quem ut carpás
Flecte rámum
Síve sint pyra, síve prúna, síve cerasa, et cétera
Nux continent núcleum
Rosa olet bene
Urtíca úrit
A herb grows
A leaf greens
Flowers flower
Fruit matures
Which you must pick
Bend the bow
Whether they are pears, plums, cherries, etc
A nut contains a kernel
A rose smells good
A nettle stings
Animálium Of animals
Lapis jacet
Arbor stat
Animal sé movet
Avis volat
Piscis natat
Quadrupés graditur
Serpéns serpit
Vermis répit
Cervus currit
A stone lies
A tree stands
An animal moves itself
A bird flies
A fish swims
A four legged animal walks
A serpent creeps
A worm crawls
A deer runs
Equus hinnit
Bós mugit
Agnus bálat
Porcus (sús) grunnit
Ursus murmurat
Lupus ululat
Canis látrat
Ariés arietat
Béllua laniat
Lepus fugit
A horse neighs
A bull moos
A lamb bleats
A pig (sow) grunts
A bear murmurs
A wolf howls
A dog barks
A ram buts
A wild beast rends
A hare flees
Vulpés mútat pilós
Catus (felis) capit múrés
Gallína pónit óva
Ánser véscitur avéna
Vermés ródunt pinguia
Pedículí mordent cutem
Ut & púlicés atque culicés
Formíca est labóriósa
Aránea artificiósa
Apés pungunt aculeó
Quicquid vivit viget
A wolf changes its hair
A cat catches mice
A hen lays eggs
A goose eats oats
Worms gnaw fat things
Lice bite the skin
As also gnats and fleas
An ant is laborius
A spider artful
Bees prick with a sting
Whatever is alive is lively
Hominis Of men
Nós agimus varia
Corpore et animó
Caput replétur cerebró
Tegitur capillís
(Exceptó vultú)
Nullum membrum frustra datum est
Nam oculis cernimus
Per nasum excernimus
Fróns habet rúgás
We do varied things
With body and mind
The head is filled with the brain
It is covered with hairs
(Excepting the face)
No organ is given without purpose
For we see with the eyes
Through the nose we discharge snot
The forehead has wrinkles
Aurés audiunt
Nárés olfaciunt
Lingua gustat quómodo rés sapiant
Dentibus mandimus
Stomachus concoquit
Intestína égerunt
Hépar cónficit sanguinem, et dímittit per vénás
Cor palpitat
Pulmó respírat
Labia sunt circa ós
Barba ornat mentum
Féminæ sunt imberbés
Ears hear
Nostrils smell
The tongue tastes how things are flavoured
We chew with teeth
The stomach digests
Intestines expel
The liver makes blood, and sends it through veins
The heart beats
The lung breaths
The lips are around the mouth
A beard adorns the chin
Women are beardless
Humeris bájulámus
Bracchiís amplectimur
Manibus labórámus
Sinistra tenet, dextra peragit opus
Palmá palpámus
Pugnó percutimus
Volá prehendimus
Digitís cónstringimus
Unguibus scabimus et scalpimus
Sub pectore venter est
Ínfrá áxillás latera
Sub hís costæ
Tergum habet superne scapulás, inferne lumbós
Natibus sedémus
Pedibus ambulámus
We carry with shoulders
We embrace with the arms
We work with hands
The left holds, the right performs a work
We handle with the palm
We hit with the fist
We hold with the hollow of the hand
We straighten with fingers
We scratch and scrape with nails
The belly is under the chest
The sides are under the armpits
The ribs below these
The back has shoulder blades above it, below it the loins
We sit on the buttocks
We walk with the feet
Mentis Of the mind
Méns cógitat semper aliquid
Etiam in somnió somniat
Intelléctus intellegit
Ratió ratiócinátur
Memoriá meminit
Et sí quid oblíta est, recordátur
Voluntás vult bonum
Déclínat malum
Sed sæpe fallitur
Gaudet & trístátur
Sécúrus cúrat nihil
Tútus timet nihil
Vegetus labórat
Fessus quiéscit
Vigilia enim fatígat
Sopor recreat
Cum septem horás dormívistí
Et évigilás, excitá aliós
The mind is always thinking of something
In sleep it also dreams
The intellect understands
Reason reasons
Memory remembers
And if something is forgotten, it remembers
The will desires something good
It shuns evil
But is often deceived
It rejoices and is sad
A careless man cares for nothing
The safe person fears nothing
An active person works
The weary person rests
For watching wearies
Sleep refreshes
When you have slep seven hours
And are awake, rouse others
Morbidórum Of the diseased
Jejúnus appetit éscás
Satur fastídit
Délicátus déligit
Sánus sí bene valet
Ægrótus ægrótat
Cui dolet is queritur
Morbí síne dolóre sunt perículósí
Et plérumque léthálés
Febris redit per vicés
Apoplexia énecat citó
Scabiés facit prúrítum
Ulcus scatet tábó
Recéns vulnus sánátur
Quicquid pútret, sordet
The fasting person desires meals
The full person loathes them
The delicate chooses
The sound person is in good health
The sick is ill
Who suffers, complains
Diseases without suffering are dangerous
And are for the most part deadly.
A fever returns by fit
An apoplexy kills suddenly
A scab causes an itch
An ulcer oozes puss
A new wound is healed
What is rotting, stinks
Róbustus potest multum ferre
Tener parum sufferre
Cæcus nón videt
Surdus nón audit
Mútus nón loquitur
Tactú caret nemó, nisi paralyticus
Claudus claudicat
Mutiló deest aliquid
The strong can do much
The tender can suffer little
The blind do not see
The deaf do not hear
The mute do not speak
Nobody lacks the sense of touch except the paralytic
The lame are halting
The maimed lack something
Opificum Of workmen
Agricola arat.
In vére séminat.
In æstáte metit.
In autumnó víndémiat.
Hyeme trítúrat in horreó.
Hortulánus plantat hortum.
Molitor molit in molá frúmentum.
Pistor pínsit in furnó pánem é farína.
Pástor páscit gregem.
Secat foenum in prátó.
Format é lacte caseós.
Lanió mactat pecudés.
Vénátor vénátur ferás.
Auceps capit volucrés.
Piscátor piscátur.
A farmer plows
In spring he sows
In summer he mows
In autumn he gathers the vintage
In winter he threshes in the barn
A gardner plants a garden
A miller grinds corn in the mill
A baker bakes bread from flour in a furnace
A shepherd feeds his flock
He cuts hay in the meadow
He makes cheeses from milk
A butcher slaughters beasts
A hunter hunts wild beasts
A fowler catches birds
A fisher fishes
Coquus parat cibós.
Élixat in ollá
Assat in verubus
Frígit in bútýró
Torret in cráticulá
Fercula condímus arómatibus
Pótum condímus in cellá
Ex úvís fit vínum
Cervisia prómitur é dólió
Auríga jungit equós
Et ungit rotás
Et próficíscitur subitó,in coenó autem hæret
Quum vehit onera currú aut trahá
Nauta návigat náví
Nauclérus gubernat
Rémigés rémigant
A cook prepares food
He boils in a bot
He roasts on spits
He fries in butter
Broils on a gridiron
We season dishes with spices
We lay drink in a cellar
Wine is made from grapes
Ale is drawn from a cask
A carter joins horses
And greases the wheels
And goes suddenly, but sticks in the more
When he carries loads in a cart or a drey
A sailor sails in a ship
A pilot guides
Rowers row
Per fluviós vádámus
Aut útimur scaphís
Aut struimus pontés & ponticulós
Viátor it per sémitam
Et cavet né erret
Aut cadat in foveam
Cedit retró, ubi nequit pergere
Mercátor tractat mercés
Metuit damnum, quærit lucrum
Monéta gestátur in cruméná
Quoniam pecúniae quae débémus solvimus
Emimus & vendimus cáró aut vílí
Nummí sunt díversí : quisque suó valóre
We wade through rivers
Or use boats
Or make large and small bridges
A traveller goes by a path
And takes care not to stray
Or fall into a ditch
He goes back, when he cannot proceed
A merchant deals in wares
He fears loss and seeks profit
Money is carried in a purse
Because we pay what we owe with money
We buy and sell dear or cheap
Coins are different: each has its own value
Netríx net é línó
Textor texit linteum, télam
Pánnifex é laná pannós
Sartor ménsúrat vestés
Sútor fuit calceós ex corió
Pellio é pellibus pellicea
Restió torquet restim
Figulus fingit fidéliás
Scríniárius sua scrínia glútinat
Faber cúdit
The spinster spins from hemp
A weaver weaves linen, a net
A clothier makes clothes from wool
A taylor measures clothes
A shoemaker makes shoes from leather
A skinner makes leather coats from skins
A roper twines a rope
A potter makes jugs
A joiner glues his desks
A smith beats
Lignárius asciat secúri, & ædificat ædificium
Pónit fundámentum, érigit parietés
Operit téctó
Débile nón est firmum
Fulcítur fulcrís
Ut né ruat
A carpenter hews with an axe, and builds a building
He lays the foundation, erects the walls
He covers it with a roof
A weak building is not firm
It is propped under
So that it may not fall
Verba Impersónália Impersonal verbs
Sí tibi libet, licet
Sí té piget labóris, pudeat té
Decet té poenitére peccátí
Adoléscentem decet silentium
Sí té sessiónis tædet, oportet spatiári
If you wish, you may
If it irks you to work, shame on you
It’s fitting for you to dislike a sin
Silence becomes a young man
If sitting is irksome, you should take a walk