Interlingual Energizers/Mister Hit

amount 1-2
language level (medium)
age 6+
group size 5-20
materials nothing special
space free space, outdoors or indoors, not too much background noises
time 10-15 min
getting to know each other, energizer

The activity Mister Hit (Deutsch: Mister Hit) is part of the collection of interlingual energizers. See a list of all activities.


The introduction is also available in 1 other languages: Deutsch

Let's play tag. We'll play a special version with Mister Hit as main character.


The rules is also available in 1 other languages: Deutsch

  1. This game is basically like tag. But if you catch somebody the person who got caught has to say the name of another person. Then Mister Hit has to run after the called person.
  2. If you are too slow with calling somebody else you become Mister Hit.

Possible extensions

  • Instead of changing Mister Hit you can also send failing participants out of the game or applaud them loudly.
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