How To Beat The Draft Board/Meeting Structure

Meeting Structure

Regardless of the grounds on which you appeal your draft notice, the procedure will be roughly the same. Your order will be to report for a physical, mental, and moral evaluation; after you receive the results, you will have only ten days to file a claim for exemption, postponement, or deferment. When your claim is processed, the local board will be alerted and will work you into their schedule - probably in a matter of days to weeks, depending on their workload.

Starting the meeting

When you are met, or any of your witnesses are met, there will be something along the lines of this:

  • Introduction/Welcome/This is an informal hearing.
  • Photographic/sound equipment/verbatim transcripts prohibited; however, registrant may take notes during hearing
  • If hearing is open to the public (as per your request), the chair may limit the number of people in the room and may close the hearing if the people become disruptive.
  • May have up to three witnesses.
  • May not be represented by a lawyer, but may have an advisor. The advisor may have discussions with the registrant, but may NOT take an active part in the hearing, nor interfere with the proceedings.
  • May have interpreter, if necessary may present evidence not contained in the file.
  • False statements subject to imprisonment of up to five years or fine of up to $250,000, or both.
Closing the meeting

On closing of the meeting, you will be told something along the lines of this:

  • Thank registrant/witness/interpreter/advisor
  • Decision will be made by board members present
  • Decision will be based on oral testimony and information in file
  • Registrant classified in lowest class for which eligible
  • Registrant will receive notice of classification identifying claim considered, which will notify him whether claim is granted or denied and, if denied, the reason for denial.
  • The notice of classification will inform registrant of appeal rights and procedures.
  • Registrant may file written summary of testimony within five calendar days from date of hearing.
  • CO claims only: If classified 1-0 (not available for combat or non-combat military service) and found qualified for service, will receive order to perform alternative service and required to serve 24 months. If classified 1-A-O (available for non-combat military service only), will receive an induction reporting date for noncombatant service in the armed forces.
How To Beat The Draft Board
Background Meeting Structure General Strategies