History of wireless telegraphy and broadcasting in Australia/Topical/Publications/Wireless Weekly/Issues/1923 01 12


scan of Australasian Radio World - Vol. 01 No. 04 - August 1936 has been utilised to create the partial content for this page and can be downloaded at this link to further extend the content and enable further text correction of this issue: ARW 1936 08

In general, only content which is required for other articles in this Wikibook has been entered here and text corrected. The material has been extensively used, inter alia, for compilation of biographical articles, radio club articles and station articles.

Front Cover



The Hundred Per Cent Australian Radio Journal.

Vol. 2 — No. 2; Jan. 12th, 1923.

Price — Threepence. Registered at the General Post Office Sydney for transmission by post as a newspaper

Cover Graphic: Sketch of house on rocky cliff top overlooking coast, surmounted by massive Marconi T antenna with multiwire flat-top.

Advertisement: Godet for Girls: Face Powders, Colognes, Perfumes, Soaps. Australasian Representative: NESTOR HERVEIN, 84 Q.V. Buildings, SYDNEY. Phone: City 2813.

Tags: Nil

Inside Front Cover


Alexis V. Graham Ad


WONDERFUL WIRELESS INVENTION. NO LEVERS NO EXPERIENCE NO FAILURES. WITH THE JUNIOR WIRELESS RECEIVING SET A Wireless Set in Every Home at a Nominal Cost of 22/6 ! THE SMALLEST AND SIMPLEST SET IN THE WORLD—Measuring 3x3xl. Solid Cedar Cabinet, Ebonite Top. Everp Part made in Australia. Lasts a Lifetime, and Brings Wire- leas Signals to Every Home. No Experience or Examination Necessary. No Batteries or Upkeep. The First Cost, the Only Cost. Before Ordering a Big Set from your Dealer, Buy a "JUNIOR" Out- fit from him for 22/6, and Learn to take Signals Every Night in your Own Home, from Ships and other Operating Stations. Outfit Guaranteed. If you Post your 22/6, plus 1/- postage, YOU will receive your Outfit in due course from the Inventor Alexis V. Graham, Phone City 882 L 7th Floor, Culwulla Chambers, Castiereagh Street. SYDNEY. WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS:— RADIO COMPANY, INQUIRIES INVITED FROM THE TRADE. LANG AND GROSVENOR STREETS.

Colville-Moore Wireless Supplies Ad


BUILD YOUR OWN CONDENSER. No technical experience necessary. Parts supplied in knock-down or assembled, as desired. Best quality heavy gauge alumin- ium plates; turned brass spindles, rods, bushes, and Coned Adjustable bearings, Ebonite ends. Full instructions or assembling i furnished with each outfit. mm V




Radio Company Ad


RADIO COMPANY. To Amateurs: Before making your set, both Transmitter and Receiver, consult us for Designs and Novel Apparatus. SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY OF THE FAMOUS "SCOUT" RECEIVER. PRICE 22/6 We have Crystal and Valve Sets. Transmitting and Receiving Stations built to Specification. Prices on application. COUNTRY ORDERS SPECIALLY CATERED FOR. Don’t forget our address :: :: 18 ELIZABETH STREET, (Four doors from Hunter Street).

Radio Communications in Mines


RADIO COMMUNICA- TION IN MINES Experiments designed to demon- strate the possibility of radio com- munication betwen the shaft head and the lowest workings of a mine have been recently carried out in England by a party of Birming- ham radio amateurs. The colliery used for the tests was chosen be- cause its main shaft is one of the deepest in that country, nearly 700 yards. The receiving set em- ployed in the experiments was of the three-tube type, and a tempo- rary antenna was made by sus- pending a length of insulated cop- per wire between the top of the steel hoisting gear above the shaft, and an adjacent railway bridge. The ground connection was made by clamping a wire to one of the rails of the permanent way. From this makeshift arrangement, mes- sages were heard from the station at Bordeaux. The portable trans- mitting set was first installed in the steel cage of the shaft, the aerial being insulated wire sus- pended in a lattice pattern across the roof the cage, the ground be- ing a connection to the steel floor. It was expected there would be much "screening" on account of the steel framework of the cage, and by the structural steel work built inside the shaft for a depth of more than 100 feet. This did affect the first transmissions, which were begun from the cage at the top. As it slowly descend- ed, however, signals became much stronger. When the cage was at a point 300 yards or so down, the maximum signal strength was at- tained, and this remained undimin- ished until the cage reached the bottom. When the bottom was reached —and here there was more steel work —the signals became in- audible. The transmitting set was therefore taken from the cage and a new aerial made by suspending the wire between pit props. The ground was improved by attaching the wire to a length of cable laid along the ground. The new ar- rangement resulted in faint sig- nals being received above. A distance of nearly three-quarters of a mile was spanned by the radio set, working through solid earth. Radio telephony was tried and worked quite well.

Nauen's Latest Improvements


NAUEN'S LATEST IMPROVEMENTS Good progress is being made with the extension of the radio station at Nauen, in Germany, ac- cording to "The Engineer." It is expected that by the beginning of next year it will be possible to establish permanent communica- tion with the new Argentine sta- tion at Monte Grande, neav Buenos Aires. Pour of the existing masts at Nauen, which are more than 390 feet in height, have been removed and replaced by a series of seven towers 688 feet in height, which provides four additional an- tenna circuits, each of which is served by a high-frequency alter- nator. The m used for Ame can and Europ distant station South America tennas may be transmitting uccn improved and enlarged, and the system of grounding connections has been extended.



Electricity House Ad


Get Your Wireless Gear at ELECTRICITY HOUSE 387 GEORGE STREET (OP. STRAND). TEL. 2961 CITY Condenser Plates, 2/- per doz.; Condenser Spindles, 2/9 per set* n enser Ends, 1/9 pair; Honeycomb Coils, from 8/6; Honeycomb Kn‘ Resistances, 7/6 each; Calibrated Dials,

Ivn " bs ’ 1/6 ’ 2 /- 2/6 each; Contact Studs, 1/9 per doz •

»/-. 4/6; Terminals, 6d. each; Phone Condensers, lji'- rid Condensers, 1/6; Variable Condensers, 25/-, 80/-. Murdocks Phones, 37/6; Myers Valves, 35/-. sxs rd^r udffi?wirinB and ° ther diagrams - ah

  • and*aJl°roun d"materials?B6? 86 C ° UP ' erS

INTERVALVE TRANSFORM ER, 45/.. Closed Iron Core. Works Manager: RAYMOND McINTOSH. Shop Manager: RAYMOND SHAW. General Manager: J. S. MARKS. All communications to the Firm,

Editorial - A Talk with Wireless Weekly



Has there been any move yet to get any kind of broadcasting scheme going? "Wireless Weekly" has not heard of any such move, and we are beginning to wonder what forces, if any, are at work to prevent broadcasting. Since this journal first made its appearance, it has strongly advocated that something should be done in this direction, for it is the only thing that will bring amateur wireless to the level at which it should be, and educate the general public to the advantages of the science. It is common knowledge that Sydney and Melbourne firms sought permission to broadcast, but evidently this permission has been withheld by the authorities. We want to know why. When the radio boom appeared in England, the authorities realised that there would have to be broadcasting, and they took steps to organise it. But here, in Australia, it seems useless to expect the authorities to make the first move in any matter, so the sooner those interested get the work the better it will for amateur wireless. We suggest that all firms or companies willing to broadcast get together and thrash out the whole matter. There is surely some arrangement that can be made with the authorities, under which there can be plenty of music in the air. It costs money to run a broadcasting station, and as the regulations forbid radio as a means of advertising, no firm could be expected to send for the love of the thing alone. The majority of amateurs are willing to pay a small sum toward the upkeep of broadcasting stations, and the amount of the method of collecting it could easily be decided upon. Such a scheme is now in operation in England, why not try it here?

Smallest Radio Set in the World


SMALLEST RADIO SET IN THE WORLD. The smallest radio set in the world, contained in a ten-grain capsule, was on exhibition re- cently in the Woolworth Building, New York City, at the office of Dr. Miller Reese Hutchinson, formerly chief engineer for Thomas Edison. Attached to a wire connecting it with an aerial extending from Dr. Hutchinson’s office the entire program, broadcasted from WJZ in Newark, New Jersey, was dis- tinctly heard by a number of radio enthusiasts who were present at Dr. Hutchinson’s invitation.



Waves and their Motion


WAVES AND THEIR MOTION. BEATS AND THEIR FORMATION By C. W. Mann. In my last article I outlined the types of waves which can be for- med, and their mathematical con- struction on the principle of Simple Harmonic Motion. S. H. M.). The waves given out by spark machines are alternating, that is Fig 1. Fig 2. to say, they surge backwards and forwards. The crystal rectified acts in such a way that only the impluses of one direction are al- lowed to pass on account of the high resistance to the passage of electrical surges, between the point and the crystal. Now, a good deal of energy is perforce wasted when the change of direction takes place in the formation of the wave- train. To obviate this loss and hence secure greater range, contin-. uous waves having a constant am- plitude are sent out by valve trans- mitters. These cannot be picked up by crystal receivers for a rea- son which can be explained later. The principle underlying the re- ception of C.W. by valve sets is based upon Beat-Reception or the Heterodyne. Let us imagine what happens when two waves of slightly dif- ferent lengths are given out. Sup- pose we take a zither or harp and arrange two adjacent strings so that they are slightly out of tune. This can be done easily by keeping one string constant, and altering the length of the other by the key used for tuning. If you pluck the strings and listen carefully, you will recognise throbbing, that is, periods of loud tone alternating with periods of lesser tone. These throbbings are known as "beats." The same experiment can easily be arranged by means of two tun- ing forks of the same pitch (which also means of the same frequency and wave lengths). On the prong of one of the forks place a small piece of wax, and then strike the two forks. Beats will be formed on account of the differences of fre- quency of the waves sent out by the forks. The conditions neces- sary for the formation of beats are (1) The waves must be nearly equal in length (must have nearly the same frequency); (2) Must have equal amplitude for maximum effect (i.e., equal loudness of tone); (3) Must be travelling to the same direction. Now, for a physical explanation of the phenomenon, give play two notes of exactly the same frequency and amplitude, we should naturally Fig 3. expect to get twice the strength of sound, and this is actually what we do get. The reason is not hard to find. The wave from one note is superimposed in the wave from the other, and the resultant amplitude is twice that of each of the camp* ment waves, and, remembering that the loudness of tone depends upon the amplitude only, we can thus account for the increased volume of sound. This idea of superimposing waves is very important, and a clear un- derstanding of it is necessary. Waves drawn accurately as in dia- grams (Fig. 1 and 2) may be superimposed, and the resultant wave is represented by the alge- braie sum of the component waves. If you will trace out the formation of the curve in Fig. 3, from the curves of Figs. 1 and 2, you will readily grasp the idea. Let us take, now, two waves having slight- ly different frequencies, and draw accurately the curve of their SHM. f as in Figs. 1 and 2. The wave hav- ing the curve represented in Fig. 1 has a slightly shorter wave length tr.an the wave of Fig. 2. Now draw the resultant wave curve by taking tne heights of the waves above the axis at corresponding points in the axis, and add them (algebraically) calling the upward direction the positive (X), and the downward the negative ( —). Plot these points and draw a curve as in Fig. 3. It is readily seen that at one position the curve has twice the amplitude of the components, and at another position the amplitude is about the axis, indicating a small amplitin Thus the two waves under cc sideration have at one time boost* each other (while "in step"), while later they have counteracted each

other (while "out of step"). In the former consideration the resultant is at maximum strength, while in the later position the sound is at the minimum. Briefly, when we have two wave trains of slightly varying frequencies there are posi- tions in the wave train of maximum and minimum amplitude. Thus, the character of the continuous wave has been destroyed, and in its place we have substituted a resul- tant wave which beats. The smal- ler diagrams indicate the same ef- fect, but are not drawn mathemati- cally accurate. The number of beats per second can be found by subtracting the frequencies of the caomponent waves. In musical waves the beats become annoying when more than five per second, and merge into other tones at 35 per second. Fig 4. Fig 5. In the application of the principle to W/T, use is made of the oscil- lations of the receiving valve. In order to pick up CW we have shown that it is necessary to have a device which will oscillate at a slightly different frequency to that of the wavve we are desirous of picikng up. In a crystal set this is not possible, no oscillation other than that caused by the incoming wave being present. In valve sets, by the use of reaction coils, tickler or other arrangements, the fre- quency of the oscillation of the re- ceiving valve can be adjusted, so that it is slightly out of tune with the incoming wave, and the beats are registered in the phones. Of course, the frequency is very great, and beats are not picked up as separate beats, but rather as trains of beats separated by in- tervals of silence. Each train of beats is represented by a dot or a dash, and thus can be read in the phones. In a later article I hope to deal with the subject of reson- ance and its application to wireless telegraphy.



Electrical Utilities Supply Co Ad





EXPERIMENTERS. Wireless experimenters will doubtless be interested to learn there is still another place in the city where they can obtain inform- ation and see new gear. The Radio Company, under the manager of Mr. F. Basil Cooke, opened its doors to the public on Monday last at No. 18 Elizabeth Street. Although the carpenters were still putting the finishing touches to their work in the shop and the goods were not displayed in the window, still there were a large number of enquiries. This is a sign of the times and shows that the Australian Wireless Amateurs are constantly on the look-out for new ideas and apparatus. When interviewed by "Wireless Weekly," Mr. Cooke was very hope- ful of the future of wireless in this country. He said there was plenty of room for all, and with the ever- increasing number of amateurs, the retailers would shortly find they would all be working to their full capacity. Several novel designs of both Crystal and Valve Receivers were displayed, and the Radio Company hopes to be able to supply the ex- perimenters with all his require- ments.

Radio Clubs


RADIO CLUBS. Publicity Officers and Secretaries are requested to see that their copy reaches us on Friday of each week for insertion in the following week’s issue.

Wireless Weekly Note


"Wireless Weekly" begs to notify its readers that it guarantees the goods offered for sale by Advertisers in its Columns, and has always re- served the right to accept or reject Advertisements.

The "Col-Mo" Variable Condenser


THE "COL-MO" VARI- ABLE CONDENSER. This piece of apparatus has been specially designed to meet the pre- sent demand for a thoroughly reli- able, efficient and inexpensive con- denser, suitable for wireless receiv- ers, amplifiers, and C. W. and radio- phone transmitters (low power) the latter requiring mica or bake- lite dielectric between the plates. One of the outstanding features is the ease with which the con- denser can be assembled from a set of knock-down parts. This is made possible by the automatic process, of manufacture, whereby every part of adjustment, such as spacing washers, &c., are gauged to the thousandth part of an inch. The turned brass spindle, threaded 3/16th at knob end, which carries a moveable plate, and which re- volves in coned and pivot adjust- able brass bearings, is another fea- ture of note. The heavy gauged aluminium plates and ebonite ends are of the best material procur- able. This condenser can be mounted in either horizontal or vertical posi- tion, and is guaranteed.

Radio Outfits for Mexican Ligh-houses


RADIO OUTFITS FOR MEXICAN LIGHT- HOUSES. The installation of small radio outfits in all lighthouses of the Mexican Department of Communi- cations is reported in the Mexican press. Two sets of the apparatus are being installed on trial, after which, if they prove satisfactory, all lighthouses will be similarly equipped.



Homecrafts Ad


INTERVALVE TRANSFORMER. HI I i ■B CLOSED CORE— FOR AUDIO FREQUENCY AMPLIFICATION, This Transformer, which is scientifically constructed, is of the shell type. It is simple, reliable and compact. Maximum results are assured. The complete measurements of this Transformer are 2% x x 1% in. It is provided with feet in order that it may be mounted in any desired position. k 7i (Q sum e j , P. H.M c ELROY. i>// SWAN STON STREET

Another Wonder - Typewriting by Radio


ANOTHER WONDER. TYPEWRITING BY RADIO. Another chapter has been added to the wonderful story of radio. So many and so remarkable have been the adaptations o fthis method of communication, that the interested observer of the world’s progress scarcely has the time to familiarize himself with one mode before an- other appears. The latest achieve- ment is the sending of typewritten messages through space (writes H. A. Lane in "Popular Mechanics’’). This feat has been accomplished through the efforts of radio experts working in conjunction with the Navy Department, who have thor- oughly demonstrated its practic- ability for scout and battleplanes in time of war. Also, radio type- writing represents added efficiency for business methods. To the casual onlooker, the send- ing apparatus of the outfit re- sembles the ordinary commercial typewriter of the portable kind; that is, as far as the keyboard is concerned. The usual radio equip- ment is carried on the plane, and in addition to this, the keyboard mechanism of the typewriter is in- stalled in such a manner as to con- trol the modulation circuit of the electron-tube transmitter. Thus, when a letter is struck on the key- board, an impulse is sent out and received at a station on the ground. The receiving station, of course, has similar equipment to that on the plane. When any particular letter or number is depressed on the key- board of the sending apparatus a certain radio-active energy is re- leased from the antenna of the plane and travels through the air. This is the common nature of radio. Before any station can intercept these impulses, however, and de- cipher them, it is necessary to pos- sess the same delicate and compli- cated apparatus that is used on the plane. Thus the messages are secret. As a further precaution, the keys on the sending machine may be arranged in different se- quences, so as to emit different im- pulses, the change of letters being previously understood, of course, by the station to which the messages are being sent. Any change in the sending keyboard would have to be duplicated in the receiving instru- ment. The value of this invention in the transmission of secret orders and reports, during the manoeuvres of an army or fleet in war time, is thus clearly apparent; no less is its efficiency in the commercial world. Hotels, department stores, police and fire departments, in short, any organisation that directs a large force of employees from a common center, may be benefited by another adaptation of this machine, which operates similar to the telegraph except that the messages are print- ed on a tape instead of appearing in code. It is, in reality, a printing telegraph. Hotels operating under this latter system, have an effi- cient method of catering to the interests of the guests by giving rapid service, of which the follow- ing supposition might serve as an instance. A room occupant notifies the switchboard operator of his inten- tion to leave hurriedly. The guest requests that his laundry, bagga,e and mail be taken care of, and that a taxicab be ordered to take him to the railroad station. The sends a message via the printing telephone attendant immediately telegraph machine. This message is received simultaneously by the laundry, baggage, and mail clerks, the cashier, taxicab stand, and the captain of the bellboys. The hurry- ing traveller descends to the desk to pay his bill, and is extremely gratified to find everything in readi- ness for rapid departure. In the meantime, the hotel man- agreement, as stated above, also de- rives benefits from this system in another way than merely by having pleased the late guest. The original message from the switchboard operator’s machine is received by the floor clerk, whose duty it is to see that the vacant room is quickly made ready.



O. H. O'Brien & Nicholl Ad


A QUALITY PHONE AT QUANTITY PRICE, TRIMM "Professional" HEAD SET. 3000 Ohms. Perfect Repioduction and Articulation at any Range, Weight Only 10| ozs. THINK OF IT? A strictly high-grade perfectly matched headset—the famous TRIMM Profes ft 0 "® 1 - " ow priced as low as sets of ordinary quality. The remarkable preference p,.!'l k ’A e r S '°'™ f , ol ' ‘ he TRIMM by discriminating radio enthusiasts, and the fn n t ? aSed out P ut required to meet the demand has made possible saving, T unufacturmg and selling expenses. These savings are reflected in the price, the quality remains the same. i'n Set Field"? f fl and See why the TRIMM " Pro ' not warp or crack like cheap comnositinn ™ 1 eld ,i '’ ' • ould f d Bakell te cases and ear caps, which will steel magnets formed to shape to insum iinifv, xpose me a pa p ts to become tarnished; single bar Tungsten number of turns of No. 40 enamelled wire tn eni ?® ling aad magnetizing; coils wounds with maxima wire brought out from coil winding tn U , res mtance °f 3,000 ohms; reinfocred terminals of stranded exposed; arrester with insulating cloth-no fine wires comfortable, light weight and distinctive in’appearance. H>e band covered Wlth resilient tubing— -6 , . PRICE 39 Obtainable from all Wireless Supply Houses. Sole Australian Agents : p. „ nn O. H. O.BRIEN & NICHOLL (SYDNEY), homes; City 3302, 10592. 37-39 PITT STREET, SYDNEY.

Make Your Own


MAKE YOUR OWN. The average experimenter usually has a crystal detector among his apparatus, even though he uses a multi-valve set. Crystal work is very interesting, and for those who do not happen to have a detector; or those who need a neat little one we give the following directions for its construction: From a piece of hardwood, or any wood that will give a nice finish, cut a block four inches long, three- quarters of an inch wide, and half an inch deep. Round off the top of the sides and the ends, and shape the corners to give it a neat appearance, and smooth it down with fine sand- paper. Give the block a coat of varnish, and let it dry thoroughly. Three ordinary terminals are now needed, together with a strip of thin brass, half an inch wide. Cut tww pieces, each an inch long, from the brass strip, and a quarter of an inch from the ends drill a hole that will take the base screw of the terminal. Drill corresponding holes in the wooden base, and mount the terminals with the brass strips be- tween them and the top of the base. A BAM B CKYSTAL [?] C TH[?]MINALS P-[?] E- CAT W[?] Countersink the holes on the under side of the base for the heads of the terminals, so that the base will stand flat. There is now a vacant hole at one end of the base. This is to take the crystal holder. The holder is made with two and a half inches from the strip of brass. Drill a hole, similar to the others, in the centre of the strip, and slip it under the piece of brass held on to the base by the single terminal. Secure it firmly in position across the base by means of a small nut and bolt* and bend the ends up to form a grip for the crystal. An ordinary "catwhisker" is now secured in the first terminal oppo- site the crystal holder to make contact with the crystal, and the detector is now ready for use. If the metal parts used in the construction of this detector are nickelled, and the base nicely shaped and varnished, a very neat little piece of apparatus is the re- sult. It is very suitable for mount- ing on top of a cabinet, or screw- ing to the wall or table in the wire- less room. If made properly, the detector will be absolutely efficient in every way.



Magnavox Australia Ad


MAGNAVOX RADIO. The Rolls-Royce of Reproducers. The one loud speaker which will reproduce music and signals in any volume without distortion and without injury to the appara- tus. Dispense with the Head- Phones, AND LET EVERYONE IN THE ROOM HEAR. A BIG DEMAND HAS BEEN CREATED. BE SURE OF GETTING ONE. Call, write, or ’phone, MAGNAVOX, AUSTRALIA, 17, THE BANKING HOUSE, 228 PITT STREET, SYDNEY. Phone: City 3710.

O. Burnaby Bolton Ad


MODELS. No lathe needed to build this horizontal steam engine 7m. long %in. x lin. cylinder 47/6 post free. LISTS 6 D . O. BURNABY BOLTON, Daily Telegraph Building, KING STREET, SYDNEY.

Western Electric Company Ad


CONSIDERING— Our 5 0 years’ experience in designing and manufactuiing telephone apparatus you will do well to investigate the Western Electric RADIO APPARATUS before equipping your set. In order to obtain the best possible results from your outfit, get in touch with us and let our experience guide you to better results. If you cannot obtain Western Elec- tric service thrr-" 1 ' regular radio de municate with us «' : for the best result: -i m Western Electric. WESTERN ELE' f- ■ < COMPANY (AXIS' 1 k. ’- > 192 Castlereagh S (A few doors from .'ark k . .

An Amateur Station in America


AN AMATEUR STATION IN AMERICA. Elaborate equipment is contained in a private radio station at Parkesburg, Pa., which has three licenses, "3 Z O," "3 X W," and "3 O I," these covering any combina- tion of wave lengths not reserved by the navy. A number of trans- mitters, including a spark set of 325 meters, a radiophone set with a wave length of 3660 meters, an open-arc set operating on 2500 meters, and a fifty watt vacuum-tube, self-rectifying set working on 360 meters, are in- stalled in this station. Four gener- ators[check spelling] of 100, 600, 1000, and 4000 volts, furnish the direct current for the outfit, the receiving apparatus of which is inclosed in zinc-lined rooms, while the cabinets and lamp closets are constructed of the best bakelite. The antenna is erected 185 feet in the air, and is 350 feet in length, messages and music being received from New Mexico, Maine, and the coast of Wales, which are relayed to other small stations or broadcast through a gigantic megaphone for a distance of seven miles. In connec- tion with this station, a complete broadcasting and receiving set has been mounted on a motor truck chassis, and is inclosed in a minia- ture house which has windows in the sides, a door at the rear, and is equipped with adjustable aerial masts. The mobile equipment tours the suburban districts in an effort to arouse the people to a greater interest in the wonders of radio.

Trans-Pacific Radio Test Organisation


TRANS-PACIFIC RADIO TEST ORGANIZATION. A meeting of all radio experi- menters interested in the Trans- pacific tests was held by the or- ganization committee on Tuesday night in the Railway Institute. There was a very large attendance and an enthusiastic meeting was held ,and a lot of general business discussed. The committee reported that the following list of persons had offered to donate prizes: A committee was appointed to decide what the prizes were to be offered for, consisting of Messrs. Perry, Bowman, Harvey, Marsden, Colville, and Gorman. , It was decided that every ex- perimentor should be urged to en- ter as soon as possible in order to speed up the organization as the committee cannot complete the arrangements until they know how many are going to enter and where they are situated. Stations Entered for Trans-Pacific Tests. Station 2C.M.: Messrs. C. *D. Maclurcan, F. Basil Cooke, and Joseph G. Reed, situated at Agnes Street, Strathfield. Station 2A.R.: W. H. Hudson, 1 Terrace Road, Dulwich Hill. Station 2H.J.: J. Spencer Nolan, "Monesk," Bellevue Road, Double Bay. Station 21. X.: Burwood Radio Club, to send Calibration Test. Station 21. D.: R. J. Sharpe, Bell Bird. Station 2F.A.: S. V. Collville and A. L. Moore, Drummoyne. Station 2J.M.: R. C. Marsden, Edgecliffe. FURTHER ADDITIONS TO THE PRIZE LIST. Western Electric Co. Sydney Motor and Dynamo Co. Universal Electric Co. Mr. J. H. Dewis.



Making the Radio Department Pay


Making the Radio Department Pay. Now that Australia is in the grip of the Radio boom, many shops are retailing apparatus l here is no doubt that the sale of wireless gear is a special study, and some interesting comment, Broadcast*"^ 1 ' ° C ‘ e< t 0 oca conditions, is contained in the following article from "Radio We can sometimes understand how a certain thing may be done properly, by first learning how it should not be done. "We all make mistakes, but only the wise profit thereby"; and it would seem that the lesson might just as well be taken from the errors of the other fellow. Since by learning the pit- falls it is easier to hold to the correct road, let us study some of the pitfalls in retail radio mer- chandising. No matter how long a radio de- partment or a radio retailing com- pany has been in business, if it is to continue, it must keep alive to the newest developments. The de- partments of this character which are making record sales are run by men who live and breathe the at- mosphere of amateur radio; they know the amateurs’ pet expres- sions, their whims, and their en- thusiasm; they can talk intelli- gently with the amateurs, because are generally amateurs them- selves when their daily work is over. Having their own outfits at home, they can think as the other amateurs think because they frequently encounter the very same difficulties their customers come in and tell them about. Dealers and the Radio Clubs. There are not enough dealers who belong to radio clubs. Those who do are generally observed to be successful. Naturally, some dealers have little time for the radio club, which they sometimes consider nothing more than a gath- ering of youngsters, anxious to cploit their knowledge. This lowledge is oftentimes profound- greater than the dealer’s own, id he learn a thing or two he would spare the time. Other 3alers do not like to attend, be- mse they know that their own n owl edge is not so great along idio lines as that of some of the ounger members of the club, and ie> feel that their prestige can best be upheld by aloofness. That is a sad condition, but it may be remedied. There is a man in one of our Southern cities who has been re- tailing electrical apparatus and sundries for many years. His business has been very successful. When radio came along—that is when it began to gather a little strength—he realized that it would be a good line to handle and he stocked up. He could afford to spend as much as he de- sired to furnish such a depart- ment, and he ordered just about everything there was listed in ra- dio catalogues and began to get all the radio business for miles around. He not only got the radio business, but managed to pry loose some of his competitors’ best customers. (The value of a ra- dio department does not terminate with the department itself, but let us consider that more specifically anon). A second dealer soon realized that he was going to suffer more than a small loss, if he did not do something to stop the other’s in- roads upon his trade. Instead of taking up some radio magazine, making a list of the advertisers, and ordering apparatus from them, he joined a local radio club. For some reason or another he was not held in very high esteem by the young folks of the town but he was permitted to join the club. Then he attended a radio school during the evening and picked up information on both amateur and commercial radio. He read and he listened and he learned—then ordered, not a lot of miscellaneous parts, which were advertised as being for use in connection with radio, but units and sundries for which he knew there would be a demand. His stock, upon the receipt of his initial order, was just about as great as you would find it if you went into his store to-day, and its value was just about one half that of his competitor’s. There was little deadwod and it has only been necessary for Mm to make a few additions to his line occasion- ally and re-order what he has sold. • He did a little advertising and the amateurs began coming into his store; some of them out of mere curiosity. He made every effort to satisfy them, and he is now selling most of the apparatus in that particular city. His com- petitor still has a large stock and probably will have until he wakes up. Now, the successful dealer did no sell his apparatus simply be- cause he happened to study the "game" and gradually pick up a knowledge of the equipment which would be in demand; it was be- cause he could talk intelligently with his customers; he could give them advice concerning their pur- chases which would help them to get the greatest satisfaction from them; he knew their needs and could supply them. His compe- titor, however, could have sold the same units, for his stock covered about everything needed for radio, but the only knowledge he had of them was their trade names and the prices he paid for them and for which they should be sold; he knew nothing of how they were to be used. In the beginning, he secured the trade because he was the only dealer in the vicinity who could supply the demand; be lost it as soon as his competitor was in a position to supply the demand intelligently.

One of the Best Forms of Advertising. At the radio club, the second dealer, by nothing but consistent

application and attention, managed to break down the original feeling 'ii'aln'it Mm. The fellows admit- ted that he knew what he was •‘•'ilk'l1 0 ' about. The club was not endowed with great funds for the purchase of equipment, so, u aiiv particular lecture to '.e given the lecturer would omy havp 1«» seek this man who wouml loan ai) the apparatus necessary for the actual demonstration of the lecture. Can you beat that for advertising? The practice of one club mem- ber’s telling all about some new wrinkle and showing how it could be done with apparatus which could be purchased at the local store, soon became a regular thing and the sales went up with leaps and bounds. This particular dealer now requires two counter men to take care of his radio trade, and he does a good mail order business as well. The men who are behind his radio counter were selected from the best amateurs in the city and he pays them well. They, also, are members of the local radio club and have stations of their own. One of them teaches radio in a local evening school.

Going Out Miles to Gather in Sales. There are so many good points about this business and the me- thod of carrying it on, that we may well consider more of them. At his home, this dealer has erect- ed a complete radio* station; he didn’t go and hire someone else to do it, but put up the whole she- bang himself, to learn just what sort of a job it was. He can work with other stations within more than a hundred miles of his home and, in this way, can keep in per- sonal contact with many of his mail-order customers. They meet him , via the air, and they buy from him because they happen to "know" him. Both his counter men continue to operate their amateur stations, and, by reason of the fact that they are well-known in amateur circles, have a following which they bring to the store merely by being connected with it. They have many a chat over the wire, and are able to let the fellows within miles know how things are progressing. Do you wonder that this deal- er’s competitor frequently di3- plays radio equipment in liis win- dow, with cut-rate price tags at- tached to it? He is certainly up against a stone wall, when trying to buck such an efficient radio de- partment as this. The progres- sive dealer, by the way, has man- aged to increase his business not less than 20 per cent, a month, even during the comparatively dull summer period.

A Bad and Common Blunder. It makes little difference what you are selling; the fault we will now consider may be found just as often in the sale of automobile tires, frying pans, or cut-glass bowls, as in radio. Bill Jones ambles up to the ra- dio counter and asks to see a set, made by the So-and-So Company, and this is about the sort of thing that happens frequently: After Bill has made known his desire to the man behind the counter, who happens to belong to the same radio club and with whom he is acquainted—let’s call him Jack, —Jack’s face lights un and he says: "Why, Bill, you are here just at the right moment to get all the dope on a So-and-So outfit." Then, nodding in the direction of a gentleman further down the room, he says, "I want you to meet Mr. Smith, who repre- sents the So-and-So Company, and who is going to give us a little talk at the club this evening. Mr. Smith, meet Mr. Jones, one of our prominent amateurs and origina- tor of the greatest little portable transmitter you could imagine; he is going to have it over at the club with him to-night." There is nothing anparently wrong with such an introduction, but let us examine what follows right in its wake. The set which Bill Jones came into the store tp buy is now the least of his troubles. He has heard about Smith and wants to know what sort of a fellow he really is. It is then up to Smith to "sell" Smith to Bill Jones. Bill begins to find out all about Smith by des- cribing to him the portable trans- mitter he, Bill, has perfected and bases his opinion of Smith by the interest he displays in the recount- ing of the wonders of the outfit. Smith, of course, has to listen with great patience and register interest, though he may have heard similar stories in the last ten towns he visited: he has to agree what a wonderful little out- fit it must be and all that sort of thing. Then he has to tell Bill all about the So-and-So Radio Company—going over, for this one man, the whole story he is to tell the club that evening. Finally, he must sell Bill the outfit he came into the store to buy. In the meantime, all the cus- tomers who happened to be at the radio counter at the time of the introduction, likewise forget that they came to make purchases and listen to the conversation of the two, who are reputed to be well versed in radio technique. The radio department goes out for the air, so to speak, until Bill has made his purchase, said a lot of nice things to Smith, hoped he would surely see him at the club in the evening, and made his de- parture. Other customers who happen into the store and meet friends at the department, have, "There’s Smith, of the So-and-So Radio Company", whispered to them. Bango! for everything they had in mind when they came in, and it is not at all unlikely that Smith will be called upon to per- form again, before he has a chance to grab his hat and bag and es- cape. This sort of thing happens so frequently and with such a great loss of time for the entire depart- ment, that it is decidedly to be avoided. The better practice to follow is for Jack, behind the counter, to sell Bill Jones every- thing he wants to buy; clear every- thing off that slate and then, with- out any fuss, make the introduc- tion. Smith will not then have to sell first himself, then his com- pany and the set which Jones came into the store to buy. Those who desire to meet Smith will have the opportunity at the club meeting which, after all, is the proper place. The man behind the counter should make every effort to hold the patron’s attention until there is no further prospect of sales rather than divert his attention to other persons or events.

Here’s Another. Many dealers fail absolutely to take advantage of snmA of the manufacturer’s effo sales easy for them, asked for a certain h a store where I hrp. • . making a few sm: <’ The salesman did • ho unit he wanted—tl , * o. ;

MAKING THE RADIO DEPARTMENT PAY. desired make, though there were units designed for identically the same use, made by three other manufacturers, in his show case The customer had a general know- ledge of what the unit was to he used for, from a description he read in a catalogue, but he did not know what the thing looked like. When he was told there were none in stock he took it for granted that he would have to look else- where. Without his knowing it, I followed him to another store and hung in the offing while he was being waited on. In the second store, the man be- hind the counter also had to tell his customer that the stock of the particular units he sought was de- pleted, but there was another unit designed for the same purpose and he had a number of them in stock, asking if his patron would like to see it. Of course he wanted to see it! So down came a little cardboard box from among a number on one of the shelves, the tissue paper was quickly removed from the unit after the box had been opened, and the unit was then placed in the customer’s hand. Do you suppose any sales talk was necessary? Not a bit of it! The fellow who wanted to buy that article was so tickled to have it actually in his hands that he could hardly wait to have it wrapped. In the first instance, the man behind the counter could just as well have made the sale, in fact he could have sold a unit which was less costly than the desired one, and which would also have yielded him a greater profit, but he let it slip by because he did not know what the units were used for, and the one called for, instead of going under its technical name, carried a trade name. The man who did make the sale, as it hap- pened, disposed of a higher- priced article than the one called for, because he knew his stock and the uses to which it could be Put as well as the substitutions which could be made without re- sulting in less service to the con- sumer. It is this service to your cus- tomers which will determine the value your radio department will be to you. If you are not well versed in radio, you will do well to put men behind your counter who are , or the success which should follow the sale of radio equipment will not come up to your expecta- tions. On the other hand, if your department is well directed the profit will surprise you.



Anglo-American Book Shop


Anglo-American Book Shop. WILLIAMS AND SON • laie Haliams). Q.V. liUiLDINGS 459 GEORGE STREET, SYDN EY. All the Latest'Wireless Books and Magazines in stock, posted anywhere

Burgin Electric Coy Ad


De Forest Radio Equipment. The name that stands for Efficiency. All classes of this Apparatus now on hand. MURDOCH'S CONDENSERS, Variable, Die-casted Type. Headphones, Rheostats, BROWN'S PHONES, 8000 ohms. Adjustable Diaphragm, CHELSEA Balanced Condensers. BRITISH Coals, Audio, Radio & Modulation Transformers REDUCTION IN PRICES. BURGIN ELECTRIC COY. 352 KENT STREET, SYDNEY.

Mr. Cooke replies to Mr. Stowe


Mr. COOKE REPLIES TO MR. STOWE. The Editor, — "Wireles? Weekly,*’ Sir, With reference to Mr. Stowe’ reply to my letter re the Trans Pacific Test, I would like to stal that the official reply published the same issue as his, so ampl explains the position and answers Mr. Stowe that it would be sur plufous for me to comment fur ther. The Central organising commit tee was appointed with the ful sanction of the representatives o the various clubs who were pre sent at the inaugural meeting in December last. Further, the fee of 10/- was decided after a very careful debate as a necessary fee to cover all the expenses which must of necessity be incurred in such an undertaking. Further, it should be remembered that the test has originated from Mel- bourne, and they have courteously given New South Wales an oppor- tunity of taking part in their ex- periment. It therefore behoves us all to respect their wishes in so far as having a central organisa- tion committee, whom they can directly deal with. With respect to the various oth- er matters, it might be as well to remind those who are dissatisfied that all amateurs were invited to the original conference when the whole matter was gone into thor- oughly, and the meeting was very well attended, it was unanimously decided to entrust the scheme to the Committee. Doubtless there will be mistakes made, but time is so very short now to complete arrangements, and for us all to get our sets made, that any attempt to re-or- ganise at this eleventh hour would be disastrous. The success of this test will mean a great thing to the Australian Amateur, and for the benefit of all it would be well for every one of[ us to forget our grievances and fall in line with the committee. This seems the only way to making the test the complete success we all hope it will prove to be. Yours faithfully, F. BASIL COOKE.



N.S.W. Bookstall Co Ltd


Just Received from America. MAKE YOUR OWN SETS. TWENTY RADIO ’PHONE DIAGRAMS and hook ups of Crystal and Audion Receiving Circuits, Ampli- fying Circuits, Regenerating and Sending Circuits 3/6 How ts Make Detector and „ Amplifier Units 3/6 How to Make a Short Wave Regenerative Receiver 3/6 14 Radio Formulae and Diagrams for the advanced Radio Student 3/6 Obtainable ot The N.S.W. Bookstall Co. Ltd. 476 George Street Sydney.

Round the Clubs


Round the Clubs.

KURING-GAI DISTRICT RADIO SOCIETY. At the last meeting of the Kur- ing-gai District Radio Society held on December 12th, a Committee was formed to go into the mat- ter of the Trans Pacifiic Tests. Following is a report of the Committee’s activities to date: On 22nd December the Com- mittee met at Mr. Wilson’s Office, Equitable Buildings, Sydney, at 5.30 p.m. having previously ar- ranged for Mr. Malcolm Perry, Chairman of N.S.W. Committee to be present and explain the pro- posed method of conducting the tests. Mr. Perry accompanied by Mr. Harvey, Hon. Secretary of the Committee were both present and after formal introductions Mr. Perry went deeply into the ar- rangements of the Committee up to date. He outlined that at a thoroughly representative meet- ing inclusive of the majority of the wireless organisations within the Metropolitan Area had been held in the city on the 6th Decem- ber, at which it was unanimously decided to form a Committee to carry out the necessary organisa- tion for successfully conducting the reception of the signals ar- ranged to be transmitted by American Amateur Experimental Station in May 1923. The main points of such organisation were viz.:—to avoid as far as possible interference between local Experi- mental Stations conducting the tests, on account of the probable use of regenerative circuits caus- ing local interference with one another and to obviate interfer- ence likely to be caused by outside experimenters listening in al- though not participating in the tests. In regard to the latter point, he explained that the Com- mittee considered that there was an obligation upon all such non- participating experimenters not to operate their sets during the period of the tests which was for one hour each night for about one month. He considered this was no hardship on local stations as the tests were arranged to take place between 6 and 7 p.m. each evening. He pointed out that it was nec- essary to defray the expenses in- curred by the Committee without it falling unduly on the shoulders of one or two, hence the Com- mittee had decided that it was on- ly fair that an entrance fee should be charged to those stations were officially recognised for the purpose of the reception of the test signals. This was being done in America where the transmit- ting stations were required to pay an entrance fee of five dollars, roughly equivalent to £1 sterling consequently in fixing the figure at 10/- for the receiving stations it was felt that no exception could be taken to their action. The Committee did not propose to limit the number of entries but felt it was necessary that they should be so organised not to be too close together for the reasou previously explained regarding in- terference. It was also hoped that a sufficient surplus from en- trance fee and donations would be available to enable suitable prizes to be given. Mr. Perry then went on to say that a Prize Committee was to be formed re- presentative of the foremost local experimenters not participating or as might be otherwise arranged to ensure equity in this regard. Forms had been prepared and forwarded to registered experi- menters giving full details of the movement in order that the Com- mittee’s work might be so far facilitated in that they would know deflnately the amount of sport they could expect in N.S.W. Finally he stated that the closing date for entries had been fixed for the 28/2/23. Messrs. Wilson, Mingay and Renshaw then discuss- ed these proposals very fully with Mr. Perry and were impressed with the local Committee’s en- thusiasm and promised that the Kuring-gai District Radio Society would use its best endeavours to assist the Local Committee.

NORTH SYDNEY RADIO CLUB. The North Sydney Radio Club held their first meeting of the year on Tuesday the 2nd inst. when there was an exceptionally large attendance. The chief attraction of the evening was the lecture, delivered by the Vice-president (Mr. Ray- mond Mclntosh) upon the sub- ject of "Wireless Telephony" which was so well received that it has been decided to ask Mr. Me Intosh to lecture again upon the same subject in the near future. The Club regret that owing to severe damage having been sus- tained by their apparatus it is doubtful whether it will be in working order by next Tuesday night when the next meeting will be held.

CLUB ROOM BROKEN OPEN. Members of the North Sydney Radio Club received a shock when they opened their clubrooms af- ter the holidays. It appears that while the rooms were closed some unauthorised person, apparently in possession of a key entered the place and caused considerable damage to the club’s set besides leaving the room itself in an indescribable condition. The opinion is expressed by some that the damage was caused maliciously and steps have been taken to discover the culprit.



Sale & Exchange


SALE & EXCHANGE Three Lines (approximately 15 Words), may be inserted in this Column for 9d. Extra Lines or part thereof, at 6d per line. WANTED to purchase, Pair Wireless ’Phones, 2,000 ohms upwards, cheap. D. LINDSAY, Gertrude av., Gordon. FOR SALE. — L. Coupler Crystal Set Complete with Two Detectors, V. Conden- sor and 50 foot Pole, with Aerials. £6 Apply Saturday, G. Mason, 27 Wells St., Annandale.

Wireless Weekly Agencies


AGENCIES. "Wireless Weekly" may be ob- tained at the following agencies in the City: N.S.W. BOOKSTALL CO. (All Branches), ANGLO-AMERICAN BOOKSTALL Q.V. Buildings, George St. BUIK, 199 George St. BUIK, York St. BOURKE, 131 George St., West. BOUFFLER, 1 Castlereagh St. GILMORE, 141 Castlereagh St. KEEBLE, 130 George St. West. MOLLOY, 222 George St. West. McNAMARA, Park St. SWAIN’S, 123 Pitt St. LIMBLESS SQLDIERS’ STALL, Martin Place. WILKINSON, Cnr. Elizabeth & Hunter Sts. COLVILLE MOORE, 10 Rowe St. ELECTRICITY HOUSE, 387 George St. ELECTRIC UTILITIES, 605 George St. O’SULLIVAN, 296 Pitt St. UNIVERSAL ELECTRIC CO., 58 Wentworth Avenue. RADIO CO., 18 Elizabeth Street. W. A. WILES, 60-62 Goulburn St. Next week we will publish sub- urban agents.

Amateur Calls Victoria


AMATEUR CALLS VICTORIA. The following is a list of Licences issued to amateurs in the State 01 New South Wales to the end of October, 1922:—

Call Signal. Name. Address. Nature of Licence. 3BI C. R. Whitelaw Mooroolbark T 3BI P. Duffy 3 Smith St., North Richmond R. 3BJ J. W. Zosky 234 Faraday Street, Carlton R. 3BK W. Thorn 37 Chrystobel Crescent, Hawthorn R. 3BL J. C. Fitchett Salisbury Street, Balyn T. 3BM H. K. Love "Lindum," Ferncroft Avenue, East Malvern R. 3BN S. W. Warren 38 Glenferrie Road, Kew R. 3BO T. P. Court "Melvine," Sorrett Avenue, Malvern R. 3BP J. H. Hood 123 Walsh Street, South Yarra R. 3BQ W. F. M. Howden "Ensleigh," Hill Street, Box Hill r] 3BR T. Moss "Wahroonga/’ Wahroonga Crescent, Murrumbeena R. 3BS H. S. Nicol "Parkside," Yarram R. 3BT B. Pringle 437 Punt Road, South Yarra R. 3BU D. A. Connelly "Larnokk," Balaclava Road, East St. Kilda R. 3BV Mrs. S. D. Trood 126 High Street, Windsor R. 3BW H. T. Thompson 70 Reed Street, Albert Park R. 3BY M. J. Macpherson 461 Mint Place, Melbourne R. 3BY H. Holst 27 Bambra Road, Caulfield R. 3BZ A. J. Redpath Ivanhoe Road, Ivanhoe R. 3CA W. H. Dorward Tooncurrie, Orlando Street, Hampton R. 3CB W. F. Sievers 30 Lesney Street, East Richmond R. 3CC University of Melb. Melbourne T. 3CD F. G. H. Brown 208 Coventry Street, South Melbourne R. 3CE K. C. B. Randle 893 Rathdown St., North Carlton R. 3CF R. H. Davies "Harelands," Willsmere Road, Kew - R. 3CC J. P. Barclay "Almora," Bishop Street, West Footscray R. 3CH C. H. Myers 33 Carlingford Street, Elsternwick R. 3CI R. B. Poole 14 Victoria Avenue, Canterbury R. 3CJ A. R. Mustard "Surrey," Taylor Street, Oakleigh R. 3CK J. B. Mann Quambatook R. 3CL A. M. Wright 37 Middle Crescent, Brighton R. 3CM R. Lighton 232 Alma Road, East St. Kilda R. 3CN R. Fisher 121 Stewart Street, East Brunswick R. 3CO A. J. G. Jarvis 64 Brinsley Road, East Camberwell R. 3CP A. F. Crosby 142 St. Kilda St., Middle Brighton R. 3CQ K. E. Gibson 161 Victoria Parade, Collingwood R. 3CR J. J. Rafferty 67 Mason Street, Hawthorn . R. 3CS W. E. Acott 39 Lynch Street, Footscray R- 3CT C. T. Skelton 263 Donald Street, Brunswick R. 3CU C. C. Waring 80 Balmain Road, Canterbury R. 3CV C. A. Young 19 Lyell Street, South Melbourne R. 3CW A, Glover "Louvain," Lyndhurst Crescent, East Brunswick R- 3CX F. N. Toohey "Espedair," The Crescent, Sandringham R. 3CY J. S. McTavish "Val Verde," Ethel St., Malvern R. 3CZ H. B. Mitchell 22 Normandy Road, Elwood R- 3DA Miss S. McC. Warren 143 Kooyong Road, Toorak R. 3DB E. V. Hobart-Duff 27 Westgarth Street, East Malvern. R. 3DC Miss B. Gurner 257 Williams Road, Hawkesburn R. 3DD L. F. G. Osborne "Louisville," Darling Road, East Malvern R. 3DE L. J. Blackney 18 Coronation Street, Geelong West R. 3DF F. D. Short 2 Mozart Street, St. Kilda R. 3DG A. Russell 29 Kensington Road, South Yarra R.

Inside Back Cover


O'Sullivan's Electric Shop


Latest Copies of Radio and Practical Electrics on hand. Recognised as Leading Publica- tions for Amateurs. Posted to any address 2/- per copy. THERE IS GREAT SATISFACTION IN MAKING A GOOD PURCHASE. WHY NOT GIVE ME A TRIAL For your next Electric Iron, Torch., Fan, Etc. ALL THE BEST MAKES STOCKP]D, PRICES ARE RIGHT. if IkVJll " 296 put St. ,Opp W&S.Board. Our Experienced Staff is Always at Your Service Large Stocks Carried of— Wireless Goods. Murdoch’ Phones Radiotron Valves Cunningham Tubes CRYSTALS Terminals, etc. Magentite Silicon, Gelena Winding Wires (all sizes) COUNTRY ORDERS RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. VALUE PARCEL POST ORDERS A SPECI ALITY.

Radio College


RADIO COLLEGE POSTER HOUSE Cp. Lang & Grosvenor Streets. Evening classes commencing next week Special Morse Code Class price 5s per night Full Correspondence Course £4 4s. 1 month Course fully Illustrated £1 10s. Full 3 months Course including Morse and Telephony £5 ss.

W. Harry Wiles Ad


QUALITY RADIO SUPPLIES We have large stocks of Quality Radio supplies for the Amateur and Experimenter. Complete Sets also parts to build your own including 3000 ohm Head Sets and Loud Speakers. SEND FOR PRICE LISTS. Mail Orders please state Licence No. if allotted. W. HARRY WILES, Importer and Supplies of Everything Electrical. 60-62 GOULBURN STREET, 1 One door from Pitt Street. SYDNEY. ESTABLISHED 1904. In answering advertisements mention Wireless Weekly

Back Cover


Universal Electric Company Ad


3 \ m <*' . v r) tt p I .* w \?W from a Terminal DEPENDABLE WIRELESS APPARATUS. Thousands of Amateur electrical experimenters prefer to build their own Wireless Sets—and it is the Universal policy to offer to the Amateur, the highest grade parts and material for the lowest possible outlay. BUILD YOUR OWN Wireless Receiving Set—but build it RIGHT. By using Universal parts, material and sim- plified instruction—you will build it RlGHT—and it will work RIGHT. Our Universal standardised loose-coupler set, using crystal detector having a wave-length range from zero to 2.000 metres—brings in clearly all Coast and Ship Stations to New Zealand—and also enables the experi- menter to "listen in" on speech, music, broadcasted concerts. To a Complete Set ĸ mwgmm «* v: tubes, wire, contact studs, terminals, base, complete with full instructions and wiring - diagrams. Price, 22/6. Postag-e, 1/-. No. 2 Finished set, with polished maple base 32/6. 3 - All Parts, to construct above set, complete with detector, aerial wire, insulators nair nf Po > stag^ m T/6 beSt double head Phones—instructionss —instructions and diagrams—NOTHlNG MORE TO BUY Price £3°/lo* Separate parts for above set:—Primary and Secondary tubes, sd. each; set of 4 ends 2/3 ner set- base, 2/6; Ebonite tuning sliders complete with 6in. flat brass rod, 2/6 each; contact studs nickelled wFth nuts, 1/9 per dozen; large, high grade nickelled Terminals, special value at 6d. each. ’ 60 Wlin Other Wireless PARTS and PRICES of special interest to the Experimenter. Standard 3 inch Dial of highly polished genuine black Bakelite, graduated from 0 to 180, exceptional value—6/6.. Valve holders, one piece Bakelite; is fitted with contact springs that will not arc under filament mr- rent of Transmitting Tubes. Price, 7/6. 1 AUDION VALVES.—AII standard makes stocked: Radiotron U.V.—200, 201; Cunningham Detector C 300, £2; Amplifier, £2/5/-; 5 Watt Transmitting Tubes, £3/5/-; genuine Audiotrons, double filament 38/G Honeycomb and Duo lateral Inductance coil giving selectivity and sharp tuning on wave-lengths from 76 to 23,800 metres. Variable condensers,' 23 plates, 18/6; 43 plate, 23/6; all parts to build your own "B" Batteries, long life, 22% and 45 volts: special "A" Storage Battery, 6 volts 15 amps, £l/5/- We have Large and Complete Stocks of all necessary Radio parts and material available for the Amateur—at very low prices. Let us know your requirements—you will like dealing with us PROMPT SERVICE on all Country Orders. ' k r*: ķ "Where your money goes the furthest/’ THE UNIVERSAL ELECTRIC COMPANY, 58 WENTWORTH AVENUE. SYDNEY. Catalogue in course of preparation. Send in your name for one.