History of wireless telegraphy and broadcasting in Australia/Topical/Publications/Australasian Radio World/Issues/1947 04

P.01 - Front Cover edit

The Australasian Radio World

Registered at the G.P.O., Sydney, for transmission by post as a periodical.


Vol. 11 - No. 11; April 15, 1947

P.02 - Crown Radio Products Ad edit

P.03 - Contents Banner edit


Devoted entirely to Technical Radio

and incorporating


VOL. 11. - APRIL, 1947. - No. 11.

P.03 - Publication Notes edit

Editor, Publisher, Proprietor — A. G. HULL, Balcombe St., Mornington, Vic.

Short-wave Editor — L. J. KEAST, 6 Fitzgerald Road, Ermington, N.S.W. 'Phone: WL1101

Ham Notes By — D. B. KNOCK (VK2NO), 43 Yanko Av., Waverley, N.S.W.

Advertising Representative for Vic. — W. J. LEWIS, 20 Queen St., Melbourne, 'Phone MU5154

Advertising Representative for N.S.W. - Amalgamated Publications Pty. Ltd., 83 Pitt St., Sydney, Phone: B1077

Subscription Rates: 6 issues - 5/3; 12 issues - 10/6; 24 issues - £1; Post free to any address in the world.

Address for all correspondence - Australasian Radio World, Balcombe St., Mornington, Victoria

Printed by Bridge Printery Pty. Ltd., 117 Reservoir Street, Sydney, N.S.W., for the proprietor of the "Australasian Radio World," Balcombe St., Mornington, Vic. (Footnote P.44)

P.03 - Contents edit



Medical and Biological . . . . 7

Trends in Pick-up Developments . . . . 13

Easy Reflex Circuits . . . . 14

Visual Tuning Indicators . . . . 17

Printed Wiring Methods . . . . 29

A Relay from an old A.F. Transformer . . . . 31


Notes From My Diary . . . . 38


Answers . . . . 42

P.03 - Editorial edit


With the opening of experimental transmissions of frequency modulated programmes in Melbourne there is now considerable interest being shown in this phase of radio development. Some radio traders hold the view that F.M. is the answer to all their problems, and see in it the promise of renewed interest in set buying. Personally I think that the Trade will be disappointed at the public reaction to the improved fidelity possible with F.M. unless it is served out to them from a loud-speaker, for example, which will cost more than a complete radio receiver at present. There seems to be no compromise with F.M. Either you make the most of it, or else it is not worthwhile. It seems to me that, for several years to come, F.M. will be of greatest interest to the enthusiastic type of experimenter, the type of "Radio World" reader who at present goes to such pains to scrape the last atom of quality reproduction from a gramophone recording. He already has an audio amplifier and speaker capable of handling good reproduction. To fit on the F .M . tuner, discriminator, and so on, will not be such an expensive task. With a few thousand of these enthusiasts demonstrating the possibilities of F.M. to their wide circle of acquaintances it is possible that the public will learn to appreciate the reason why they should make an outlay of a big sum to buy a genuine high-fidelity F.M. set. It is possible to receive F.M. with a cheap set, disregarding the improved reproduction possible, but if the Radio Trade rushes sets of this kind on to the market they will surely regret the step in the long run.— A. G. HULL.

P.07 - Technical - Medical and Biological edit

P.13 - Technical - Trends in Pick-up Developments edit

P.14 - Technical - Easy Reflex Circuits edit

P.17 - Technical - Visual Tuning Indicators edit

P.29 - Technical - Printed Wiring Methods edit

P.31 - Technical - A Relay from an old A.F. Transformer edit

P.33 - Technical - Ham Notes - Calling CQ! edit

Ham Notes - Calling CQ! By Don Knock, VK2NO

It would be much nicer to be able to write solely in praise of Ham radio in general than to have to criticise; but criticism, if offered in the right spirit, can be constructive. Criticism also isn’t offered with the idea of being a "nark,” none would be evoked at all if reason for it didn’t arise. But you, Mr. Reader, know just as well as I do, that things are not always up to the mark on our bands— things happen that could be avoided with a little thought beforehand. Perhaps these things happen because there is a tendency to treat an amateur transmitter as being on a par with a private telephone line. There isn’t any forethought that Mr. and Mrs. Public have DualWave receivers and may be turned inflexibly against radio amateurs in general just because of thoughtless drivel into microphones on the popular D X bands. It is well to remember that the majority can suffer because of the inanity of the few in this hobby of ours. It isn’t so vital where key-work is concerned, but the spoken word leaves an indelible impression. These remarks are prompted mainly after a landline inquiry from an old hand as to "what the so-and-so are the By Don Knock, VK2NO Advisory Committees doing to permit the awful drivel heard from some phone stations?” Answer to that one seems to be that the Committees, being comprised of people appointed to the job by the W .I.A. on the one hand, and the P.M.G. on the other, are firstly active Hams themselves, and supporters of active authority secondly. They have a most thankless job and don’t relish the abuse levelled at them from some people who may take a reprimand in the wrong spirit. My private opinion is that these Committees are extremely tolerant, perhaps too much so, as evident by the irate V K who made the inquiry quoted. If everything was in order in the Ham Garden of Eden, there would not be any necessity for such Committees. The members of such Committees with which I am familiar seem, to this scribe, to be a decent lot of . amateur colleagues— not a bunch of stick-wielding "narks.” If instead of the democratic method of appointment of Committeemen now in force, the members were comprised solely of P.M.G. officers, I imagine that the whole set-up would be much more severe on transgressors.

  • * *

Heard a station on 40 metres phone describing his efforts in tuning up two phased half-waves. He mentioned that "a 25 watt lamp across the top of the feeders lights up brightly, in fact it nearly burns out when modulation is applied”— that’s a new one on me. He wondered if "anybody ever did that before.” Yes. OM, plenty of fellows have used lamps in antennas as tuning indicators, but

many more have awakened to the fact that it is a sure way of advertising to BCL's that "here is a Ham station.” With that lamp blinking away in the sky the BCL with a few electrical appliance noises, etc., in his set will assume at once that his source of trouble lies with that amateur radio fanatic down the road. Tune ’em up with a lamp by all means, but take the advice of an old hand— and remove the lamp when you have finished!

  • * *

Those of you who used 28 M/cs consistently through 1946, as most of us did perforce, will remember VK4LP, then at the Loran Station on Graham Moore Island, north of Darwin? He is now VK2YQ, and on 51.1 M/cs from Schofields aerodrome, 30 miles or so from Sydney. F/O Les Page can be heard on the band most nights and is gradually putting a stronger signal from his CC rig with 832 final toward the coastline. He gets to the "Mountaineers”, of course, at S9 over the excellent direct path. Considering that Schofields is only about 50 feet above sea level, VK2YQ does w.ell to reach VK2- NO at R6. Antenna is a stubmatched groundplane.

  • * *

Don’t you think phonetics are a bit overdone in the D X phone business? Where, for example, is the logic in continuing to "phoneticise” the station call letters once contact is definitely established? There is really no need for a boring repetition of "A for America, Z for Zanzibar, H for Honolulu,” and things like that every time two stations change over to each other. If, as is usually the case, they are "knocking the meter lots of Db over S9”— the over-emphasing of call letters by the practice quoted seems to cast a doubt on one or the other’s veracity regarding the Signal Report. $ Remarks overheard on Forty phone: "the distortion on the speech is caused by a sort of Army microphone.” Maybe OM, and mayb.e not, but it is worthwhile emphasising that the capsule in the humble "Army microphone Hand No. 3” is of precisely the same type as those used in the modern house telephone handsets. They don’t produce bad speech, otherwise the P.M.G. Department wouldn’t be using them. A point to remember is to keep the voltage low on such mikes— around one volt is about all needed. H* The tenacity of some 20 metre phone D X men is considerable— they certainly set out to attract the attention of the D X stations they call. But the lengthy calling procedure, with a belated tacking on of the call sign at the end, is apt to set that D X man tuning off the caller in disgusted .exasperation at having to wait too long for the identifying signature. Stations that start off calling "so and so in the Azores . . . this is Australia calling,” and go on doing that for about 40 to 50 repetitions with nary a reference to call sign are just asking to be ignored. Reaction would be to avoid waiting for the termination of monotony and to turn to another station probably calling also from Australia, but taking good care to give the call sign with each sentence.

  • * *

The Americans tell me that all is not well with that much vaunted 300 ohm feedline when wet weather happens along. The impedance changes considerably— a state of affairs that rather surprises me in light of war-time developments with high grade insulating materials. One assumes that such feedline would use moisture-repellant dielectric, but that obviously cannot be so when the W ’s find it necessary to "Simonize” such f.eedline before stringing it for exposure to the elements.

  • * *

Here’s a thought to act upon. Why on earth don’t the gang make more use of 80 metres for daylight CW

working between city and country locations? 3.5 to 3.8 M/cs. is an excellent region for such work and lack of such occupancy shows lack of intelligence in making use of available frequencies for general communication. Ask any ex-Service W /T Op. whether or not he found that region useful during his keypunching experience with Service traffic. One outstanding reason why a lot of V K ’s don’t make better use of 80 is the ever present fear of BCL QRM. Such QRM is not likely to occur at all on CW with sensible precautions, and lots of stations now crowding in corners on 40 would do well to transfer their activities to 80 for daylight work over a few hundred miles. If you are accustomed to keeping skeds with a particular pal 300 miles or so distant on 40, try doing it on 80, and I think you will enjoy a pleasant surprise. Also, that big wide open space is ideal for QRM-free working, although it will be a different story in the winter months at night time. I recall that prewar the RAAFWR didn’t have any trouble in daylight CW work between Melbourne and Sydney on the band.

  • * *

The issue for 1947 of the NZART’s annual call sign book, published in January, has just reached me and I am impelled to say that in comparison our VK book by the P.M.G. Department is a very uninspiring effort. Published in New Zealand by the editors of "Break In”, not their Postal Department, this book has everything that the ZL needs to hand. Right up to date are the ZL calls, and there are sections devoted to NZART information, International prefixes, Frequency allocations, Operating data, Signal reporting, The Q Code, Great Circle bearings, Laws of amateur' radio, and Operating Procedure. Subscription to NZART is only 7/6 a year, and it is worth it for their excellent issues of "Break In” and this annual call book. Address is P.O. Box 489, Wellington, N.Z.

  • * *

Have been glossing through a new high grade American mag

called "Tele-Tech,” and it strikes me as being a very FB job. Don’t ask me what the sub is, I don’t know; but it would not be cheap. The copy was loaned to me for a brief period, and among lots of interesting articles on VHF„ F.M., Television and Radio in general, there were some reviews of American manufacturers’ products. Two of them to catch the eye were: a paper tape recording outfit, called the Hyflux. This uses plain paper tape of the telegraphic kind, painted with metallic base powder. As in a steel-wire recorder, the tape passes adjacent to a magnetising head. It records for 30 minutes on a T-inch diameter 8 MM film reel. The other: latest idea in Television by the Dumont Co.— they make use of a modulated light beam as the medium for television pictures. As this is written, early in March, news reaches me that in Brisbane VK4H R has been hearing signals from W7ACS/KH6 Honolulu on Six. If correct, this heralds, no doubt, the Pacific F2 Layer opening to Australia that we of the 50 M/cs band feel in our bones! The VHF world is no longer full of surprises, but there is much to be done south of the Equator. The overseas magazines, "Q ST”, "Short-Wave Magazine,” and "RSGB Bulletin” carry the epic story of the first 50 M/cs trans-Atlantic.

  • * *

In the Sydney area the D X openings have been less frequent and the two last occasions were in the

direction of Tasmania. There are, however, several periods, when the band has all the'Symptoms of being open in some direction, but because of non-occupancy, the signals just aren’t there. Stations active in and around Sydney show fluctuation in numbers with some stations off the air for various reasons. That staunch user of the ban, VK2AZ, is off owing to an unforeseen change of QTH, with domestic arrangements being such that Ham radio must wait. V K 2W J, also a leader on the band, has made a change of QTH and finds himself now assailed by car ignition troubles, being, perforce, located on a main highway. Among the active stations are listed V K ’s 2JU, 2AHF, 2EM, 2NP, 2ABC, 2DF, 2AFO, 2LZ, 2LY, 2LS, 2ABZ and 2NO, with newcomers on the band being VK2N I and VK2YQ. The latter station is located at the Schofields aerodrome about 30 miles out of Sydney, and is well down in the hollow with no line-of-sight path to Sydney. His signal reaches my receiver at S3 only, but the Mountaineers get him at S8. Visiting Sydney has been Elgar Treharne, VK3AFQ, who says that there are about 30 active stations on Six in and around Melbourne. Congratulations are in order for VK3AFQ ’s OM Treharne Senior, who at no young age has just passed his AOCP exam and will be appearing on the air with a station of his own. Having two sons, both active licensed Hams, Pop no doubt decided that he wasn’t going to let them get away with all the honours!

By courtesy of V K 3Y T a message came from ZLlA O saying: "Now operating on 50.64, 50.46, and 51.16 M/cs, both phone and CW. W ill be pleased to arrange skeds for week-ends.” The good Lord knows, we have been trying hard enough at this end— but time will tell. V K 3Y T says that so far he hasn’t heard a signal on Six there in Ballarat. ❖ * Hs From VK3W C, Horsham, Vic., comes details of doings on the band there. "Congratulations on the D X — heartening news indeed— at last dividends have been paid for long hours of toil and waiting. I had bad luck as when the D X broke we were in the throes of moving from Melbourne. However, I do feel that I was in it all to some degree, as that night you called me with the QTC (on twenty) and returned to Six yourself; I spent 3 hours getting the Melbourne boys on the band. I am settled, and now back on the band with 12 watts, unfortunatefy from DC mains. AC is not far off; however. Am working on the 50 and 166 M/cs bands with a 3 element rotary and a 16 element on the way. Am interested in the ground-plane type of antenna (see Philips Technical Communications No. 2, February, 1947, for a special article by G. Thompson). Last week we heard, but did not identify, a station on 53.5 M/cs.

v. ith a badly surging signal, Q l R l-9, time 1840 hrs EST.”

  • * *

Grounded-grid*technique for RF amplification should show definite advantages on 50 M/cs and it is planned to do some work on a special Converter in the near future, making use of a valve applicable for the purpose. It is noted in the advertisements in American magazines that a twin stage preselector for 50 and 144 M/cs is available, using grounded-grid RF amplifiers with lighthouse valves. For those who imagine that any old kind of valve can be used as a grounded grid RF stage, please note: valves used for such work are specially designed for the purpose. The valve for the job, available in short supply in this country, is the RL37.

  • * *

A word from ZL3FB, Editor of the excellent ZL magazine, "BreakIn” : "The work you chaps are doing on 50 and 166 M/cs is very fine. W e are very interested in it and are doing our best to get the gang here going on the two bands, so that there may be the chance of that VK-ZL 6 metre QSO before long. Our Ionosphere people here tell us that March should be another good month, so we live in hopes.” Because of higher priority on 50 M/cs relative to possible D X, activity on 166 M/cs in and around Sydney is at present very limited.

  • * *

In common with many other Hams, I have a habit of browsing around the bookshops, on the look out for anything of interest to read in the shape of copies of overseas periodicals. Normally, such a quest is hopeless in these times; only way to get copies of mags, one was accustomed to see prewar i£ to subscribe direct. Note, however, that the subscription fee is likely to make a bit of a hole in the pocket, an unpleasant feature which is enough to drive one to the Public Library.

Sometimes one does run across an odd copy or two of scarce, but very prominent American Technical publications on the bookshop shelves, but a glance at the pencilled price thereon is enough to provoke a loud whistle. Spotted three copies of a high grade American magazine covering radio and electronics, and despite the fact that they were months old, the price marked thereon in pencil was 8/6 per copy! Prewar the figure would have been 2/6, and dear at that. Now for one copy is asked the best part of a year’s subscription to "A .R.W .” !

Because of such prohibitive prices I have no hesitation where the occasion befits in passing on ideas from overseas publications in these pages, with due acknowledgment, of course. Technical literature is essential to progress of future generations and there is no blinking the fact that Australia does not have access to the very latest in scientific development, and cannot, for lots of reasons, publish magazines to compare with many from overseas. No young man with a yen for things scientific should be faced with extortionate prices for magazines.

SIX METRE DX NEWS FLASH! H eadquarters station of the A.R.R.L., W 1 A W , broadcast the fo llow ing in fo rm a tio n on A p ril 2, 1947: "T o a ll radio am ateurs. The firs t tw o-w ay contact between N orth and South A m e rica occurred M arch 23 a t 2.50 p.m. E.S.T. (5.20 a.m. 2 4th Sydney T im e ), when W 4 IU J o f W est Palm Beach, Florida, worked O A4AE, Lim a, Peru, a distance o f 3000 miles. W 4G JO o f O rlando, Florida, also worked O A4AE shortly a fte r. W 4IU J becomes elig ib le fo r the M ilwaukee Radio A m a teu r Club 50 M /c s . Cup, offered to the firs t am ateur m aking tw o-w ay contact w ith another C ontinent on 50 M /c s . from the M a in ­ land. Favourable propagation conditions on M arch 24 resulted in reception of 50 M /c s . a uto ­ m atic transm issions from PAU N by South A fric a n stations ZS1P, ZS1T, ZS 1A X , and ZS1DJ, over a distance o f 6000 m ile s." It w ill be observed from these contacts th a t the N orthSouth Path is predom inant. The Dutch station, PA U N , was granted special permission by the N etherlands G overnm ent to use the 50 M /c s . band, w hich is not yet allocated in th a t country. This is in sharp contra s t to B rita in , w hich fla tly refused permission to am ateurs there to w ork in the 50-54 M /c s . region instead o f the alloted 5 8-60 M /c s . — VK2NO

P.33 - Technical - Ham Notes - First Trans-Pacific 50 Mc. Signals edit

There are people who get a lot of interest in trying to do the seemingly impossible on Six metres, and one of these is "Tibby” Scholz, VK4HR, of 95 Stephens St., Morningside, Brisbane. To VK4H R and W7ACS/KH6 (Honolulu) fall the credit for having kept at schedules until some indication of tangible result has come to light. In a letter to VK2NO, VK4H R says . . . "I have been running regular schedules with W7ACS/KH6 for about 12 days. On the 28th February at 1352 E.S.T. I heard his 50 M/cs signal for approximately 5-6 seconds, receiving the callsign '4H R’, then a 'V ’. About a minute later I heard the letters ’AC’. On the following day I heard him just once, but for about 3 seconds. His signals are 800 cycle modulated CW, and were received at R4-5. On the 3rd of this month W7ACS/

KH 6 suggested that I transmit on Six for half-an-hour whilst he remained on Ten metres, working break-in duplex. At 1213 G.M.T. ' he broke in saying: "I am hearing you at S3 Tibby OM.” I sent "R O .K .”, but after that my signals on Six faded out. W e are keeping up the skeds, but with both of us now on Six. Both of us have heard very weak signals for short duration on our respective frequencies, so we still hope that we can make a two-way QSO on the band soon.” Thus, it seems, the preliminary . ice has been partly broken, and don’t forget that 25 years ago it was an equally tough struggle to try to get signals across the Pacific on 200 metres— now there is something of the old pioneering spirit displayed in these Six metre attempts.

P.38 - Shortwave Review - Notes From My Diary edit

Shortwave Review conducted by L. J. Keast

NOTES FROM M Y DIARY TIM E, GENTLEMEN, PLEASE! Listeners are reminded that London clocks were advanced one hour as from March 16, and on April 13 will go forward another hour. That does not, of cofarse, affect Greenwich Mean Time, but it is quite possible before these pages reach you the Pacific Service from the BBC will have reverted to our winter schedule of 3— 7 p.m. IT IS N O W CRYSTAL CLEAR Just a little over two years ago Dr. Gaden notified me he had heard HCJB, Quito, on 15.095 me, 19.87 m. It now transpires this frequency was occasioned by a crystal ground to that particular frequency and an attempt to regrind it was not successful, but just recently a new crystal was obtained, and HCJB then moved to 15.115 me, 19.84 m, where they can be heard most nights from 10 o’clock.


I regret that my letter will not be among the many that have doubtless left these shores in anticipation of an acknowledgment from Saigon for a correct report on the special broadcast to "Radio News’’ on Sunday, March 16. I had hurried home by car and a check of the 25 metre band at 7.30 showed everything O.K., and I heard K N B X on 11.79 me close at that hour with an excellent signal. But at 8 o’clock local interference just threw a blanket over 11.78 me, and moving to 4.81 me I still had no luck. I have since been told that at the last minute Saigon used 6.19 me. W ell that’s how it goes, and like golf one hopes to do better tomorrow. TH EY ARE N O T DINKUM In March issue of "A .R.W .” I mentioned Bryan Hayes had ceased to verify reports on BBC transmissions. The reason is contained

in a letter Mr. Phil Byard, of Launceston, Tasmania, has received from Mr. Phillips (Engineering Controller of the BBC) which reads, "The verification card which you kindly sent on (for G SB) is particularly interesting, because the person who has signed it (B. Hayes) has no connection with the BBC and is not authorised to issue verification of reception of our transmissions. I understand the matter is being taken up from, the legal aspect and regret to say that this verification card, from the BBC’s standpoint, is spurious.” So toss those cards away if you have received any. The BBC would,

if they could, willingly send verification cards, but with so many transmitters in operation at the same time and so much of their programmes being used in transmissions to many countries on frequencies only a few kilocycles apart actual verification is extremely difficult. They do, however, have their own observers in various parts of the world, and it is through them that so many suitable frequencies are chosen. Don’t forget the BBC are always anxious to receive reports on programmes, particularly as to how the subject matter chosen for our Pacific Service, for instance, appeals to listeners.

P.38 - Shortwave Review - New Stations edit


X1CR, ?, Shanghai, 6.04 me, 49.67 m: Rex Gillett gives particulars of this one, but is doubtful of call letters and location. All programme and not a good transmission is in Chinese and appears to open at 8.30 p.m. So far I have not heard it.— L.J.K. (This is an assigned frequency for XGSA, Nanking.— L.J.K.) Radio Saigon, 6.195 mc, 48.47 m: Although this frequency allotted to French Indo-China and used a few years ago it was not heard until last ? ? ? ? This frequency allotted to French-Indo China many years ago and used by them before the war, has apparently been "off the air” for a good while, but as mentioned elsewhere in these pages came back suddenly, replacing 4.81. TGLB, Mazatenango, 6.905mc 43.44 m: This is a new station in Guatemala and relays TGL-TGLA

from 10 am— 1 pm. Its slogan is, "La Voz de Mazatenango” and is reported per air mail by Roger Legge. DON’T MISS THIS SWISS MISS It is quite likely during the winter months that the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation will introduce two new broadcasts to Australia on 11.865 me, 25.28 m, and 11.715 me, 25.61 m. The schedule has not yet been determined, but will probably be for an hour or so, commencing around 5 pm. CHANGE OF FREQUENCY ZBW -3, Hongkong, 9.515 me, 31.53 m: Like several other stations round that part of the globe, Hongkong has had some tripping about, but on this frequency, reported by Rex Gillett, they are heard well at 9 and 11 pm, in relay of BBC news.

P.38 - Shortwave Review - The Month's Loggings edit

The Month's Loggings

ALL TIMES ARE EASTERN AUSTRALIAN STANDARD TIME Pressure on space only perm its o f unusual Loggings or alterations in schedules or frequencies. Readers w ill show a g ra te fu l consideratio n fo r others if they w ill n o tify me o f any alterations. Please send reports to L. J. Keast, 6 Fitzgerald Road, Erm ington, N.S.W. 'Phone: W L 1101. OCEANIA A u s t r a l ia VLA-4, Lyndhurst,. 11.77 me, 25.49 m: Good signal from 6.30— 9 a.m. — L.J.K. VLW -7, Perth, 9.52mc 31.51 m: Excellent signal when opening with news at 8 p.m.— L.J.K. VLC-4, Shepparton, 15.23 me, 19.58m: To Forces in Pacific, Japan, and India from 6.55— 8 p.m. VLB-5, Shepparton, 21.54mc, 13-93 m: From 1.15— 5.29 p.m. on Saturdays only. Race descriptions, etc. VLG-7, Lyndhurst, 15.l6rr.c, 19.79 m: From 1.15— 5.29 p.m. on Saturdays only. Race descriptions, etc. F IJI Radio Suva, 6.17mc, 48.62m: Can be heard well most nights with weather reports around 9 p.m. (Miss Sanderson). NEW CALEDONIA Radio Noumea, 6.l6m c, 48.70m: Note change in frequency. Good signal from 5.30— 8 p.m. — L.J.K. NEW GUINEA VLG, Port Moresby, 15.08mc, 19.89m: Often heard at night contacting Australia. NEW ZEALAND ZLT-7, Wellington, 6.715mc, 44.68m: News heard at 7 p.m. THE EAST C h in a XG O Y, Chungking, 11.92mc, 25.27m: News at 8.30 p.m. (Miss Sanderson). XGOA, Nanking, 11.83mc, 25.36 m: Splendid signal on this new frequency around 9.15 p.m.— L.J.K. XORA, Shanghai, 11.69mc, 25.66 m: News and music from 7.45 p.m. (Miss Sanderson). CEYLON SEAC, Colombo, 15.12mc, 19.84 m: Gives programme details at 8.15 p.m. SEAC, Colombo, 7.185mc, 41.75 m: Heard on Mondays from 4.30 — 6.30 a.m. SEAC, Colombo, 6.07 5mc, 49.38 m : Fair late at night. CELEBES Radio Macassar, 9.36mc, 32.00m: Dutch interspersed with music. Good at 10 p.m. FRENCH INDO-CHINA Radio Saigon, 11.78mc, 25.47m: Good nightly from 8 o’clock.— L.J.K. Radio Saigon, 4.81mc, 62.37m: m: Very noisy and now seems to have been replaced by 6.19mc, 48.47m.— L.J.K. Radio Saigon, 6.19mc, 48.47m: Am hearing Saigon here instead of on 4.81mc. (Gillett). JAPAN WLKS, Kure, 6.105mc, 49.14m: This BCOF station is heard nightly with new closing time of 8 o’clock, when station announcements are made. Signals poor. (Gillett.) Radio Tokyo, 4.95mc, 60.6lm : Quite a loud station and easily identified. (Simpson.) INDIA VUD-10, Delhi, 17.83mc, 16.82m: Good in afternoons . . . Chinese programme at 8 p.m. — L.J.K. VUD-8, Delhi, 21.51mc, 13.95m: News and music at 8 p.m. (Miss Sanderson). Best in late afternoons.— L.J.K. VTJD-3, Delhi, 15.29mc, 19.62m: News in English at 10.30 p.m. Gillett).

VUD-3 Delhi, 11.845mc, 25.33m: News in English at 10.30 p.m. (Gillett.) PHILIPPINES KZPI, Manila, 9.71mc, -30.90m: Good at night and also fair before breakfast.— L.J.K. Heard opening at 7.30 a.m. (Gillett.) KZRH, Manila, 9.64mc, 31.10m: An old favourite and always a good programme.— L.J.K. PORTUGUESE CHINA CR8AA, Macau, 9.235mc, 32.49m: News in Chinese at 10 p.m. (Miss Sanderson.) HONGKONG ZBW -3, Hongkong, 9.525mc, 31.49m: BBC relay at 9 p.m. (Miss Sanderson.) Has now moved to 9.515mc, 31.53m (G illett). INDONESIA PLP, Bandoeng, ll.OOmc, 27.27m: Very good nightly. PLY, Bandoeng, 10.06mc, 29>79m: Also very good nightly. MALAYA Radio Singapore, 11.735mc, 25.56 m: News in Dutch and clock chimes at 8.30 p.m. (Miss Sanderson ). Radio Singapore, 6.77mc, 44.31m: Providing conditions satisfactory, news in English can be heard at 10 p.m.— L.J.K. SIAM HSPP, Bangkok, 5.99mc, 50.08m: Difficult to hear because of noise, but sometimes audible at 10 p.m. GREAT BRITAIN BBC L o n d o n GSK, 26.10mc, 11.49-m: Opens at 9.15 p.m. to East Africa, Near East and Eastern Mediterranean Area. GSV, 17.81mc, 16.84m: Directed to India and South-East Asia from 8 p.m. and puts in an excellent signal nightly, especially around 10 o’clock. EUROPE A l b a n ia ZAA, Tirana, 7.85mc, 38.15m: News in English at 6.15 a.m. (Miss Sanderson). A u s t r ia Radio Vorarlberg, Dornbirn, 6.005 me, 49.95m: Verified by letter in two months. Is on the air from 3— 4.45 p.m. and 2— 9 a.m. (Roger Legge). B u l g a r ia Radio Sofia, 9.35mc, 32.09m: Very poor signal at 6.30 a.m. B e l g iu m RNB, Brussels, 17.84mc, 16.82m: Can be heard almost nightly til closing at 10.30 p.m. C z e c h o s l o v a k ia OLR-5A, Prague, 15.23mc, 19.7m: Scheduled to North America daily 10 a.m.— 11 a.m.; News in English at 10.35 (Radio News). OLR-5C, Prague, 15.l6mc, 19.79 m: Opens at 1a.m. OLR-4A, Prague, 11.84mc, 25.34 m: Good at 6.30 a.m.— L.J.K. OLR-3A, Prague, 9.55mc, 31.41m: News in English to N. America at 4.45 a.m. (Radio News). OLR-2A, Prague, 6.01mc, 49.92m: News in English at 4.45 a.m. Radio News). News in English at 6.45 a.m. (Miss Sanderson). F r a n c e Radio Paris, 15.35mc, 19.54m: Very good at night.— L.J.K. Radio Paris, 15.24mc, 19.69-m: Excellent late at night.— L.J.K. Radio Paris, 11.88 me, 25.22m: News in French at 3.45 p.m. (Miss Sanderson). Radio Paris, 9.52mc, 31.51m: Very good at 6 a.m. Radio Paris, 7.24mc, 4l.44m : Being heard at 6 a.m.— L.J.K. G e r m a n y Radio Leipzig, 9.733mc, 30.83m: "Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk” heard in early mornings relaying Berlin programme. (G illett.) Radio Munich, 9.54mc, 31.45m: Very good till closing at 7.30 a.m. (Miss Sanderson.) Radio Munich, 7.29mc, 41.15m: Fair at breakfast time. (Miss Sanderson.) Radio Munich, 6.17mc, 48.62m: Only fair in mornings.— L.J.K. G r e e c e SVM, Athens, 9.935mc, 30.20m: Heard occasionally in early .mornings. — , Athens, 7.295mc, 41.21m: "Stathmos Athinon” gives news at 6.15 a.m. in English.— L.J.K. H o l l a n d PCJ, Hilversum, 17.77mc, 16.89m: Tuesdays 6— 7.30 p.m. (Cushen). PCJ. Hilversum, 15.22mc, 19.70m: News in English at 11.30 p.m. (Miss Sanderson). Special on Tuesdays at 6-—7.30 p.m. (Cushen). PCJ, Hilversum, 9.59mc, 31.28m: Special programme for Australia and New Zealand on Tuesdays from 6— 7.30 p.m. PCJ, Hilversum, 6.023mc, 49.79m: Tuesdays 6— 7.30 p.m. (Cushen). I t a l y Radio Italiana, Milan, 9.63mc, 31.15m: Very good just before breakfast.— L.J.K. V a t ic a n C i t y HVJ, 9.66mc, 31.06m: Excellent at 4.30 p.m. (R & H ) . HVJ, 6.19mc, 48.47m: Good with English at 6 a.m. HVJ, 5.97mc, 50.27m: See remarks above. S p a in Radio Espana, Madrid, 9.37mc, 32.00m: Very good in mornings. — L.J.K. Sw it z e r l a n d HER-7, Schwarzenburg, 17.784 me, 16.87m: Can be heard on Mondays only at 6 p.m. (R & H ). HER-6, Schwarzenburg, 15.30mc, 19.60m: Opens at 1 a.m. HER-5, Schwarzenburg, 11.865mc, 25.28m: Watch for special transmission to Australia on Mondays and Thursdays, commencing about 5 p.m. very shortly. (Is now being used on Tuesdays and Saturdays from 5.15 p.m. — L.J.K. HEI-5, Schwarzenburg, 11.715mc, 25.61m: Special for Australia on Tuesdays and Saturdays from 5.15 p.m. HER-4, Schwarzenburg, 9-.35mc, 31.47m: Newrs in French and English at 8.15 a.m. (Miss Sanderson).

HER-3, Schwarzenburg, 6.l65mc, 48.66m: An old timer back again in the mornings. SCANDINAVIA F in l a n d O IX-2, Pori, 9.503mc, 31.57m: Fair around 6 a.m.— L .J.K .. N o r w a y LKQ, Fredrikstad, 11.735mc, 25.56 m: Heard well at 7 a.m. . . . seems to sign off at 9 o’clock. (Gillett.) LKJ, Oslo, 9.54mc, 31.45m: Heard well at 7 a.m. . . . seems to sign off at 9 o’clock. (G illett). LLJ, Oslo, 6.195mc, 48.50m: Heard well, at 7 a.m. . . . seems to sign off at 9 o’clock. (Gillett.) Sw e d e n SBT, Motala, 15.155mc, 19.80m: Heard fairly well at 5 p.m. (Miss Sanderson ). SBP, Motala, 11.705mc, 25.63m: Excellent signal in English lesson and music at 5 p.m. (Miss Sanderson.) SDB-2, Motala, 10.78mc, 27.83m: Very good in early morning andtill 6.30 a.m. (R & H ). CENTRAL AMERICA C o s t a R ic a TIGPH, San Jose 5.87mc, 51.07m: Heard 10 a.m.— 1 p.m. as "Alama Tica;” from 1 p.m.— 2 p.m. announces as "La Reina del Aire” (Roger Legge). G u a t e m a l a T G L B , Mazatenango, 6.905mc, 43.44: See "New Stations.” SOUTH AMERICA Chile CE-'l 180, Santiago, 12.00mc, 25.00 m: Opens at 9.30 p.m. (Gillett.) CE-1190, Valparaiso, 11.90mc, 25.21m: Heard opening nightly at 9.30 p.m. with playing of "Land of Hope and Glory” (G illett). E c u a d o r HCJB, Quito, 15.155mc, 19.85m: News in English at 7.45 a.m. (Miss Sanderson). HCJB; Quito, 12.455mc,' 24.08m: Very good at 8.30 a.m. (Miss Sanderson). P e r u OAX4P, Lima, 5.87mc, 51.07m: Note this new frequency . . . was 8.975mc. (Cushen.) MISCELLANEOUS A z o r e s — , Ponta, Delgada, 7.018mc, 42.76 m: "Emissora Regional Azores” with power of 1000 watts has replaced 11.09mc at 6 a.m. (The Azores on 7.018mc, was first reported by Rex Gillett just over a year ago.— L .J.K .) I r a n EPB, Teheran, 15.10mc, 19.86m: Verified after 4 months by registered letter (Roger Legge). 4 M a r t in iq u e Radio Martinique, Fort-de-France, 9.342mc, 32.12m: Has moved to here from 9.705mc and is heard much better. Signs on at 9 a.m. (Roger Legge). M e x ic o XEHH, Mexico City, 11.88mc, 25.25m: News in Spanish and chimes at 12.45 p.m. (Miss Sanderson). S y r ia FXE, Beirut, 8.036mc, 37.33m: Verified in 3 months with nice card. Schedule is: 3-—4.15 p.m.; 8.15— 11 p.m.; 1.30— 7 a.m. (Roger Legge.) W EST INDIES C u b a COKG, Santiago, 8.95mc, 33.50m: Musical selections at 9.30 p.m. (Miss Sanderson). COHI, Santa Clara, 6.45mc, 46.48 m: Excellent at 9-40 p.m. (Miss Sanderson). H a it i HHCM, Port-au-Prince, 6.l65mc, 48.06m: News in French at 9-30 p.m. (Miss Sanderson).

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