Handbook of Management Scales/Organizational responsiveness

Organizational responsiveness (alpha = 0.78; 0.80) edit

Description edit

To measure the construct, the authors relied on scale items previously used by Kale et al. (2000), Kohli et al. (1993), and Mohr & Spekman (1994).

Definition edit

Organizational responsiveness refers to a firm’s reaction to external entities and events occurring in its environment.

Items edit

  • The firm/partner trusts outsiders unless given a reason not to (e.g., willingly shares sensitive information, such as future product introductions, allowing other firms on customer sites). (0.62; 0.77)
  • The firm/partner has an open approach to conflict resolution (e.g., disagreements are monitored, discussed openly, and resolved by the parties involved). (0.85; 0.83)
  • The firm/partner is open minded and creative in its approach to problem solving (e.g., is flexible, explores its boundaries, differentiates its value proposition). (0.82; 0.82)
  • The firm/partner is unpretentious and humble in its attitude to outsiders such as partners and suppliers. (0.70; 0.73)
  • The firm/partner is agile (e.g., quick to respond to emerging situations, reach decisions, sign agreements, enter markets, launch products, and seize opportunities). (0.64; 0.74)

Source edit

Comments edit

Some items might rather measure "trusting outsiders" or "openness".

Related Scales edit