Guide to the Godot game engine/Installation

The Godot game engine is free to use, and can be obtained at their official website. Choose the Godot 4 download if you have modern hardware, or Godot 3 if you have, or want to target, older hardware.

Then you need to download the file you need. For example, for windows, you need to download the windows file. You can ignore the export templates for now.

After downloading the .zip folder, unzip it and move the contents to anywhere you want. You may want to add a few shortcuts as well.

Alternatively, you can install Godot via Steam,, or the Epic Store for free. This is a great way to do it if you don't like manually moving files into your programs folder. However, downloading Godot this way will not include mono support, meaning you won't be able to use c# in your game.

If you get both the official website desktop version and a Steam installation, your project files will be kept separate between both installations.

You can also use the web editor, linked on the main page of Godot's website. However, it is slow, unstable, and has very limited functionality (for example, no debugging). So this is not recommended for developing big games/apps, just for experimenting with the engine for the first time.

The android editor for mobile is also unstable. Always prefer to get the desktop version of the editor if you can.

After you have done that, simply run the engine and and go to the next page to continue.

Guide to the Godot game engine

Getting started [edit]
What is a node?
Resources and importing
Signals and methods
Your first game
Making it work
Saving and loading
Making it look good
UI skinning
Advanced help
Servers (singletons)
Platform specific
Helpful links
Authors and contributors
Print version

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